Twenty- Six

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Stevie and Lindsey spent the next week locked away in the comfort of her suite. They made dinner together, listened to vinyl records each night, watched a million movies, played the baby grand that was in the living room, and talked for hours on end.

It felt simple and if they hadn't known any better, they both would have thought it was.

"You are so beautiful..." Lindsey was on his side, one arm wrapped around her and the other holding up his head as they laid curled up on the sofa.

"You're going to make me fall asleep." She whispered, brown eyes growing so heavy, she could hardly keep them open.

He chuckled softly, leaning down to press his lips to her temple before he slowly sat up, not even enough to disturb her. "Close your eyes, baby." Lindsey used the hand that had been holding himself up to turn off the lamp on the stand.

Letting out a soft sigh, she wrapped his arm around her stomach a little more to pull him in closer. "I really like you a lot..." she grinned, looking at him out of the corner of her eyes as she felt him instantly snuggle up.

"I really like you more." He assured as he stared down at her sweet facial features.

Biting down on her lower lip, she finally closed her eyes as she took a moment to think about it before she replied. "You're not actually going to leave me tomorrow, are you?" She had been a little worried for the better half of the day... She feared that once that week was up, he really would head back home and even though she knew she couldn't expect him to stay there with her forever, she also really wasn't ready.

It didn't seem like enough time, not when you're falling in love.

He chuckled lightly, also closing his eyes as he pressed another kiss to the back of her head. "Not unless you want me to..." Lindsey joked, even though he really wasn't planning on it.

He had obligations out West, of course, but he wanted to make it work there too... Besides, his kids were grown, he could work from just about anywhere and the woman he loved was right there, tucked under his arm, so where else would he want to be?

"Don't be ridiculous." She had a crooked little grin, eyes fluttering as she listened to the soft beat of his heart. "I don't want you to leave." She admitted after a short pause.

He nodded his head as he leaned in to be closer to her ear. "Then I won't."


"Something is different." Sharon announced the moment she laid eyes on her dearest friend. "What's different?" She wondered immediately as she watched Stevie slip into the chair across from her.

Usually a small group of ladies would meet up once a week for coffee at the same shop down the street from the Inn, but since one of them had been preoccupied for awhile, no one had gotten together.

So early that Friday morning, after leaving Lindsey to catch up on some rest, Stevie headed to meet Sharon, who had called a dozen times to check up on her.

"Nothing." Stevie shook her head softly, letting off a sweet grin as she set her purse down in the empty chair next to her.

Creasing a brow, Sharon watched the blonde readjust. "Hmm," she hummed lightly, almost certain that there was something about her appearance that was off... not in a bad way, but just not the same.

Chuckling lightly, Stevie picked up her menu. "It's good to see you too." She teased as she began to scan over the options, even though she knew she'd order the same thing she did every time.

With a soft sigh, Sharon's eyes continued to roam her face. "I've missed you." She assured, even though she wanted to know everything that was going on.

Not only had Stevie not been returning any phone calls or meeting them for their usual hangouts, but when Sharon had come into the hotel to see her friend, Marissa told her that Stevie was out and wouldn't be back for a couple of days... That's what she said, at least.

Either way, truth or not, Sharon thought it was all strange and she knew, right off the bat, something was going on.

"I've missed you." Stevie repeated, another grin tugging at the corners of her mouth when their waiter came around for their order.

Biting down on the inside of her cheek, she narrowed her eyes as she listened to Stevie list off the usual and then after she did the same, she finally spoke up once more. "Are you using a different wrinkle cream...?" She had to know... she needed to know.

Stevie seemed happier... Calmer, even. She was smiley and relaxed, which is something that they weren't really used to anymore, not when everything was always so rocky at home.

"No," Stevie waved a hand lazily, heart beginning to beat a little faster as her eyes fell to the table top. "I made a decision recently and I think it's for the best..." she lingered, shrugging a shoulder softly.

Instead of jumping in, Sharon grew quiet and let Stevie do the talking from there... By then she figured that she'd asked and pried enough.

"Tom is supposed to come into town in a few weeks for some party for his college roommate that's getting married," she reminded her as her tone grew a little bit bit softer than before. "And I'm going to tell him that I want a divorce." Her voice cracked and the tears instantly began to blur her vision.

And it wasn't because she was going to miss him, or because she was in love with Tom, but because it's never easy... Ending a chapter of your life, whether it was good or bad, isn't simple and that situation was no different.

"I don't want to do it anymore."

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