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"Tom," Stevie let out a gentle sigh, trying hard not to roll her eyes as she slouched down. "Please, don't." She warned, still sitting in the passenger seat comfortably and staring out the window as the city came and went.

They were driving back through town, having argued the entire way to dinner about mundane things like the way he stopped at a red light and how fast he was going when the roads were wet, but like any long time married couple, they were able to put it on pause to eat, just to start up again right after he had suggested that she just come back to his hotel for the night... Like always.

"Come on, Steph." He let out a deep huff, shifting in the drivers seat as his jaw settled.

"I'm not staying at a hotel when my bed is right down the road, that's just silly." She told him in a gentle, but almost annoyed tone of voice.

He chuckled softly, even though he was just as fed up with her as she was with him at that point...It had been a long evening with one another. "You can never just be happy." He shook his head softly, keeping his eyes on the road ahead, which also kept him from having to look over at her- thankfully. "You want me to come to town, I come to town, but when I want to spend a night with my wife, it's a f-"

"Why don't you just come stay with me?" She cut him off, voice growing softer and more relaxed... She didn't want to fight- she really didn't and she knew it was coming, especially by how he had reacted. "We can have a glass of wine and watch movies..?" Stevie knew there was a very slim chance she would be able to convince him, but it was better than listening to him ramble on about how ungrateful she was...

She was happy he was there, but she was never satisfied with the way things were and she couldn't hide it, not from him.

"You know it's hard for me to sleep well at the Inn." Tom's voice shifted too, also trying his very best not to sound like he was over it, even though he definitely was.

Nodding softly, she finally turned her head to the left to look over at him. "One night at the Inn and I'll stay with you tomorrow...?" She bit down on her lower lip, hand casually meeting his leg as her eyes scanned over his side profile.

He was an attractive man- very attractive, actually, but equally as difficult, which is where a lot of those problems resided.

His hand fell on hers, tangling their fingers together as he let out a sigh. "I didn't bring a bag, or-"

"You still have clothes there and I'll make you breakfast in the morning." She assured, suddenly really wanting him to come back with her... She really had missed him and it was starting to show.

Letting out a faint laugh, he lifted her hand and brought it up to his lips. "I'll come stay with you tomorrow night, baby." He rarely called her that anymore, but sometimes he felt it too... the attachment of their twenty- five years together, that is. "Then I'll stay with you the night before we head to Boston." He added, pressing another very gentle kiss to her knuckles.

Pursing her lips to one side, her head fell back against the seat. "Yeah, that sounds fine." She nodded, even though she was slightly defeated and a little let down, but not nearly as much as you'd think.

After that many years, Stevie had learned to take everything with a grain of salt and if he didn't want to be with her, she wasn't going to argue over it... She was too tired.

Tom bit down on the inside of his cheek, knowing already that he had upset her as they pulled up to the curb outside the Inn. "I'll walk you upstairs and come in for-"

"No," she shook her head lightly, using her free hand to push open the car door as she slipped her other out of his grasp. "I know what you want to do tonight, so just go do it." Stevie mumbled as her feet hit the sidewalk and she slipped out of the passenger seat and right into the chilly night air.

Rolling his eyes, he waved a hand lazily. "Goodnight, honey." He told her, flinching lightly when she slammed the door behind her. "Damnit." He mumbled as he watched her head towards the doorman, who was all smiles when greeting her.

"Hello, Stevie." He waved lightly at Tom as he stared down at his boss, who was traveling his way.

"Hi, sweetie." She gave him a weak grin, wrapping her coat around herself more as she glanced back to watch her husband pull out.

"You look very nice this evening." Jim was an older man- at least twenty years her senior and a lot like a father figure at times... especially since hers was all the way across the country.

She paused for a second, letting out a soft laugh. "I needed to hear that tonight," she admitted, watching him pull open the door for her. "Thank you," she added, patting his shoulder before she made the journey through the double doors and into the lobby.

And since the desk was empty- the kids had clocked out for the night, Stevie was able to slip through the crowd of people waiting on their taxi and head right up the steps.

"Well, look at you..." Lindsey opened the door just a second after she'd knocked, a smile on his face as he ran his fingers through his messy curls.

He was already in a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt... He was beyond handsome.

"Hi..." she lingered for a second, heart beginning to beat a mile a minute as she stared into his deep blue eyes.

Grinning softly, he opened the door a little more to welcome her into his room. "Did you have a good night?" He wondered, shutting the door and turning around to face her once more.

She chuckled softly, shaking her head as she lingered not far from the sofa. "Not at all." She admitted, shrugging her shoulders as if it didn't bother her, even though it definitely did. "Did you?" Her voice was so light- he could tell that she was a little upset about something.

Creasing a brow lightly, he couldn't help but scan over her facial features. "It's definitely better now that you're here." He assured, almost shocked when she didn't hesitate to slip her arm around his waist as her head met his chest.

Her eyes had fallen closed, her breathing slowing down and this calm feeling washing over her.

She felt so safe.

He paused for a second, staring down for a moment before one of his hands met the back of her head and the other slipped around her waist. "Are you okay?" He whispered, lips meeting the top of her head as his heart nearly raced.

How could he be so in love with someone he'd only known for a couple of days...?

With tears in her eyes, she looked back up at him. "I really like you..." she whispered, no longer as nervous as she was before.

Nodding his head, he gently pushed some of her loose curls back behind her ear before he leaned down to press his lips to hers. "I really like you too, Stevie."

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