Chapter 1: V do the Iron man thing!!

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So I'm about to die for a liar, an idiot, and someone I just started to trust. Hey there my name is Serial Designation V and I'm a female disassembly drone. Currently I'm being surrounded by these velociraptor sentinel things and Uzi, N, and Tessa are stuck in the elevator which is about to be attacked by the sentinels.
    "V! Please we need you!" N shouts to me as I ready a laser rifle to cut the cable to the elevator. At least my friends will get away.
    "I'm sorry N! You need to get down there. Uzi, I trust you!" I shout to them as I get ready to cut the cable.
    "Wait V! Do the Iron Man thing with your lasers!" N shouts as Tessa blocks the sentinel's lights so they won't bootleg N and Uzi.
    "Oh yeah why didn't I think of that," I say as I swap out my other hand for a laser rifle. I spin in a circle and kill the sentinels with the lasers.
    "You did it V! You did-," N gets cut off as the elevator falls. Turns out I accidentally cut the cable anyway. I run over to the elevator shaft and when I look down I see that the whole thing has collapsed. I look down the hallway and decide to try and find another way down.
I run through the labs trying to find a way down and come across a group of sentinels guarding the massive crater. The lab from the outside looks like it had been cut in with a knife and a giant chunk was missing. The sentinels charged at me and I quickly ran away, avoiding their flashing lights so I don't get bootlegged. By the way if a sentinel flashes the blue lights on their heads at a drones face then the drone bootlegs, which means the drone freezes temporarily and can't run away. I keep running from the sentinels and as I make my way back to the office area I quickly collapse the hallway.
I notice a hole in the wall and look through it. I can see J flying back with her ship and she's being followed by a bus?? I don't question it and keep looking for a way down. As I'm looking I find a picture on a computer. It says it's a picture of earth but there's no way it is. Earth is a normal planet and the one on the screen looks like it was blown to pieces by whatever's in the center. I make my way back to the elevator shaft and notice the elevator has almost reached the bottom.
I looked around for any possible way to get down safely and when
I couldn't find anything, I decided to just blast my way through back into the elevator shaft.
    "Screw it," I say as I spread out my mechanical wings and hover up above the elevator shaft. I switch my hands out for my rocket launchers and start shooting rocket after rocket at the collapsed shaft. As I keep firing I notice it isn't doing much so I swap my hands out for the lasers and after using them a few times I manage to clear up more space. Switching back to my rocket launchers I continue to fire, slowly making my way down the elevator shaft. After a while the shaft blows open and I see N and the others.
    "V!!" N shouts as he runs and hugs me. Usually I would shove N off of me but not this time, I just let him hug me. After a while N and I checked on Uzi.
    "Uzi are you okay?" I ask Uzi as I sit next to her. Uzi's left eye keeps flashing yellow but her right is still purple.
    "Uzi why don't you hang back and we'll handle the rest," Tessa starts saying as she holds her sword out.
    "No we stay together," I say as I sit down with Uzi and help her get up. I lift her up and carry her on my back. I can hear Uzi weakly say, "Thanks V." "I got you Uzi," I say as we all start walking.
"N," Tessa starts to try to say to N before N shushes her and keeps walking. After walking through the mines for a while and coming across a small campsite, I noticed Tessa had run off. "N where did Tessa go!?" I shout as we look around.
    "Oh no," N says as he looks around for Tessa.
    "N, what did Tessa tell you?" I ask N as I set Uzi down and gesture for N to sit next to her. N sits down and gets ready to tell us everything.
"As we've seen in our memories the solver is extremely powerful and as we've seen it can posses Uzi as a host. Tessa wanted me to help her kill all the hosts she finds on a list somewhere down here. That list includes you Uzi," N says as Uzi starts to back up in fear. I hold Uzi close and stare at N in disbelief. Uzi looks scared out of her mind and is frantically saying, "I don't want any of this! Are you telling me I'm gonna turn into a monster like Cyn. Are you gonna kill me N?!-" N cuts off Uzi by hugging her tightly and she cries. I let go of Uzi and let the two of them hug. I get up and say, "You guys stay here I'm gonna go look for some supplies."
    "What about staying together V?" N asks worriedly as he holds Uzi close.
"N you're not gonna hurt me right?" Uzi asks N extremely scared.
"Uzi I would never do that! I'll protect you no matter what ok!" N holds Uzi closer and I look through some boxes we found.
    "Here N, take this," I say as I hand N a walkie talkie I found. "If I get lost or in trouble I'll use this. Also I need you to stay with Uzi, ok. And whatever you do, don't let Tessa near her. Got it?" I tell N as I give him a hug.
    "Got it," N says as he lifts Uzi up onto his back and walks towards the campsite we found.
I spread out my wings and fly down the tunnels. I hear a distant explosion and fly towards the source. When I arrive I see a lot of fire and it looks like doll was here, and so was Tessa. I pick up dolls eyepatch, now covered in oil.
"Probably reasonable to say she won't bother us again," I say as I toss the eyepatch into the burning fire. I look around after using a nearby water container to put out the fire. Looks like this area is where the scientists kept the MANY workers they were experimenting on. I check whatever's left of the computers and can't find anything useful. I spread out my wings again and take off, flying down the tunnels again.
    After flying around for a while I come across a huge cavern with a hole in the top. It looks like the hole wasn't there originally and it goes to the surface. I fly up to the hole and scan the walls.
    "Smooth edges? This was dug out manually. Judging by the size it was dug out by a landing pod used to drop us disassembly drones here. But who else would-" I started saying as I studied the hole before seeing J flying down it.
    "J?" I ask as J flies down and levels with me.
    "Hey V, have you seen Tessa anywhere? I got the ship and did the stuff she asked me to do. Also I ran into some worker drones, one claiming to be Uzis father. They're currently clearing out the sentinels in the lab up above using their own versions of that damn rail gun Uzi made," J tells me as we land.
    "I don't know where Tessa is, I was trying to find her. Also wait what was Uzis dad doing here?" I say as we walk towards the entrance to the cavern. "Wait do you see that," I ask J as I notice something reflecting the sunlight buried directly under the hole.
    "What is that?" J asks as we walk up to the shiny object. "The scans say it's a landing pod? That's strange," J says as she studies the pod.
    "Looks like this pod made the hole, but why? And who?" I ask J as we start to dig up the pod. "I'll radio N and Uzi," I say as I pull out the walkie talkie. I turn on the walkie and say, "Hey N I'm sending you directions to get where I'm at, we found something."
    J and I have the top of the pod dug out by the time N and Uzi arrive.
    "You feeling better Uzi?" I ask as I walk up to them and help Uzi stand.
    "Yeah, sorta," Uzi says weakly. I can tell J wants to say something but one look from me and she shuts up.
    "Uzi, why don't you sit back here with N, J and I are gonna try to get this pod open," I said as I helped Uzi sit down next to N. I walk over to the pod and help J with digging it out. We have the pod almost 3/4 dug out when I hear a robotic voice say, "System reboot complete." Suddenly the pod's 4 legs activated and it breaks itself out of the ice. The pod stood up and the front panel burst open. Before J and I could react, two male murder drones, one slightly taller than the other jumped out and the taller one attacked us. "J lookout!" I shout to J as I dodge the taller murder drones punches. The shorter murder drone hides behind a boulder.
The taller murder drone stabs J with its tail and throws her against the wall knocking her out. N and Uzi run to help her while I deal with the murder drone.
    "DIE DIE DIE!" the tall murder drone shouts as it activates its swords and swings at me. I quickly pull mine out and block his attack. I notice several things as the drone tries to push his swords against mine. This murder drone has spiked white hair, an unzipped black leather jacket with a silver-ish black colored shirt under it, black torn up jeans, blue lights, and FOUR wings? The drone spreads out its four wings and flies up, throwing me against the rocks. The drone lunges at Uzi and N but Uzi uses her solver to stop it. Uzi can't keep her grip for that long and her eyes keep flashing from purple to yellow.
    The shorter murder drone walks out from its hiding spot and shouts, "C stand down! These guys are disassembly drones like us! They aren't Cyn's mindless monsters?" I look at the shorter murder drone in shock as the other one stands down and lands back on the floor of the cavern. Back when Cyn made J, N, and I disassembly drones she cloned us several times and that's why there were so many of us. But these guys aren't clones of N, they're different. They seem awfully familiar to me.
    The taller murder drone says, "My name is C, sorry for attacking you losers, I thought you guys were a few of Cyn's monsters."
    The shorter murder drone says, "My name is X, I'm sorry C attacked you guys, speaking of that, who are you guys?"
    J and I look at each other in shock, if these two are who they say they are then we really weren't the only disassembly drones.
    "Are you familiar with Elliot Manor?" I ask the murder drone pair as J and I approach carefully.
    "Yes that's where we grew up, why do you ask?" C asked as he glared at me.
    "My name is V, this is J. Do you guys remember us?" I ask C as a worried expression appears on my visor. C's eyes went hollow as he stared at me in disbelief.
    "V-V. W-wait X told me Cyn killed you guys when she attacked-," C started saying before I cut him off by hugging him.

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