Chapter 13: Bad Time For A Reunion

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"Cyn! What's your end goal here!? Why destroy this planet!? You said the only reason you attacked Earth and the colonies was because of the humans, and now they're all dead! So why are you doing this!?" I shout angrily as I dodge Cyns tendrils and try to slash them with my swords.
"Giggle. You really don't get it... do you? N?" Cyn says with a sinister smile as she teleports in front of me and slams her visor against mine, cracking it. "Easier to assimilate than explain anyway," Cyn says as she stabs me through the stomach and slams me against a wall.
"N!" Uzi shouts as she runs over to me before getting knocked away by Cyn. I shoot Cyn in the face with my machine gun and she shrieks in pain, one of her tendrils wraps around my arm and yanks it off.
"AGH!" I shout in pain as I grip the bleeding spot where my arm once was. I look up in horror as Cyns tendrils slam me down onto the ground and she crawls up to me.
"You first... eager beaver, hehehe let me in, let me in, let me in, let me in, let me in," Cyn says as she scratches at my chassis before ripping into it, violently tearing of the plating and tearing out my inner components, revealing the bio-mechanically infused organs inside of me as she stabs and rips them apart. I don't even scream or struggle, I just stare in pure horror as she forces me to watch her rip me apart, my vision blurring and systems failing.
"Take this demon!" Thad shouts as he fires multiple railgun blasts. Cyn quickly dodges them and jumps back. Thad runs over to me and quickly grabs my parts that had been scattered all over the ground, dropping them back into my chassis as my healing system goes into overdrive. Uzi runs over to Thad and I as Lizzy and Khan maintain coverfire at Cyn.
"N! Thad move!" Uzi says as she shoves Thad out of the way and uses her solver to heal me. I slowly sit up and she hugs me tightly, her arms wrapped around my neck. "Don't do that again!" Uzi cries into my shoulder as she buries her visor into it.
"We have to stick together, no more splitting up, we work together," I say as I try to stand up after Uzi lets go of the hug.
"The Murder dro- I mean, N is right!" Khan says as he offers a hand to help me stand up. I accept it and he helps me up. "Perhaps I judged you too quickly N, you're a great boyfriend for my daughter," Khan says calmly as Uzi's whole visor turns purple.
"He's not my!- er- well, now he is I- h-he... He wasn't before I- Did you assume we were dating this whole time!?" Uzi stammers and shouts as she glares at her dad.
"Yeah.... Am I wrong?" Khan asks confused as he looks at us in confusion.
"I- Ugh nevermind, let's just kill this god already!" Uzi says as she readies her solver, spreads her wings, grabs her dad, and flies up into the air. I spread my own wings, pick up Lizzy (much to her own protest), and fly with Uzi. I look over and see another disassembly drone pick up Thad and carry him to the building we were all flying towards.
"Who are- Wait... S?!" I exclaim in surprise as I set down Lizzy and walk over to the female disassembly drone.
"N!? OMG It's so good to see you!" S says in a chipper tone as she runs up to me and hugs me.
"Who's this?" Uzi asks as she looks at S, glancing over at Khan, Lizzy, and Thad, expecting answers.
"This is S, my basically sister," I say with a happy smile as S and I pull away from the hug.
"Sister!? What!?" Uzi exclaims in confusion, Khan and the others sharing the same look.
"N and I have always been really similar, both in looks and in how we act, so we agreed that we're basically sister and brother," S says with a happy giggle as she smiles at me.
"Yeah, it's great to see you again S, I'm glad you're here with us," I say as I smile at her. S prepares a response but is interrupted by Khan clearing his throat.
"This is not the best time for a reunion," Khan says as he points to multiple chunks of destroyed buildings hurtling towards us.
"Everyone get down!" Lizzy shouts as we all try to seek cover. Uzi quickly uses her solver and redirects the building chunks away from us, slamming them against another building.
"Enough mushy stuff, time to fight!" Uzi shouts as she readies a null and flies towards Cyn, throwing it at her. Cyn dodges and watches as the null speeds past her into the distance, causing a huge explosion miles away.
"You three maintain cover fire from the lower ledge, we'll handle Cyn!" I shout as S and I fly over to Uzi to help her.
"You heard him! Open fire!" Thad shouts as he aims at Cyn and starts firing, Lizzy and Khan joining in.
"Dodge this!" Uzi shouts as she slams a chunk of a building into Cyn, disorienting her. I fly at Cyn, swinging my blades at her, but she teleports out of the way and dropkicks me into a wall. S swaps her hands out for her machine guns and fires at Cyn but Cyn just blocks the bullets with her Solver.
I look over in the distance and see C fighting V, X, and J. I look back and see that Uzi, Lizzy, Khan, Thad, and S are holding their own against Cyn. I should go and help V and the others but Uzi might need me.
"V, J, and X need help!" I shout as I quickly stand up and look at Uzi with a worried expression. Uzi turns to look at me and scoffs dramatically.
"Well? Go and help them!!" Uzi shouts as she launches multiple building chunks at Cyn. I spread my wings and fly towards C. C slams V against the ground and dropkicks X away. J flies towards C but C catches her with his free hand and throws her at a building, causing her to crash through the walls.
"This is a dumb idea!" I shout as I fly up into the air as high as I can and retract my wings, causing me to enter freefall. I barrel down through the sky, speeding up more and more. I spread my wings and wrap them around myself to speed up my descent. As I near the ground, I spread my wings and slow my descent enough to extend a leg.
"What the-" C starts to say as he glances up and sees me barreling towards him.
"TAKE THIS YOU SON A OF BI-" I start to say before getting cut off by the sound of my impact. My leg slams into C's chest, sending him flying against the ground and smashing through ruined buildings. I land, hard, and smack against the ground after my kick lands, a giant cloud of dust being flung up from my impact.
"N! Are you ok?!" J shouts as she runs up to me alongside X and V.
"Ow..." I say weakly as I try to sit up with my heavily damaged limbs which have only just started to heal.
"Here, let me help," J says as she crouches down next to me and gently props me up.
"He's coming back!" X shouts as he readies his swords when he spots C emerging from the rubble and flying towards us.
"We'll hold him off! J, you help N!" V shouts as she and X spread their wings and fly off to intercept C.
"N, c'mon, don't die on me now, don't close your eyes," J says as she notices my digital eyes struggling to stay open. My system is in overdrive trying to heal my broken body, I don't have enough oil in my reserves to prevent my overheating and it's beginning to kill me.
"I need..... Oil...." I say weakly as I glance up at J, struggling to even turn my head.
"Oh shit! Wait, here!" J says as she bites a chunk off of her arm and lifts it up to my mouth.
"Are you sure? I don't want you to feel like you have t-" I begin to say before J shushes me with her finger.
"N, I've been horrible to you our whole lives. I never understood how you could always be so optimistic, so free, so careless, so happy, and I made you suffer for it. Even when we were worker drones I treated you just as bad as I did those 18 long years we spent here. And I regret everything, I regret hurting you, I wish I could claw my own core out as punishment for what I did. X always tried to make me be nicer to you and yet I never listened. I hate myself so much that I felt the need to put others down so I don't feel as bad. I know you probably won't forgive me, but I just wanted to tell you I'm sorry. I'm so sorry N! I'm sorry for every punch, every insult, every kick, everything! I promise to never hurt you or anyone else, except for Cyn, again," J says as digital tears fill her visor. I lower my mouth to her bleeding arm and slowly drink the oil, my systems cooling and my body healing faster.
"J, I'll always forgive you, just like everyone else. Everyone deserves a second chance and everyone deserves to be happy. It makes me so happy to see how much being with X, even if not for that long, has helped you mature. You two are perfect for each other and I wish you the best sis," I say with a warm smile as J looks at me in surprise.
"Y-You mean it? You really forgive me? You should hate me I-" J starts to say before I cut her off with a hug.
"I love you buddy, always will. You're like a sister to me, you and V. I'll always care for you," I say as J sobs quietly into my shoulder as I hug her close.
"Thank you," J says quietly into my shoulder as she buries her visor further into it.
"Now let's go help our friends," I say as we both let go of the hug and stand up.
"I'll follow your lead," J says as she playfully salutes me and we both spread our wings. We fly over to X and V, who are currently being slammed against the ground by C.
"JUST DIE ALREADY!" C shouts in anger as he slams V against a wall and kicks her through it. Then he turns to X and rips his arms off, kicking him to the ground.
"STAY AWAY FROM MY X!!!" J shouts in anger as she slams against C at a high speed, knocking him through a ruined building.
"You alright X?" I ask as I reattach his arms. X nods and stands up, we all spread our wings and fly towards C, V joining in behind us.
"ENOUGH!" C shouts as he swaps one of his blades out for a railgun and fires it at us. We all quickly dodge the laser and I tackle C to the ground, repeatedly punching him in the visor as hard as I can. C stabs me through the chest and throws me away, getting up and drop-kicking J, who had tried to sneak up on him. I crash through a wall and quickly get up, watching as C slices V in half and kicks her away.
"Take this traitor!" X shouts as he stabs C through the shoulder. C cries out in pain and breaks X's arm off before kicking X away. C rips the blade out of his shoulder and stabs X in the visor with it. X writhes in pain and falls to the floor.
"X! You'll pay for that!" J shouts as she runs up to C and repeatedly stabs him through the stomach.
"GAH! You little-" C shouts as he grabs J by the throat and tosses her to the side. C picks up a fallen chunk of a wall and smashes it against J, sending her flying into another building.
"Dodge this!" I shout as I stab C in the back and repeatedly stab him in the back using my swords.
"GET OFF!" C shouts as he extends his wings, the blades impaling me in several parts of my body.
"AHH!" I shout in pain as C throws me to the ground and stomps on my stomach.
"Sorry N, but it's about time you shut up for good," C says as he swaps his hand out for a sword and he tries to stab me in the core. V tackles C before he can stab my core, knocking him off of me and allowing me to get up.
"How could you C! HOW COULD YOU!" V shouts as she repeatedly punches C in the face, her visor filling with digital tears.
"I'm sorry, I don't have a choice," C says as he stabs V through the chest, her eyes going wide with hurt and sadness. C tosses V away and wipes his own tears away as he stands up.
"Hey! I have an idea," Nori says as she walks up to me from behind a rock with Doll.
"How long have you two been back there?" I ask in confusion. Doll shrugs her claw legs and Nori just looks at me confused. "Nevermind, what's the plan?" I ask as I crouch down and look at them.
"Doll and I are gonna hit C with two nulls at once, it won't kill him but it'll send him all the way up to the rings of Copper-9, maybe farther," Nori says as she hops up onto my shoulder and Doll climbs up onto my arm.
"And in the time it takes for him to get back, we'll deal with Cyn! That's genius!" I exclaim happily, quickly sending a message to V, X, and J, telling them to buy me time.
"Only question is, how do we sneak up on him?" Nori asks as I spread my wings and Doll hops on my other shoulder.
"You two hold onto my wings, when I fly up to C, use your move," I say as I spread my wings. Nori and Doll hop onto my wings and hold on tight.
"Stay down!" C shouts in anger as he slams V against a wall, kicking her through the wall before she can recover. X and J sneak up on C but he quickly stabs X in the stomach and slams him into J, knocking them both away. I quickly fire a missile at the ground, causing a huge cloud of dust to emerge, surrounding C.
"HAVE A NICE FLIGHT!" I shout as I fly up to C, emerging from the cloud of dust and throwing Nori and Doll at him.
"What the-" C starts to say before he gets cut off by Nori and Doll summoning 2 nulls.
"Have fun murder drone!" Nori shouts as she and Doll hit C with two nulls at once, sending him flying into the sky.
"NOOOO-" C shouts as he goes flying into the sky, his cries fading into silence as he flies further and further up.
"C'mon, let's go help Uzi!" I say as I run over to V and help her get up. By the time we ran over to J and X, Nori and Doll had already jumped onto my shoulders. I spread my wings and Nori and Doll climbed onto them, holding on tight.
"Let's go save your girlfriend," V says with a smug grin as they also spread their wings and we all take flight.
"Yeah yeah, very funny V. Everyone ready? We're gonna need to work together and stay focused if we're gonna defeat Cyn," I say as I glance back at the others as we fly.
"Hell yeah! Time to murder a god hahaha!" Nori shouts maniacally as she waves her claw legs.
"Welp, nice to know where Uzi got all... that... from," J says with a grin as we all continue to fly.
"There they are!" I shout as I dive bomb at Cyn, spotting her readying to kill Uzi.... my Uzi.
"Prepare to be- shriek of pain!" Cyn shouts as I drop kick her in the chest, knocking her off the platform and catching Uzi, holding her in my arms.
"You alright?" I ask Uzi as I land on the ground and retract my wings, glancing down at her. Uzi's digital eyes are wide and her visor is bright purple with blush. "Uh.... you good?" I ask Uzi with concern as she continues to look at me even though I set her down.
"I- Can I- I want- I- Ugh! BITE ME!" Uzi yells as she grabs my face and pulls my head down to meet hers in a kiss. My eyes widen in surprise at first but I quickly close them in and cup her face, pulling her close as I reciprocate the sudden kiss.
"Ugh get a room you two," V says with a playful eye roll as both Uzi and I's visors turn bright with blush.
"BITE ME!" Uzi yells in a flustered fit as she lets go of me and glares at a very smug and amused V.
"Oh please, tell that to N, he'll bite you, he loves doing anything," V says in a playful tone, making Uzi's whole visor turn bright purple. Uzi lets out a frustrated groan and turns to me, burying her embarrassed face into my coat.
"V, that was mean," I say with a playful glare and wink as V smirks and steps closer.
"Whatever, I'm just teasing. Now c'mon, we have an eldritch god to kill," V says with a smirk as Uzi perks up and lifts up a chunk of a building with her solver.
"Hell yeah!!" Uzi shouts as she hops onto my back, ready for battle. Suddenly the ground shakes and everyone circles up, disassembly drones on the outside with the worker drones and drone cores in the middle. Cyn emerges from one of the many craters and laughs maniacally.
"This. Ends. NOW!" Cyn shouts, her voice distorting in rage as several clones of her eldritch-snake-crab form burst out of the ground.
"You're right Cyn," I shout as we all ready our weapons and spread our wings, Uzi, Thad, Khan, and Lizzy arming their railguns. "This ends now!"

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