Date? Ish... + breakup?

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Lucy's POV:


(Word count: 703 words)
I am so worried that this date is going to go completely wrong! I don't even have anything to wear I was thinking to myself pacing back and forth around my room.

What if he doesn't think this was a date? What if he stood me up? What is this what if that! I am freaking out, I haven't been on a date since FOREVER, and everytime. I have it goes completely WRONG!

Tim's POV:

Ugh! I have nothing to wear!!! Pacing back and forth in my closet I finally found a black flannel shirt (like in the show first date)

This is perfect I thought to myself and now I just need to prepare everything for kojo to stay home alone.

Lucy's POV:

Gosh I'm gonna be late! Why can't I find anything to wear?!? Stressing and pulling my hair I start to cry and so I hope into the shower and calm myself down before finally spotting a nice red dress to wear

FINALLY I thought to myself now I have to do my makeup... by the tim I finished it was already 7:45, perfect timing as I called an Uber and got there with 2 minutes to spare finding Tim was already waiting for me.

Tim's POV:

I see a car pulling up and a gorgeous girl in a red dress stepping out and looking around.. it took me a minute but then I realized that was Lucy!

I quickly got out of my car and walk up to her, she instantly spots me and says Hey with the brightest smile on her face.

I swear that bright smile of hers can light up the whole world... TIM SNAP OUT OF IT DAMMIT! It's only the first date... I say hi back and we walk into the restaurant.

She was so smiley the whole time that it made me start smiling too. She decided to start some conversation.

L-so is this a date or a dinner with a friend
T-what do you think? I say knitting my eyebrows
L-a date
T-a date it is

We continued talking and laughing when she asked

L-so do you have a job?
T-uhm yea. I'm a cop, what about you?
L-well I just finished the academy and my first day on the job is next Monday.
T-good luck I'm sure you will be great!

She started blushing a little as soon as I said that and the rest of the dinner went well and I went home happier than usual.

The next day

I walk into the station all happy from yesterday when Angela comes up to me.

"Someone's happy today" she says. "What who?"I asked playing dumb. "Stop playing dumb, I mean look at you! You are all smiley!" Angela says smirking at me. "Wow I can't even be happy now" I shoot up my hands in defence... "I'm just saying" as she turns around and walks away while I roll my eyes.

Lucy's POV:

I wake up and go over to Jackson's house to hang out with him and Nolan. When I get there I barge in and shout GOOD MORNING! Jackson was sitting on the couch with nolan waiting for me to get here

"Well someone's got energy today" Nolan says getting up front he couch to greet me. "Mhm" I roll my eyes we hung out and then I go home at around 5pm

I sit on my couch rethinking the perfect day when  I am just thinking to myself... I'm not ready to date just yet, maybe in a bit but I just can't...

I can't bring myself to do it. I take out my phone and text Tim. "I think you are great! But I can't bring myself to date anyone just yet. Please understand... if you are willing to wait a few months I would love to go out again..." I send the text.

A few seconds later I see he has read the text we talk back and forth for a bit and he surprisingly understands... so we agreed to be friends and maybe date in the future...

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