First day

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Lucy's POV:

Word count: 432 words

It first day on the job and I am really excited I wake up at 6:00am to make sure I'm not late and I instantly get ready.

I get to work 30 minutes before roll call and met 2 of the TOs in the locker room, Angela Lopez and Nyla Harper. They are really nice, they surprisingly warmed up to me already.

I saw Jackson and Nolan in the bullpen and I walk up to them in uniform, we talk and walk into to roll call room together.

As soon as I walk in I see a face, he seems familiar, but I think nothing of it. We all sit down at the front row and wait for Sargent Grey to walk in.

He walks in and gives a long speech about staying  here, and starts pairing us with our TOs.

Grey:So officer West you get Officer Lopez, Officer Nolan you get Officer Nyla, which leaves officer Chen with officer bradford.

I think bradford.. that seems familiar, I look back and realize who that was... I get up and find my TO already waiting for me, but first I talk to Angela, she tells me good luck because he is a bitch

I was pretty confused why she was saying this because he seemed nice. I walk up to Bradford and he tells me to get the gear and he was already waiting for me next to the shop and gave me a brief explanation.

We got into the shop and I started some small talk and started blabbing, he was kinda grumpy at work but maybe it's just him... we also agreed that the hookup and the date never happened.

The day went on fine we rarely talked but that ok, I went home and sat on my couch reflecting on the day. Out of anyone why was he my TO?! This is so awkward!

Tim's POV:

I layed in bed after I showered and wondered to myself why she broke up with me she was so prefect and she had to sit beside me everyday?!

I couldn't fall asleep the whole night and had to drink 2 cups of coffee in the morning to stay awake the next day and say her at rolecall and happy and smiley.

Once I saw her bright smile I started to smile as well. Angela was still teasing me about being happy but I didn't care.

Patrol was ok I guess nothing special except she did pass one of my Tim tests...

Sorry shot chapter again!!

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