Thirty- Six

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"Oh my gosh." Stevie let out the deepest sigh, tears still rolling down her red cheeks and heart beating a mile a minute as the doctor carefully placed the baby on her chest. "Oh," her bottom lip trembled, brown eyes so full of admiration as she stared down.

"Wow." Lindsey was smiling from ear to ear- he had been since the moment a loud cry had erupted through the room, letting them know that they had a very healthy, but kind of angry baby... She wasn't quite ready to meet the world, but the world was definitely ready to meet her.

Stevie tilted her head to the side, eyes scanning over the little girl's face as she stayed wrapped up in the safety of her arms.

She was five pounds and four ounces, but she felt as light as a feather to her mom, who had never held a baby that new. And to say she was perfect would have been an understatement- she was a dream.

The little rosy red cheeks, the pouty lips, the long lashes and bright eyes that could barely stay open long enough to realize that she was looking up at the woman that was going to protect her forever... She was everything and more to Stevie, who felt like she'd waited a lifetime for a moment like that.

"Hi, my sweet Clara..." Stevie whispered in the most gentle voice as she smiled softly at her daughter. "I'm your mama." She was so captivated and more in love than she had ever been in her entire life. 

She didn't know it was possible for someone to steal her heart that fast, but her new baby had definitely made it clear that it could happen.

"You did so good, Steph." Lindsey said softly as he carefully pushed some of her loose curls back behind her ear.

She nodded, a smile traveling across her face when she felt him press his lips to her temple. "So did you, honey." She assured, feeling so very thankful to have had him there, holding her hand the entire time.

He was calm and collected, constantly reassuring her that it was all going to be okay, even when she wasn't so sure. After twelve hours of labor- it's easy to get defeated, but he was by far the most encouraging and supportive man.

She had never experienced anything quite like that and she wouldn't have wanted to with anyone else, even if she was awfully nervous... the excitement outweighed everything else.

"Look at you..." she slowly brought one hand up to her face to wipe away some of her tears as she held Clara in the other arm. "You are so perfect." She let out a throaty giggle, which caused the baby to slowly open her very sleepy eyes, revealing two little saucers.

"She is." Lindsey carefully reached out, gently pushing some of the baby blanket back to see her a little better. "Thank you, Stevie." He said in a soft tone of voice, feeling just as fortunate in that moment as she was.

It might have been a surprise and raising a baby in their late forties might come with some challenges, but none of that mattered to them, not when she was there- healthy as could be.

All that was important was the three of them, being together.

Stevie turned her head to the side, looking over at the man that she was head over heels for. "No," she shook her head lightly, big brown eyes still full of emotion. "Thank you for this." She gently took his face in one hand, cradling his chin. "This is the best gift anyone has ever given me." She admitted, happier in that moment than she had been in longer than she could remember.

Lindsey nodded in agreement, knowing exactly how she was feeling... This was the third time for him though, but it was exactly the same. "We're going to be just fine."


Stevie held Clara until she literally couldn't force her eyes to stay open any longer and half heartedly, even though she really didn't want to, she handed the baby over.

She didn't want them taking her out of the room. Stevie would have rather lost forty eight hours of sleep before she let them move her baby down to the nursery, where she couldn't see her. And even though Lindsey thought she definitely needed some good rest, he also understood where she was coming from.

So he was on baby duty, which he absolutely loved. He sang her songs, rocked her in the chair, told her all about her mama and he even walked her around the hospital a little. They stopped to see some fish by the nursery and then made a pit stop at the gift-shop for a couple of teddy bears for Clara.

And by the time the sun was creeping through the curtains the next morning, they were coming back into the room... just in time for Stevie to stir.

"There's our favorite lady." Lindsey smiled instantly, so happy to see those brown eyes looking a little more rejuvenated.

Stevie giggled lightly as she started to push herself up in bed. "How are my two babies?" She wondered, holding out her arms as they trailed into the room.

Lindsey had Clara wrapped up in a pink blanket, resting comfortably in the curve of his arm as his other hand held onto the drink container that he carried two cups of coffee in... He had a feeling she'd be up and ready for some caffeine.

"Tell mommy that we're doing good, but we really missed her, huh?" He teased lightly, setting her cup of coffee down on the table next to her before he slowly passed their little bundle over.

Stevie smiled lightly, giving him a subtle wink before her eyes fell back down to the girl in her arms. "So awake this morning." She announced with a playful gasp when she saw how alert the baby was.

She was already very curious- looking around, studying both of her parents and observing the world... Stevie knew she was a smart, smart girl.

"I love you." She whispered down to her as she slowly pressed her lips to Clara's forehead. "And I love you." She added as soon as she looked up, eyes melting right into Lindsey's.

He cracked a grin, having spent the last couple of minutes watching two of the best things in his life from afar. "We love you way more."

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