Since when?

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Lucy's POV

Word count: 656 words

I woke up at 7:30 today which is extremely late. I didn't hear Liana crying so I must have slept in I thought, I turned to my left and didn't find anyone. I got up and went to the kitchen to find Tim holding Liana in one hand and plating pancakes with the other.

"Good morning!" I smiled brightly. "Good morning my beautiful fiance!" He said as I sat down at the counter and he settled some food in front of me. "Why didn't you wake me up, I could have helped". "I didn't want to wake you, you clearly need sleep from the past few tiring days".

I finished up my pancakes and the babysitter came in right as we were about to leave. I went in Tim's car and he drove both of us to the station. We walked in holding hands and we could see everyone's confused faces and their whispering but we didn't care.

I waved bye to Tim before walking into the girls locker room, Anglea and Nyla saw this and started bombarding me with questions. "LUCY!, what are you doing?", "Lucy, what's up with you and Bradford" Lucy this and Lucy that I just answer with "nothing".

I finished changing and walked out to find Tim. We just held hands and walked around the station until roll call started when he came to sit next to me ditching the others. "Hey, why are you here?" I questioned. "Is that a problem?" he raised his eyebrows, "no, ofc not!" and the roll call began.

Once we got out of roll call we went straight to the shop with Tim grabbing the bags, and left since we didn't want to deal with too much questioning


I went to find a table to sit at while Tim went to buy the food, Then once I sat down Angela and Nyla came walking toward me, great i'm doomed. Right then before they got here Tim got a seat and sat next to me giving me my food.

A-hey guys!!!

In my mind:



T-whats up?

N-sooo -she smirked

L-??? - I raised my eyebrow.

A-what's up with you and Bradford?

L-Nothing, wdym?

N-Just spill it!

L-spill what?

A-LUCY! you have a fiance and you like bradford that's cheating lucy.

L-I'm not cheating on anyone...

Angela and Nyla knew this was going to be the outcome so they just left.


Isn't this great, the babysitter is sick and she can't come in! I have nobody else to help me babysit, I'm just going to need to bring Liana to work.


"Wow, didn't know today was 'bring your kid to work day'." chuckled Anglea. "Sorry, the babysitter was sick and I didn't have anyone to watch her!" I said. "It's ok,I get it" Grey told me.

I walked into the roll call room 1 minute late with Tim and interrupted Grey a bit, "Here go to daddy" I said handing Liana over to Tim not realizing I was interrupting. Once I came to my senses I instantly started apologizing and we went to our seats.

Roll call finished and I decided to stay back and do paperwork so I can take care of Liana, while Tim went on patrol, but he refused to go on patrol to help me.


"WHAT WAS THAT!?!" yelled Angela. "wdym" I questioned. "YOU NEVER TOLD ME TIM WAS THE FATHER!" she yelled where Nyla joined. "well... what can i say?" I tried laughing off the pissed Angela while Tim was standing next to me holding Liana.

"Wait, so you're engaged to Bradford!?!" Nyla screeched. "Mhm...". "You have so much to explain..."


"Were you ever going to tell us?" asked Nyla. "someday" I responded.

I ended up explaining everything and how Tim is a big sofie but they couldn't disagree more. We went home and I almost  instantly fell asleep.

The next day the whole station knew about me and Tim and it was a bit tiring with the questions but it wasn't the worst...

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