Full of excuses

598 10 4

Tim's POV

Word count: 398 words

I waited in my car for a few minutes before walking in the station... and I kid you not, not even 10 steps in I was greeted with a question Angela... GREAT

As soon as I saw her I realized I haven't come up with a plan on why I wasn't here so I used the first thing I can think of... my dad.

"Hey Bradford where were you?" Angela questioned, "I had to visit my dad" I said calmly... "I thought you hated him" she raised her eyebrows "well genny keeps pushing me to visit and he is in hospice they don't know if he is going to make it"I say with a sad expression "oh I'm sorry" she says feeling guilty. "It's ok..."

Angela walks away leaving me feeling accomplished, I would make an amazing UC with these great lying skills. I get changed in time for roll call and we head off to patrol.

In the shop:

L-did Angela question you why you weren't there?
T-yup, made up and amazing lie on the spot and she believed it I would make an amazing UC - I boasted feeling proud
L-I'm sure you will - she says rolling her eyes.


It was lunch and so we went to the food trucks to buy food. Lucy was about to pay when I stopped her and payed she looked and me and gave me the brightest smile which made everything worth it.

She walks to the other rookies while I go visit Nyla and Angela

A-what was that Bradford paying for his rookie!?!- she smirked at me
N-no way, why?

I had to come up with something quick!

T-a Tim test - I said smirking poking my fork into my poutine
A-and how exactly is this going to work?
T-act nice then drop a text on her Duh - I rolled my eyes
N-oh I see - she said nodding

I think they believed it! It worked! I am for sure going to be a great UC!

The rest of the day was fine I drove Lucy back to her apartment and stayed there with her for the night, luckily she had an extra change of clothes from last time I was over and the day practically repeated but without the questioning.

Another short chapter sorry!!!

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