Are you sure!?!

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Lucy's POV:

Word count: 621 words

It was 1 week into my training when I realized I missed my period it couldn't be, it was a Saturday so I went to my closest CVS and brought a pregnancy test.

I went home all nervous and took the test, waiting for the longest 2 minutes of my life I flipped it and saw it pregnant, I was pregnant! With my bosses baby...

I decided I would tell him on Monday during patrol. I decided to keep it quiet for now, but I didn't agree to go to Angela's house for a girls night today with Nyla, and Katie (made up name)

When I got there I greeted them and we played a few games and had a good laugh, since I was pregnant I couldn't drink anything so i stayed sober.

Angela: Lucy you want some tequila?
Lucy:no thanks, my water is good.
Angela:if you say so.

I had to leave at around 7pm so I could get home.

Angela POV:

I thought Lucy was acting a little weird so I talked to Nyla and Katie about it. "Don't you think Lucy is acting a little weird?"

"Yea, who would want to stay sober when there are free drinks?" Said drunken Nyla "y'all over reacting she's fine" said Katie "alright whatever" Angela says rasing tequila.

On Monday

Lucy's POV

Today is a scary day... I need to tell Tim that I am pregnant with his baby. How will he react? What if he wants an abortion?

In the shop:

Tim seems extra grumpy today.. probably because it was a Monday and nobody likes Monday but I have to tell him sooner or later...

You know what Lucy just do it! I was extremely quiet, and stressed on how I am going to tell him.. I think he noticed since he asked

Tim- are you ok
Lucy-yea I'm perfectly fine couldn't be better!
Tim-are you sure?
Lucy-Fjne, I have something to tell you. As soon as I said that I started to shake a bit and dreaded telling him
Tim-what's up.
Lucy-you know what just say it.
Tim-say what?
Lucy-I'm pregnant! and it's yours!

Tim's POV

As soon as those words came out of her mouth I froze for a second... I didn't know what to do

Tim-are you sure it's mine?
Lucy-yes I have yk without anyone else during thi time.

I almost hit a car because I wasn't focused, I didn't know how to react except to ask if she wanted to keep it, she wanted to keep it so I couldn't say no...

Tim-uhm what you want to do?

Lucy-that's up to you, I know what I want to do...but what you want to do in your part is up to you.

Tim-uhm i well ofc want to be in their life...


I couldn't believe I was going to be a father, I wasn't ready but I wasn't going to leave her alone.

Tim-maybe we can try again?

I blurted it out not thinking and instantly regretted it. She knitted her eyebrows at me.

Lucy-"that would be nice" she gave me a a bright smile.

My fave instantly lit up and we agreed to go on an actual date for real the next day at 7pm.

The next day at 7

Lucy's POV

As soon as I got there I was extremely nervous but yet excited, I found him waiting for me already and we walked in together like the first time.

The date went amazingly and the food was great we both went our separate ways and texted before bed.

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