Chapter 5: Saving Uzi

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"We've been walking for what feels like hours!" C complained as we walked through the seemingly endless tunnels.
"We've only been walking for an hour idiot," I snapped back, glancing back at C. X and I were walking in the front since I had the map, C was walking behind them, and N and V were in the back. I noticed V glanced at N and noticed him looking at the floor.
"You alright N?" V asks N worried as he looks up at her. N nodded his head but V didn't take silence for an answer. V pulls N closer and grip his hand tighter, making him blush bright yellow.
"I-I just miss Uzi," N stammers as he struggles to make eye contact with V.
"Don't worry N, we'll find her. She's your best friend, I can't let my boyfriend go without a best friend can I?" V asks N with a smirk. At the use of the word boyfriend N blushes and shyly looks away. V glanced ahead at X and I and caught C glaring at her.
"What?" V asks C, slightly annoyed by his snarky glances. C looks away and ignores her question. I roll my eyes and notice X looking nervous with all of the increasing tension so I pull X closer to me as we walk. X smiles shyly, comforted by my closeness. I lean in close to X and whisper, "I know I haven't been the best person in the past but I promise to be there for you so cheer up for me okay." X smiles in response and I scratch his hair jokingly.
"T-Thanks J," X stammers as we walk. I look back and notice that the others stopped walking so I stopped as well.
"Why do you keep looking at me like that!?" V shouts at C.
"Why does it matter? I think you two being affectionate is weird okay!" C snaps back at V.
"I think you're just jealous that I'm giving N attention for once! Well guess what? N deserves it, he deserves all the attention in the world cause he's the nicest person ever," V yells back making N blush at her compliment.
"Whatever!" C shouts as he turns around and walks away. V crosses her arms and N whispers to her a question that I can't hear. V blushes and nods shyly. N starts slowly and gently massaging V's shoulders making her relax and calm down a bit.
I feel X shaking nervously next to me and I pull him close saying, "You okay X?"
"Y-Yeah, I just don't want everyone to fight, why can't we all just be on good terms?" X says looking down and saddened.
"Don't worry, everything'll be alright X, I'll protect you no matter what babe-" I stop talking and blush bright yellow after realizing what I just said. I JUST CALLED X BABE! OH ROBO GOD NO!!
"D-Did you just call me babe?" X asks with a giggle. I blush and look away from X. "Hey, don't be shy, I think it's cute, just like you," X says with a blush. I blush even brighter and turn to face X.
"Y-You think I'm cute?" I ask, blushing brightly. X nods and leans against me. Instinctively I protectively wrap my arms around him and hold him close for a few minutes. I'm about to let him go when I feel X nuzzle his head against my neck, making me blush even brighter. "X-X?" I stammer, extremely flustered.
Apparently X had a boost of confidence because he leaned up and kissed my cheek, making me blush even more.
"W-What!?" I ask, blushing like crazy. X giggles and snuggles up closer to me.
"C-Can we stay like this? I feel safe in your arms J," X says quietly as he snuggles up into my arms.
"Sure thing X," I say shyly as I hold him close. I look up and see N and V grinning widely and mischievously. I glare at them because they obviously had something to do with this.
"Hey we didn't do anything! We're just happy the little guy is finally trying to make a move," V says with a laugh. I blush even brighter and roll my eyes.
"They're right, I decided to do this all on my own," X says quietly while in my arms.
"W-Wait so you-" I start to ask before X interrupts me by putting a finger over my lips.
"Yes J, I like you. I've liked you for so long and I was too shy to make any kind of move. I guess that made you think I didn't like you back but I did. Yes at first I was scared of you but after you tried night and day to be my friend you didn't just win me over as a friend. I fell in love with you J. We may not have shared any sparks but I don't need one to let me know how much I love you. You always took care of me and my love was so strong that Cyn couldn't even wipe my memories, so she locked me away. But now that I'm here with you, I don't feel scared anymore, not even scared of admitting my feelings," X says while making direct eye contact with me. I blush like crazy, silenced by X's confession. I feel my visor tear up and I cry.
A look of concern appears on X's face and he tries to comfort me. Little does he know that my tears are not of sadness but of joy. I hug X tightly and kiss his neck, making him shiver. I hold X's face and whisper to him, "I love you too and I don't know how to confess it any better than you did." X smiles and I kiss his forehead.
"X, I promise to be a better person for you! I promise to be more kind, gentle, patient, and loving. I'll protect you no matter what and love you forever," I tell X as I hold him close. I hear sobbing and look over at N who's currently on the floor, bawling his virtual eyes out. V is crouched next to N stroking his back, trying to comfort him. C, however, is just standing next to a wooden pillar keeping an eye out for danger.
"I'm so happy for you two," N says with tears still in his visor. I roll my eyes and hug N, for the first time in a while now. N smiles and hugs back. After a little while I turn my attention back to X and sit next to him.
"Are you guys ready to get moving again or should we rest for a little while longer?" I ask the others.
"I vote we stay here for a bit," N says and the others nod in agreement. C rolls his eyes and turns to walk away.
"Where are you going C?" X asks concerned as C spreads out his four mechanical wings.
"I'm gonna go try and find some clues to where Cyn took Uzi, later losers," C says as he flies away. We watch as C eventually disappears from view and I hold X closer.
"C can take care of himself, he'll be fine," I tell X, trying my best to comfort his concerns.
I glanced over at N and V and they had already entered sleep mode. I feel X fall into sleep mode in my arms and shortly after, I enter sleep mode as well.
I wake up a few hours later and notice that X is still in sleep mode. I smirk and stroke his messy silver hair. X stirs awake and nuzzles his head into my neck. I feel myself blush and X is blushing even more. I wrap my arms around X's neck and kiss his forehead making him blush even brighter yellow.
"Am I seriously the only one not falling in love?" C says as he appears behind us.
"Agh," X shouts, startled. X nuzzles up close to me and I wrap my arms around him. I shoot C a glare and he rolls his eyes.
"I found out where Cyn is keeping Uzi by the way," C says as he swaps his hand out for a projector. "I spent the last few hours mapping out as many of the tunnels that weren't on J's map as I could. While doing so I found a hidden chamber behind a campsite. Only issue is, the chamber is in the opposite direction of the church where we need to go," C says as he displays the map with his projector.
"Cyn's trying to distract us, buy herself some time," I say as I study the map. In order to get to the chamber we have to turn around and go almost 15 miles in the opposite direction from the church. I groan in frustration and feel X hug me, trying to comfort me.
"We can't just leave Uzi," N says as he stands up and helps V get up.
"You're right, Cyn's trying to buy herself some time so she can reach the church before us," C says as he folds his arms.
"Wait, if Tessa is one of Cyn's hosts then how come she hasn't blown up the planet yet?" N asks.
"Yeah, Cyn would've reached the church by now, how come the planet isn't trying to eat us?" V asks while grabbing a spare can of oil she found.
"Something tells me Cyn won't blow up the planet until she has us," C says.
"What do you mean?" X asks with a cute confused face. NO, I need to stop getting distracted. He's soooo cute though, NO!
"Remember, the Solver has a weird obsession with us, she most likely doesn't want to risk accidentally killing us and losing our personalities. She most likely wants to get to the church, prepare for some kind of plan or fight, and once we get there, capture us and wipe our memories again. She wants to make us her puppets again," C says with an empty glare.
"Well then what do we do?" N asks while whimpering unintentionally.
"We save Uzi and kick that eldritch bitches ass!" C says with a smirk.
"Alright I'm in, anything for our Uzi," V says with a confident look.
"Lead the way C, you know where the chamber is," I tell C as he pulls up a digital map.
We followed C for what felt like hours before coming across a massive chamber. Along the chamber walls were huge spikes made out of stone and in the center of the chamber was Uzi, in a cage hanging from the ceiling.
"This place is definitely a trap but my sensor's don't pick up anything," C says as he looks around the chamber. N flies up to the cage and tears it open, holding Uzi in his arms and hopping down.
"Uzi, are you ok?" N asks Uzi, extremely scared and nervous as he sets her down next to a boulder.
"Yeah, I'm ok," Uzi answers weakly as she powers on and sits up. N helps Uzi stand up but she can't walk so N lifts her up onto his shoulders.
"Where's the trap? Surely Cyn would've at least left something," V said as she looked around the chamber.
"No, there's no trap. All Cyn did was bring me here, monologue for a bit, and knock me out. All she did was buy herself some time," Uzi said weakly.
"Time for what? She's already reached the church, what could she be waiting for?" X asked from behind me.
"Waiting for you my friends," Cyn said in a monotone voice as she appeared at the entrance to the chamber.
"How? How are you here?" N asks, extremely confused as he swaps his hands out for claws. The lights in the chamber flashed and the small worker drone was swapped out with a giant mechanical snake crab monstrosity. Just like back at the manor, Cyn's eldritch form was huge.
"It was easy. You see this isn't my real body, this is just a vessel, a means to an end. I made this body so I could massacre the gala, then I made you five better so you could help me. Now the only thing in my way is a few insignificant drones," Cyn says through several camera-like projectors. The eldritch form had Cyns upper body at the very front and a long centipede like mechanical body. Along the body were various tentacles, claws, extendable arms, and projectors.
"What do you mean? You made us in order to kill other drones," I say as I hold X close.
"That was your use recently. But back on Earth you served a different purpose. Helping me craft the tools and massacres leading to humanity's extinction. Every planet tainted by the human presence has been rid of their infectious existence," Cyn says in her monotone voice as solver symbols start to appear around her.
"Wait, you had us kill humans?! And there aren't any left?!" V exclaims as she backs up in horror.
"Correct, thanks for clearing the way on this planet too. Let's eat," Cyn says as her tentacles reach out and try to grab us. I feel one of the tentacles grab my leg and it starts dragging me towards Cyn. I glanced at the others and everyone else was being dragged as well, everyone except C. C spread his 4 mechanical wings out and flew away from the tentacles. C swaps his hands out for a minigun and a machine gun, and starts firing at Cyn. Some kind of invisible force field was reflecting all of the bullets so I swap my hand out for a rocket launcher and shoot a few rockets at Cyn. Cyn winces in pain, dropping her guard long enough for C to blast all the tentacles that were dragging us.
After we were free, we all spread our wings and joined C in the sky. N picked up Uzi and ran over to a corner in order to keep her safe. I kept close to X so he wouldn't get hurt and heard C shout, "I need everyone to shoot my wings with their laser canon!" I noticed that projector-like panels had appeared on C's wings and his hands had been swapped for interstellar railguns.
JCJenson branded interstellar railguns are railguns similar to the one Uzi had. These railguns are used on spaceships to clear debris. These weapons of mass destruction are extremely powerful and even a drone as powerful as Cyn wouldn't survive a blast from one of these, and C had two! No wonder C needs us to shoot him with our lasers, his core doesn't produce enough energy to use one interstellar railgun, yet alone two of them!
"C are you crazy?" V shouts as she dodges a few of Cyn's attacks. "Even one blast from one of those could kill you!"
"So? It doesn't matter, now shoot me!" C shouts as he starts to charge up his railguns. Reluctantly I swap my right hand out for a laser canon and aim at C. N and X do the same and V eventually does as well.
"Fire in three, two, one!" C shouts as we all fire at his wings. The panels on C's wings absorb the energy and redirect them to his railguns. The railguns start to turn a bright blue and a massive blast of energy fires out of both of them, directly at Cyn.
"What in the science-" Cyn starts to say before she gets obliterated by the blast. Everything went a white shade of blue as I got flung against the wall of the cavern. Eventually the bright light from the blast faded and after resetting my visor I notice X a few yards away from me. I crawl over to X and check to make sure he was okay. I look over to where Cyn was before the blast and my eyes go hollow on my visor.
There was nothing left, only a huge crater, permanently burned a black-ish gray color. I help X get up and we walk over to where V is. V is hanging upside down from a metal bar sticking out of a wall. I help V remove her impaled leg from the bar and X helps her get down. I walk over to N and Uzi to check up on them and see that N had used his wings to defend Uzi from falling debris.
"C! C where are you?" V cries out in distress as she looks around for C. V may act like she's moved on from C but I can tell those feelings will never go away. I don't think N minds though because he is showering Uzi with questions of whether or not she's ok.
"Nothing broke, did it? Are you sure you're alright? No damage to your arms or legs?" N asks Uzi as he continuously checks on her.
"N I'm fine," Uzi says with a giggle as he keeps examining her for injuries. Uzi cups N's face with her hands and N blushes like crazy. V notices and gives N a thumbs up, silently saying, "Go ahead I don't mind if you love Uzi." N smiles and blushes even brighter when he feels Uzi kiss his cheek. N looks at Uzi in shock and Uzi blushes as well.
"AGH why did I do that! Ugh nevermind! Bite me!" Uzi shouts flustered as hell as N sits there in shock. N falls backwards and Uzi keeps panicking. I chuckle lightly and glance over at V. V is frantically digging through rubble, desperately trying to find C.
"Ugh," C groans from under a batch of rubble. V runs over and helps C dig himself out.
"C! Are you okay?!" V asks as she hugs C tightly. C tries to get V off of him but she won't let go so he gives up.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm okay V," C says with a chuckle as he strokes V's hair. V buries her visor into C's chest and C smirks.
I feel a tug on my sleeve and I glance to my left to see X looking at the ground shyly. I stare at X, confused, until I realize what he wants.
"Someone jealous that everyone else is getting affection except him?" I ask X with a flirty tone. X blushes and before he can react I pin him to a wall and kiss him. X blushes and closes his eyes, not kissing back but submitting to me. I pull away with a smirk and catch X when he passes out. I hold X bridal style and walk to the others.
"What happened to him?" C asks as I walk up to the others. I smirk and C notices the shy smile on X's unconscious face.
"Jeez, one kiss did all that?" Uzi asks as I pull up a map after setting X down.
"Yeah, X isn't used to that kind of affection yet," I say with a chuckle as I look at the map.
"We need to get moving, that form of Cyn may be gone but she still has Tessa as a host," C says as he takes the lead, snatching the map from mean. I pick X up, still unconscious by the way, and follow C with the others.

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