Chapter 6: Bite me!

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"We've been walking for hours! Are you sure you aren't lost?" Uzi complains as she holds on to N so she can still stand.
"I know how to read a map toaster!" C snaps back at Uzi as he fumbles with the map.
"Give me that!" J says as she walks up and snatches the map from C. "Oh my robo-god it's upside down!" J yells at C as she tries to correct our path.
"Are you kidding me!?" N groans as we turn around and start following J down the correct path.
"How far are we from the church now?" I ask as I speed up my walking to keep up with J.
"Thanks to senseless bozo back there, we're an additional 8 miles off course," J says with an annoyed expression.
"8 miles!? Oh come on!" N groans as he kicks a rock. N crosses his arms in annoyance as we continue walking and Uzi leans against him to try and calm him down.
"Do you guys hear that?" X asks nervously as he stops walking. J stops and walks up to X in concern and asks, "What do you mean?"
Before X can reply we all hear a distant laughter. I look down the dark tunnels and back up towards the group. We all huddle up into a defensive circle and activate our weapons.
"Stay on guard, we don't know what this is," C says as he swaps his hands out for assault rifles. I look around and swap my hands out for my rocket launchers and get ready. The laughter sounds like it's getting closer and I can hear distant footsteps. The laughter starts to distort into a horrifying gurgling sound and J wraps a protective arm around a very scared X.
Suddenly a distorted figure appears in the hallway and says, "Hello there friends." C swaps his right hand out for a flashlight and shines it on the figure.
"WHAT THE HELL!?" I shriek as the figure steps into the light of the flashlight. The figure is tall with long, contorted limbs. Its metallic plating is covered in spikes and torn pieces of clothing. The figure is wearing the head of a worker drone and its joints appear to be biomechanical. There are several different crab-claw-like mechanical limbs sprouting out of its back and the solver symbol is on its visor. Whatever the hell this thing is, it was definitely made by Cyn.
"My name is Jacy, what is yours?" The figure asks as it takes a step towards us. "Don't be scared, I only want to play," Jacy says with a distorted laugh.
"What the hell are you?" J asks in horror as she swaps her hands out for laser cannons.
"You guys are Cyn's family right? Me too. I'm Cyn's favorite playmate. She only lets me out to eat every so often so thank you," Jacy says with a creepy smile, showing off her titanium fangs.
"For what?" N asks as he wraps an arm around Uzi and pulls her closer.
"For being my next meal of course," Jacy says as she vanishes into thin air, lines of code appearing in her place.
"Where did she go?!" C asks in a panic as he frantically looks around.
"Right behind you *giggle*," Jacy says as she bites C's arm and throws him down one of the tunnels.
"N, protect Uzi!" I yell as I spread out my wings and lunge at Jacy. Jacy uses her solver to stop me and throws me against a wall. Jacy walks towards me and tries to stab me with one of her extra limbs when J stabs Jacy with one of her swords and kicks Jacy down.
"Ouch, that hurt," Jacy says with a sinister smile as she grabs J forcefully, rips off her arm, and stabs her with her own blade, tossing her to the side like an unwanted doll.
"J!" X yells as he runs over to J and helps her heal. Jacy tries to attack X but I grab her and slam her against the wall. I swap my hands out for claws and tear off one of Jacy's arms. She shrieks in pain and uses one of her claws to cut me in half.
"AGH!" I cry out in pain as I feel my lower torso sliced in two. I close my eyes, anticipating a crash against the floor, but I feel someone catch me. I open my eyes and see C holding my upper body. I can't help but blush slightly as C carries me over to my lower body, which got flung across the tunnel. C sets me down next to my lower body and tackles Jacy. C bites down on Jacy's shoulder and she lets out a blood curdling shriek.
"No more games, time for my feast!" Jacy shouts as she uses her solver to rip C into pieces, tearing off one of his arms and both of his legs, tossing him and his dismembered limbs against the wall. J stabs Jacy but gets stabbed directly in the visor by one of Jacy's crab-claws. X catches J after she gets thrown away by Jacy and Jacy approaches N and Uzi.
"Stay back!" N yells at Jacy as her sinister smile grows and as she laughs insanely. Jacy jumps at N but I kick her away. I tear off one of Jacy's extra limbs and use it to beat the sense out of her. After hitting Jacy with one of her own claw arms for at least three minutes I use my stinger tail to stab her in the core. Jacy shrieks in pain and cuts off my tail and one of my legs.
"AGH!" I scream in pain as I fall backward. I reattach my leg and start to stand up when I feel a sudden extreme pain in my chest. I look down and see that Jacy has stabbed me directly above my core with my own stinger tail. I look at her in horror and she smiles. Jacy tosses me across the room and everything starts to go blurry. Kind of ironic that the very thing that's gonna kill me is gonna be my own nanite acid.
I feel someone drag me away from the fight and my vision clears up enough to see C. I weakly smile at him before I feel my core start to burn from the nanite acid. Before I can do anything C grabs me and I feel him licking my core on my chest. I blush like crazy thinking, "Is he seriously taking advantage of me!?" I open my eyes and see C using his healing saliva to stop my core from burning and speed up its healing process. Then C uses his own tail to slice off his own arm and he offers it to me.
"Drink up, you need the oil to prevent you from overheating," C says as he stands up, still missing an arm. I feel myself blush bright yellow as I reluctantly drink the oil. Now as a disassembly drone, oil tastes sweet to me but for some reason C's tastes even sweeter than usual. Like, it makes me feel weird to be honest. After I fully heal I stand up and give C back his arm. C takes his arm and reattaches it before tackling Jacy to the ground. C activates his four wings and does a spin, dismembering several of Jacy's limbs.
    "Owie, that hurts, and I was using those!" Jacy cries out as her limbs are cut off. While Jacy is dismembered I jump at her and stab her directly in the visor, throwing her against a wall.
"Uzi, use your solver if you can on this bi-" C starts to say before Jacy cuts him in half mid flight and tosses him to the side. J, now fully healed, slices off Jacy's arms and dropkicks her into a wall. Jacy then teleports behind J and grabs her with her claw arms, ripping J in half, tossing her aside like a piece of trash. Then Jacy teleports behind C and bites him on the visor, flinging his body to the side.
J regenerates quickly and charges at Jacy full speed. Jacy catches J and slams her into the floor but when she looks up I shoot her in the visor with my machine guns. One of Jacy's claws swipe at me and cut both my arms off, then one of her tentacles knocks me away.
Jacy then turns her attention back to J and tries to stab her in the core. However her visor hasn't healed yet so she just barely misses. X watches in horror and to everyone's surprise his visor and lights turn a dark red. X flies full speed at Jacy, tackling her to the ground as he swaps his hands out for claws. X then proceeds to punch Jacy in the visor, over and over. Using his claws and wings to tear off any of her limbs that regenerate and try to hit him.
"YOU DARE HURT MY J!!!!" X shouts at Jacy in pure anger, stabbing Jacy's visor with his stinger tail, lifting her up, and ripping her in half with his claws. X tosses Jacy away and grabs J, flying over to N and Uzi so X can heal J. C pins Jacy's upper half to the floor and stabs her visor several times with his stinger tail before getting knocked through several pillars by one of Jacy's claw arms.
Suddenly, Jacy teleports next to N and slices his head right off of his shoulders, knocking his body away. Jacy turns to Uzi but she's gone. Jacy looks around confused and Uzi appears behind Jacy.
"Bite me!" Uzi yells as she uses her solver to dismantle Jacy into several pieces. C flies up and stomps on Jacy's core, crushing it, instantly killing her,
"That's n-no fuuuuunn-" Jacy starts to say, voice distorting as she shuts down. I walk up to N and help him stand up.
"Looks like the little purple emo grape really cares about you dummy," I say with a chuckle. N rolls his eyes but knows I'm only teasing. To be honest I think I may have rushed with my feelings... and I feel like N can tell as well. N obviously likes Uzi more than me and I don't wanna take away his chances, and he can tell I still like C... the only question is how do I tell him...
I walk up to N and nervously say, "N, about us, I"
N suddenly cuts me off with, "V it's fine, I get that you don't really like me- and I forgive you- like always. Just know that I always care- and also- I support whatever decision you make, so go after him"
N gives me a thumbs up and I hug him tightly.
"Sorry if I dragged you on, last thing I wanted to do was hurt you..." I say as N hugs me back and I bury my head into his shoulder.
"Well, you can always count on me V, heh I guess we've always been like siblings... sorry if I always came on to strong back in the day" N says with a laugh.
"Nah it's alright N, and is it ok if I call you my brother? Just wondering..." I ask N nervously.
"Hmm sure thing! Always wanted a sister haha" N laughs and pats me on the back. "Now go get your dream guy sis" N says as he shoves me in C's direction.
I walk over to C and ask, "You alright? That fight took a lot out of everyone, and we still have a long way to travel if we're gonna get to the church."
C rolls his eyes and walks over. I look down, slightly defeated and feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn to my right and see Uzi, being held by N, giving me a knowing look.
"S-Shut up!" I say as I look away with a blush while N and Uzi start laughing. "Let's just get going," I say as J takes the lead with the hologram map again.

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