Twenty- Seven

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"I don't like this part..." She was at the end of the bed, sitting up on her knees as she watched him move around the room, getting his stuff together.

It was really early on a Friday morning, the sun hadn't even rose over the city when the alarm clock was going off, reminding them both that Lindsey needed to catch a flight... unfortunately.

He frowned lightly, setting down his bag on the accent chair before he slowly traveled back to her. "Just a few days..." he lingered in a soft tone of voice as he slipped his hands around her waist, staring deep into those brown eyes.

She was captivating, so much so, that Lindsey hadn't even thought of going home until Laura got ahold of him and reminded him that Mallory had her big ballet recital. She had been a dancer forever and Lindsey had never missed anything for either of his daughters, not a single time in all of his years of fatherhood. He was at every parent teacher conference, game, performance, science fair... you name it, Mallory and Laura's parents were in the very first row with a smile and he had to be there for her then too.

"You can still go with me." He added, smiling lightly when she leaned in to press her forehead to his.

They had spent weeks together and even though things were starting to get more serious, Stevie was nervous to go out West to meet his children. And it wasn't because she didn't want to or didn't care, but because she didn't want them to feel a certain way about her... Not so soon.

In their six weeks of being together completely, they really had the chance to open up about life... All of it. Stevie shared all the hardships of her marriage and Lindsey told her all about his wife, who had been sick for just a short period of time before they lost her.

That being said, Stevie didn't want his daughters to feel like she was trying to swoop in and take the place of the woman that had held their family together... She had only been gone eights months, which isn't that long at all and she just wanted to make sure that Lindsey was serious before she was introduced to the kids.

She just didn't want to rush him.

She closed her eyes for a moment, letting off a grin as she felt him rub her hip through her silk nightgown. "Your daughters will be so excited to have you home for a few days, sweet man." She had already told him how she felt and he understood, even though her knew Mallory and Laura would absolutely adore her... "But I will be awfully bored without you." She added with a faint giggle, just to tease him.

Patting her back, he lightly rubbed his nose against the tip of hers. "I love you, baby." He whispered, also pretty sad to be leaving her behind as well.

Her heart skipped a beat, well aware of the fact that she was more in love in that moment than she had ever been before. "I love you, Lindsey."


A few hours after she had bid Lindsey a farewell on the front steps of the Inn, Stevie was headed down them once more. However, this time around, she was hurrying to the restaurant right around the corner- her very favorite one in Nantucket. And instead of feeling as relaxed as she had been in the last few weeks, she suddenly had a weight on her shoulders, making her totally nauseous...

"There she is." Tom cracked a soft smile, pushing himself up to stand as he watched his wife venture through the crowded dining room.

She was bundled up in her winter jacket, hair in long curls down her back and looking as beautiful as ever... Too bad it was too late for him.

She returned the smile in a weak manner, slipping into the chair across the table from him without a hug or anything else... "Hi," Stevie's voice was soft, shifting in her seat as he sat back down in his.

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