3: Conflict

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The young girl was assisting her father in unloading the chopped wood from his wagon and neatly stacking them in a bamboo basket. She worked diligently, filling it to the brim before moving on to the next load. As her father gazed up at the darkened sky, he let out a heavy sigh, before glancing at his daughter who looked at him with curiosity.

" Are you alright, father?" Her voice spoke with care and caution. His eyes dull and clouded tore his sight from her as he grabbed the bamboo basket lifting it towards his shoulders. " Stop worrying." His voice, rough like sandpaper, was unpleasant to hear.

Her eyes dropped to the floor before grabbing her basket that had straps to carry as a backpack. She draped it over her shoulders lifting it with a bit of difficulty. He took one final glance at her before proceeding towards the inside of the palace as she followed with head hunged low.

Her eyes were trained on the wooden floor before she took a few glances around seeing many guards standing in position with their weapons beside them. " Stop staring." Her father's voice spoke as her gaze went back towards the floor.

As they went down the halls to the fire pit she saw a boy carelessly swinging a pocket knife around. She raised an eyebrow stopping in her tracks. She looked at her father who didn't seem to notice her absence before looking back at the boy.

She gently put down the bamboo basket on the ground as she carefully went towards him. " You're holding it wrong." She spoke which startled him. " Wha- no I'm not!" He said stopping his actions.

She sighed before grabbing the knife and positioning it properly in his hand. He was stiff the whole time so she didn't have any trouble in doing so. " There, now. Instead of swinging it like before. Hold your ground" she said showing him the position. He quickly followed crouching down a little.

" Now think like the knife is a part of you, not something separate." She instructed in which he nodded in understanding. " I want you to visualize your target but, as you swing stand your ground. Don't let them have any openings of you." He nodded swinging the knife with precision and care. Throughout the whole thing, he stood his ground and did not let his body lose balance like before as well as staying focused.

Once he finished she flashed a smile at him which he returned it. " You catch on quick." She said as his eyes began to sparkle at his newfound skill. " Th- hmh I appreciate it." He coughed looking down to the floor. A giggle escaped her lips before she heard her father call out to her in anger.

She looked back startled before another sigh left her. " I got to go, nice meeting you." He looked up seeing her pick up the bamboo basket she put on the floor. He ran towards her grabbing her shoulder " Can we-... Do this some other time?" He asked as she quickly nodded with a smile.

" I'm Zuko by the way." He said with a smile. " I'm Adelais." She looked back at the direction her father went before looking back at him. " Bye, Zuko." She muttered before walking away from him.

He looked at her retreating form as a heavy sigh left him "Bye, Adelais." He looked at the knife before a voice spooked him from behind. " Why so gloomy." The voice mocked him before a laugh followed right after. He turned around and saw his sister with a big smirk on her face. " What are you doing here." He grumbled quickly putting the knife away.

" Oh nothing, really." She said hoping down from the pillar. " Who was that girl?" He rolled his eyes " I'm not telling you." He looked away feeling his sister's eyes on him. " Oh, come on zuzu. I'm not that blind. I saw how you looked at her." His eyes widen looking back at her.

" W-what are you talking about?" Her smirk widens at his words. " Isn't it obvious? I thought it was." She sighed looking away before looking back at him. " You know what? Maybe I should you know, talk to her." She said seeing her brother's face shift in anger.

" Why would you want to talk to her !?!" He grumbled cleanching his fist. " I want to know what you see in her. And a few other things as well." She stated before whispering the last part. " NO!!" he yelled before he saw his mother enter the room. " What is going on here?" She said seeing her children fight again.

" I don't want Azula to talk to her!" He said stomping his foot on the ground. She tilted her head in confusion looking at her daughter who just smiled innocently. " Who is her?" She asked before seeing her daughter dash away into that very same hall.

" Azula!" She called out but, didn't get a response. She sighed before looking back at Zuko who was fuming in anger as smoke emitted from his hands. " Zuko?" She questioned kneeling towards his level. " Why does Azula always get involved with everything I do!" He yelled before running after her.

" Zuko!" She yelled but, didn't get a response either. " What am I gonna do." She sighed before going after her two children.


A/n: I guess this turned out alright. Anyways, as you can see Ursa currently is still with her family for the time being. She is still going to pass through the canon route of leaving her family behind and starting a new one.

Aside from that I going to create conflict between Zuko and Azula cause I want to spice up the story from the beginning. Which later will cause an event that I find super entertaining!

And yes iroh is still at war in ba sing sei, I don't know how to spell it. And he'll come around later in the storyline.

Well I don't want to spoil too much so

Bye, sweeties! (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)

Chapter finished: April 23, 2024

Chapter published: May 4, 2024

Finished editing:

Word count: 1, 033

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