Chapter 15

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The tap of her fingers on her desk reached a rhythmic sound, after doing that same movement for almost two hours. Her head was resting on her other hand, while her eyes stared into the empty space of one of the cabinets at the left and the areca plant. That damned thing had been replaying in her head, finding a place in one corner whenever she tried to focus on something else. She was convinced she didn't have any nightmares with it because she hardly ever had any dreams at all.

What the hell did San mean when he said he was sorry?

He felt sorry about kissing her with no previous warning? Or was he sorry it happened?

The two knocks on the glass door broke the trance, having her blinking and lifting her head to the side of the room where that sound came from. Her eyebrows slightly frowned when she saw Jennifer carrying another big bucket of flowers, while her hand just stopped the dry tap to motion her to come in.

The bucket was a similar size than the others she had received in the previous weeks. But that one, unlike the others, had a variety of different flowers that only were similar among one another because of the pink and purple tones standing out from the green of the leaves underneath.

She wondered if she had been so focused on her own thoughts that she didn't even see Jennifer talking with the delivery man, or if she went out to look for it at reception.

As it was placed on her desk, on the small space she had made as her secretary walked towards her, she could point out the orchids, lilies and anemones, mixing so well with one another that it was almost pleasing to see -if it weren't for the fact that she still didn't know who those came from.

—No information about the sender again? —Y/n asked with no hope.

—Nothing —she shook her head, pointing at the bucket—, but I think there's a note.

She could only hope that time it was indeed San's, trying to make up for whatever text he had sent in a sudden need to apologize for his sudden apology, when flirty messages with second meaning should've started to be sent. That was why she reached for the small yellow note under one of the orchids, careful not to break any of the flowers.

"Sometimes you need to live different things to know what you want, kiss different lips to find out you've just been wasting time. And when you reach that point, you'll know it's me what you've been waiting for".

Her lips puckered in disgust, leaving the note back in the bucket before she looked up at Jennifer.

—Can you throw it away? —Y/n asked.

She had done the same with the three buckets prior to that one. It creeped her out to think about someone watching her so attentively that they knew every move she made, to the point of even congratulating her for a relationship that had only been exposed for people in the company -and that also made her believe that those flowers could be coming from someone in the office. But she always ended up being annoyed at the idea of someone just pulling up a prank at her, enjoying it every single time they imagined her uncomfortable face as she read those notes.

—You don't want to keep them?

Jennifer looked at her confused, extending her arm to the desk to pick up the bucket again. She was so confused, and it was the same expression she had the other times she was asked to do the same thing.

—Wait, can I ask you something? —Y/n stopped her before she was able to turn on her tracks.

As she nodded, Y/n motioned her to close the door to her office, so no one else would be able to hear what was going to be discussed inside. Her hand moved in the air, inviting Jennifer to walk closer to her desk so she could hear comfortably the doubt that had been going through Y/n's head since the previous night.

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