4: A Siblings "Banter"

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Azula didn't really know why she wanted to talk to this girl. At first, she thought, Why not do this for her amusement or just simple entertainment for the time being. But when she looked from a distance towards the girl, who was teaching her useless brother how to handle a knife properly, it sparked something inside her. Maybe it was interest or just simple curiosity. Whatever it was, she needed to find out more about the matter.

She needed to know what happened when she stared at the girl. It felt like how her flames burn at the tip of her fingers; how they twirled with heat and light. She wanted to control that spark, to wield it, to manipulate it, to have it wrapped around her fingers. This wasn't a common occurrence for her. It was something new, something that could make her experience things she'd never felt before.

And she haded to have it. She must.

At least, that's how she thought it would happen.

A repeating rhythm of light steps running across the hall was a bit strange to the maidens doing chores. But, until they saw who was making it, they quickly went back to what they were doing, not wanting to be fired or even banished for that matter. Azula's eyes scanned the area, trying to spot the girl before seeing her with her father. She raised an eyebrow, hiding behind a pillar that was close enough to hear their faint conversation from her spot.

" haven't I told you to not separate from my side unless I told you to do so? I thought I made that clear." his tone was aggravated with a hint of venom looking down at his daughter in disappointment. She stood there glued to the floor in fear. " Or maybe, you want a repeat of last time?" She quickly shook her head before a harsh slap came in contact with her cheek. " use your words!" he spat out.

Azula glared at the man. Smoke emitting from her hands, but she soon realized what she was doing. Closing her hands in a tight fist, she sealed the fire that slowly rose from oxygen and quickly extinguished it.

" no, Father." she quietly cried out as redness appeared where the hand came in contact. " if this happens again, it'll become worse than before, do you understand?" her father scowled furrowing his brows emitting smoke on his hands.

" yes, father" she said holding on tight to the belt that adored her waist.

The fire-bending prodigy huffed before letting herself known to them. " What makes you think that I'll let you do it again?" Her tone was filled with aggression but, she let it out as sweet. The man's eyes darted from his daughter to her as realization passed his eyes. His mind traveled through many excuses but, he knew that it was better to just go straight with her.

It was widely known that Azula was the fire lord's favorite and due to that knowledge, people tend to be wary of her. It took a short while for people to realize that she'd either get you fired, Banished, or worse executed. But, not to worry it is very rare for people to get executed.

" My apol-" he began but, was quickly cut off. " I don't care for your excuses. Leave and do your duty as well as hers." Her gaze narrowed watching him pathetically do as she ordered.

He picked up his load as well as his daughter's as he quickly tried to usher her away but she stopped him. " Only you leave, not her." He narrowed his eyes at the princess letting go of his daughter's shoulder.

Adelais was confused, to say the least. During the whole thing, she was left stunned seeing how her father reacted to the girl. She was around her age which puzzled her how she had much more authority from her father.

Maybe she was missing something?

Her eyes drifted to her father who let out a huff before walking away from them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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