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Lucy's POV:

Word count: 797 words

Time skip of 1 month: (they haven't told anyone about the baby or them dating)

It was great everything was great, out relationship, the baby, my job, it felt too good. I had an appointment coming up tomorrow so I had to take a day off

Me and Tim aren't really too close yet it has only been 1 month but he is the father and has the right to be there so I asked him.


L-hey I have an appointment tomorrow you wanna come?
T-wow you are inviting me?
L-well yea you're the father...
T-alright I'll use my sick day tomorrow
L-ok, can you pick me up at 1?
T-I'll be there.

I called grey and told him I had a doctors appointment so I could stay off work.

Tim's POV:

Wow I actually get to go to the appointment? I had to call grey to give me a personal day. I go on my phone and find the contact "Sg grey" he picks up and I tell him I need a personal day and to take my sick day.

Angelas POV:


I don't see Lucy or Tim coming in which is weird because they are both normally really early but I thought the they were just waiting somewhere for roll call to start


I don't see either of them in roll call, and Greg start. He explained that Lucy had an appointment and Bradford took a personal day. It was weird that they both took the day off and I looked at Nyla giving me the eye

After roll call:

"That was a little weird" I say knitting my eyebrows "yea, Bradford never takes his sick days" Nyla said skeptical "you guys are overthinking" said Katie "no, you don't understand he would come to work even if he was vomiting" I said to Katie crossing my arms

"Let it go come one" Katie said.

And we all went on patrol.


Tim's POV:

I was already outside Lucy's apartment complex waiting for her


T-are you ready?

I don't know what got over me so I went to the front door and was blocked my security. I just flashed my badge and I got let in, I found her apartment and I knocked on the door.

Lucy's POV

I hear knocking on my door, so I quickly throw on my robe and answer the door... only to see Tim standing there hands in his pocket. "Can I come in?" He asked. "Yea yea come in" I said leading him to the couch. "I'm almost ready" he said mocking me, "I'm almost ready!" I say walking towards my bedroom, "you don't look very ready" he says rolling his eyes

I walk into my room and get changed. I walk out and over to the kitchen to get a sip of coffee before I start my makeup. "Are you ready let's go!" Says Tim "nope I still have my makeup"I say grinning. "You look beautiful now go before your late"Tim says rushing me

"We won't be late" it starts at 1:45" I say calmly, "then why call me to pick you up at 1?!" The asked annoyed. "I thought you would be late, and it's funny when you're annoyed" I say smiling at him. "You are lucky you are cute" he says tapping on my nose.

I finish my makeup and finally we get into Tim's truck and drive to the appointment surprisingly 5 minutes early, we start chatting and go into the waiting room.

A doctor call out "Ms.Chen" we both get up and walk into the room we take the ultrasound and they tell us to come back in 2 months to find out the gender. We leave and go back to the car.

"So anywhere you need to go" Tim asked. "Can we go to your place?" I said "yea ofc" he starts the car and drives to his place. We are here he announced, wow come to think of it I haven't been here before.

"How do you like it?" He questions. "It's gorgeous but so plain" I say looking around. "I'm not much of a fan of to much color" he shrugs. "I can tell..." I ended up staying over at his place and woke up the next morning wearing his T-shirt and shorts.

"Morning beautiful" he says. "Morning, what time is it?" I asked, "7:00am" "I need to go back to my apartment to get changed" "you can wear what you wore yesterday" he said.

So I did just that and we went to the station together, I got out first so it wasn't suspicious.

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