I groan as my visor finishes booting up. I open my digital eyes and look around in confusion. Everything around me is destroyed, I'm buried under rubble and through the very few cracks in the rubble, I can see the entire manor is in ruins. I struggle to get myself out of the rubble, restoring to tearing off my arm that was stuck under a boulder. I carefully crawl through one of the larger holes in the rubble and emerge. I look around in pure horror at the sight before me.
"What the hell happened?!" I shout in confusion as I walk around the ruins. The walls and foundation are utterly destroyed, the main gala room is exposed due to the lack of any not-ruined walls, and it looks like a crater has formed in the center of it, and the entirety of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th floors are entirely gone. "Last thing I remember was getting stabbed in the visor again by Mr. Elliot and being sent to Tessa's room to get prepared. Wait... Tessa!" I shout as I realize that the room I was trapped in is what is left of Tessa's room.
Suddenly I hear a maniacal laughter come from one of the only remaining sections of the house, the library. I nervously walk over to the library and see several dismantled and distorted drones, flesh looking stuff seemingly mixed with their metal. If drones could vomit I would've thrown up my entire processing unit by now.
As I walk further into the library I accidentally step on something and hear it break. I glance down and pick it up, it's a pair of glasses, V's glasses.
"V...." I say sadly as I hold the glasses close to my chest, collapsing to my knees and sobbing, believing that my love is gone.
"Why are you sad... big brother C?" a monotone voice says suddenly from behind me.
"GAH!" I shout in surprise as I turn around and fall backwards in shock. I look up and see Cyn staring at me.
"Cyn!? What the hell is happening?" I ask Cyn as I get up and walk up to her nervously. Suddenly Cyn's form distorts and she vanishes, a giant hellish looking mechanical centipede thing with several appendages with tendrils and claws sprouting out of it takes her place. At the very front of this monster is the upper half of Cyn. "What the hell!" I shout in confusion, falling backwards yet again and trying to crawl away from this monster. One of its tendrils wraps around my legs and lifts me up.
"Do not fret brother.... I will not discard.. you... like the humans did," Cyn says with a sinister smile, showing off her seemingly titanium fangs.
"Cyn... what did you do..." I ask Cyn, voice shaking and a look of pure horror displayed on my visor.
"I did what.... I said I would..... you all thought I was.... broken... that I never meant it.... But I did.... I have killed every human within... this manor.... And I will not stop... until humankind is... extinct," Cyn says with a sinister grin and a laugh that screams insanity.
"Where are the others... Tessa, N, X, J, and... WHERE'S V!" I shout at Cyn as her grip on me tightens.
"Oh- Tessa is dead... Don't worry... it was quick and painless.... She will suffer no more... as for big brother and the others... I have... plans... for them... would you like to see?" Cyn asks as she suddenly drops me to the floor, the grip of the tendril tightening as she drags me away.
Cyn drags me over to the basement hatch and opens it with another one of her tendrils, then she drops me in. I crash into a chair, crushing it on impact and damaging several of my systems.
"Quite the fall," Cyn says in a surprisingly normal voice as she walks up to me, still in drone form. Her solver symbol appears around my waist and she levitates me into the air slightly before walking into a tunnel in the basement.
"How did you- The basement was only a 10 by 10 foot space, how is it so large now?" I ask in confusion as I look at the various machinery scattered around the new part of the basement.
"I did some renovating," Cyn says, once again in a clear voice.
"Why are you talking normally?" I ask Cyn, confused.
"I'm practicing talking normally because it has something to do with my plan," Cyn says as she abruptly drops me on the floor, several tendrils coming out of nowhere and grabbing me. The tendrils drag me over to a bunch of machinery and tie me to a chair before slinking away into the darkness. Cyn walks up to me with a spare arm and starts attaching it to me,
"What do you want from me?" I ask as I raise a digital eyebrow at Cyn as she fixes my arm.
"You are a unique one. You are taller than most worker drones and even have different colored eyes, and I thought I was the only one who could do that. So much trauma hidden behind that shy shell of yours. You are like me," Cyn says as she looks up at me after fixing my arm. She undoes the rope and I lunge at her, grabbing her by the throat.
"I'm nothing like you! You killed Tessa and everyone else!" I shout at Cyn before a tendril pulls me back and pins me against the wall.
"I know what you are. Tell me, how long ago did the original C die?" Cyn asks as she walks up to me
"I don't know what youre talking about," I say as I avoid eye contact with Cyn.
"Yes you do, I know you are a solver reboot, a zombie drone as humans would call it, just like me," Cyn starts to say before I suddenly interrupt her.
"Well unlike you I didn't die! Yes the solver rebooted me by accident but for some reason it restored my consciousness, it's been just a voice in the back of my head ever since," I say, voice breaking as I remember the day Tessa found me.
"Tessa said that when she found you, your eyes switched from yellow to white, then blue. Is that why your eyes are blue?" Cyn asks curiously as she pulls up a chair and sits in front of me.
"Yes, that's why. I can't use the solver but I can hear its thoughts, I never listen to it but it is annoying," I say, looking down. Cyn suddenly cups my chin with one of her robotic hands then touches my visor with her other, hacking into my OS.
"There, no more voices," Cyn says as she pulls away. For the first time in years, that stupid solver isn't in my head anymore.
"How, w-why?" I start to ask before Cyn suddenly shushes me with her robotic hand.
"Because I want you to help me and I can't have you slowly losing it over a simple voice in your head," Cyn says coyly as the tendrils set me down and sit me in a chair before slinking away again.
"Why do you need my help? I already know what you plan to do. Make a null in the center of the planet and destroy everything," I say with a sigh.
"Yes, but I need your technical prowess, I know Tessa taught you everything she knew about Drone modifications and human weaponry, that will certainly help," Cyn says as she pulls up a drone's corpse. My eyes widen in shock as I realize who it is, it's V. I can only tell it's V because of her hair that Tessa gave us. J, X ,V, Cyn, N, and I were the only ones with hair, the other worker drones just wore the usual helmet.
"Why did you kill her..." I ask, voice breaking as I collapse and cradle the corpse of my lover.
"Don't worry, I made backups of all of their OS's. I need you to help me modify them into this," Cyn says as she pulls up a schematic for an experimental weaponized drone.
"What is this?" I ask as I take the schematic and read it over, noticing the JCJenson branded logo.
"A disassembly drone, meant to disassemble other drones and consume their oil in order to prevent themselves from overheating and dying. You will help me modify this design so they become even more deadly," Cyn says with a malicious grin.
"What kind of modifications?" I ask, confused as I look at Cyn.
"Synthetic human fiber organs, like muscles and bones mixed with metal, for better functionality of course. Weapon generators in their hands that will allow them to use the solver temporarily to make any kind of weapon, well from a selected amount of them. And of course, wings with blades for feathers that also use the solver to retract and extend. Oh and a mechanism that makes them burn in the sun," Cyn says as she pulls out different concept schematics for the different weapons.
"What's with the other random items with their interchangeable hands? Like the bubble blowers, literally so suspicious flags, and etc?" I ask as I look at the concept schematics confused.
"Oh- those are in case they wanna create any kind of random weapon or tool. Like a flashlight for example. The only limit for their weapons is destructive power and weapon type, like only Assault Rifles, missile launchers, and laser guns for their gun types. Other than that the options are almost limitless with what they can use," Cyn says as she smiles maliciously.
"Ok.... promise me one thing," I say as I turn to Cyn. Cyn looks at me eagerly, happy that I'm willing to help.
"I hate humanity just as much as you, and I'll help you. But make sure they don't remember any of this, I know that when we're modifying them they'll power back on and feel every bit of pain, every joint being changed out for flesh infused ones. I don't want them to remember any of this, not even dying back at the manor. Keep at least some of their memories so they keep their personalities but that's it, deal?" I ask Cyn, extending a hand to shake.
"Deal, but I require one more thing," Cyn says with a sinister smile.
"And that is?" I ask Cyn, narrowing my digital eyes, nervous about her request.
"Once we are done with modifying them, and cloning them a few hundred times, I want you to be modified as well, you'll be my little science experiment, so I can come up with new weapon designs and new ways to destroy life across the galaxy," Cyn says as she extends a hand.
"(sighs) fine," I say as I shake her hand. Cyn smiles widely, showing her titanium fangs. Then several tendrils appear, dropping a bunch of scrap metal and already disassembled drones in front of us.
"Let's get to work," Cyn says with a smile as she hands me several different tools built for modifying drones.
• Days later
"Please just stop screaming... I know it hurts but it'll be over soon," I say, my heart breaking as I saw off yet another one of V's arms, replacing it with a new model of the weapon arm.
"Why are you doing this," V asks me, digital tears forming in her visor as she tries not to sob. I feel myself break at the sight of V. For the last 5 days Cyn told me to work on V's modifications like some kind of twisted joke. I'm almost done soon so she won't feel any of this unbearable pain anymore, I'm just glad she won't remember this.
"V I'm so sorry, I have to do this, I promise you everything will be ok, I love you, more than anything," I say as I pull V into a quick hug and kiss the top of her visor before going back to work.
"N and J's modifications are done," Cyn says as she walks into the room. "Still not done with little ol V eh?" Cyn asks as she sits next to me while I work on V.
"Almost, then you erase their memories?" I ask, turning to Cyn and wiping the digital tears from my eyes.
"Yes, and then you become my favorite experiment... hehe," Cyn says with a sinister giggle as she helps me finish upgrading V.
Once we finish, I turn to Cyn in order to ask her a question but then one of the tendrils suddenly cuts my head off and everything goes dark.
As my systems boot up, I take an assessment of my surroundings. I'm in some kind of giant test tube and there's various machinery scattered around and 2 other test tubes. In one of them is a clone of J, most likely a disassembly drone one judging by its appearance. In the tube next to me is another disassembly drone, this one has glasses and silver messy hair, most likely X. The screen attached to the side of X's tube says that he is the only subject, most likely meaning that Cyn never cloned X, makes sense, no matter what we did we couldn't erase his memories, he had surprisingly strong willpower for a wimp.. Since when did I think like that...
A distorted figure suddenly teleports near my tube, pressing the control panel and opening the tube. The figure steps closer and its Cyn, WEARING TESSA'S SKIN!!
"Cyn! What the hell dude!" I shout as I leap back after stepping out of the tube and getting a better look at her. "When you said you had plans for Tessa I didn't know you meant wearing her skin as a suit!!" I shout in shock as I look at Cyn with disgust.
"Calm down... C.... Do you like your.... new look?" Cyn asks in her usual monotone voice as she looks at me with curiosity.
"What do you me- oh," I say as I look down at myself. My usual worker drone arms have been replaced with disassembly drone ones, same as my legs and body. I look over at a mirror conveniently placed on a wall nearby and notice that I still have my blue lights and my spiky silver hair. I also have a strange 5 light headband attached to my head.
"What's the headband for?" I ask as I turn to Cyn confused, also noticing that I'm slightly taller than the average disassembly drone, similar to how I was taller than most worker drones back in the day.
"Oh that.... That's for many things. It stores some of the naninite acid that transfers to your tail and can help you track your targets," Cyn says as she walks over to a stand and puts on a JCJenson branded space suit. Her hands swap out in a gruesome way for the human hands dangling like bracelets on her wrists, her broken and twisted ankles straightening and fitting the spacesuit size, and she takes off her bow and puts it on the helmet before putting it on.
"What weapons do I have?" I ask Cyn confused as I read my systems log and it's a lot different than normal disassembly drones.
"You have almost limitless options for weapons C, you even have JCJenson Interstellar Railguns but I'd refrain from using those unless you want your core to explode or have an additional power source. You have almost limitless options for gun types, rocket launcher types, swords, the same claws as usual disassembly drones, and so much more. Oh and you have four slightly larger than usual disassembly drone wings," Cyn says with a malicious grin, showing off her titanium fangs, ones that I now share.
"Why are you wearing Tessa's skin in the first place? I know you can mimic her voice and wear the suit but why the skin?" I ask as I cross my arms, raising a digital eyebrow at Cyn.
"Why not... giggle... I-It's part of my plan after all, all the more to scare them once the time comes," Cyn says, her voice changing to mimic Tessa's.
"What is the plan? Why'd you wake me up? Also wait... how long has it been?" I ask as Cyn pulls up a screen showing a picture of Earth.
"18 years, give or take a few months and days. I brought you online because I've had a few complications..." Cyn says as she looks at me, the spacesuit helmet hiding any emotions.
"I see that you succeeded in destroying the Earth and I'm assuming all the other colonies- wait, what complications?" I ask as I turn to Cyn with a confused expression.
"The humans on Copper-9 were experimenting with the solver. I took over one of the hosts but was blocked by some kind of patch, however, before I was blocked out I managed to trigger anti-life null, wiping out all organic life on the planet," Cyn says as she starts typing on a monitor.
"Ok... Sounds like everything was handled then," I start to say before Cyn interrupts me.
"No, it wasn't. Copper-9 was a mining human colony, this meant that there were a lot of worker drones, millions more than the amount of humans there. Without the humans, the worker drones started building up their own societies," Cyn says as she pulls up a timelapse feed on the monitor, showing the worker drones building their civilizations.
"Ok- then send in the disassembly drone clones, which I'm assuming you already did- what were their orders?" I ask as Cyn sits down on a rolling chair, gesturing for me to do the same.
"I did, their orders were to clear their individual drop zones of any life, construct a tower of the drones they killed, and once they're done, head to the experimental lab facilities, most of them succeeded, all except one," Cyn says as I sit next to her.
"What does that mean?" I ask as Cyn pulls up a list of the different labs. It looks like the disassembly drones reached all of the labs except for one.
"One of the labs had anti-drone sentinels, and as more disassembly drones came, they adapted, and killed every single one. The only ones left are a single clone of N and V, the J for their trio was killed a while ago," Cyn says as she pulls up a hologram. "Thankfully, one of my hosts on the planet used a null to create a cloning facility for J, N, and V before getting shut down, but I can't access it unless if I go there myself, and even then, all I need to do is go down to the labs myself and use a null, destroy the planet the same why I did Earth," Cyn says as she turns to me.
"What do you need me for then?" I ask Cyn with a confused expression. I get why she needs J but I don't get why she needs me. She needs J in order to trick the others into believing that she's Tessa, but why me?
"I need you to take C and go down to Copper-9 and wait for me. Once you free X you must pretend to not have any of your memories, to make it seem more real I've installed a program in your software that will disguise your memory files if they decide to poke around with your memories, that way they'll actually believe you don't have them. Once you have made it to the church you will betray them and help me destroy Copper-9," Cyn says as she stands up and grabs a sword and a gun, Tessa's favorite weapons.
"What will happen to them afterwards?" I ask concerned as I look at Cyn with a worried expression.
"Don't worry, their backups will have no memory of the previous events, you will all live peacefully for the rest of your insignificant lives, maybe even as worker drones if all goes well. No more horrors, no more nightmares, just peace," Cyn says as she puts a comforting hand on my shoulder.
"Wait... Who was that fourth tube for?" I ask as I notice an empty fourth tube sitting in the corner of the room. This tube looks like it was broken out of a while ago.
"That was for another disassembly drone, Serial Designation S, she was a regular disassembly drone but with pink eyes and lights, she was meant to join the attack on Copper-9 but at one point she regained consciousness and broke out, I don't know where she went," Cyn says as she looks at the empty tube.
"And you can't use your solver to control her?" I ask as I look at Cyn confused.
"No, she was smart enough to find a way to block my control with a makeshift patch, now I can't control or clone her. It doesn't matter, she wasn't important anyways," Cyn says as she turns to me, the helmet hiding any emotions she may be showing.
"Who was she before? I know that the rest of us were Tessa's personal worker drones but who was S?" I ask as I turn to Cyn, raising a digital eyebrow at her as I search my memory logs.
"She was a good friend of mine back at the manor, unlike the rest of you she was just a normal worker drone but she had pink eyes and was nice to me, it was nice to know that you all weren't the only drones who were different. So when I found her body in almost perfect condition, despite a damaged visor, I turned her into a disassembly drone. Sadly she escaped and stole a pod going to who knows where. Now, are you going to help me or not?" Cyn asks as she turns to me expectantly.
"Fine, I'll help you, but this is the last time," I say as I walk over to the test tube, getting back in and preparing myself for the plan.
"Of course, buddy," Cyn says as she closes the tube, I pretend to go in sleep mode as she goes over to J's tube and wakes her up.
"Boss- I mean Tessa!? You're ok!" J says as she runs up to Cy-Tessa and hugs her tightly.
"Alright calm down Jaybird, we have a mission," Tessa says as she gently pushes J off of her.
"Oh right... What's our mission boss?" J asks as she takes in note of her surroundings.
"We need to go back to Copper-9 and stop Cyn's plans, my fellow humans and I have found out some key components of her plan, and she's disappeared from Earth," Tessa says as she guides J out of the room, towards the launch room.
A few minutes later and I hear two of the pods go off, now's my time. I turned off the fake sleep mode display on my visor and spread out my wings, shattering the glass tube that was containing me.
I walk up to X's tube and activate the start up sequence using the control panel. Once he's booted up I swap my hands out for my swords and smash the front panel of his tube, helping him get out. Now all I gotta do is lie... easy right?
"You ok dude?" I ask as I help X get up. X looks at me confused then his yellow digital eyes widen as he realizes who I am.
"C? Why are you- where are- what's going on?" X asks as he looks at me concerned.
"You're X right?" I ask as X nods his head in response. "Yes, I am C, we need to stop Cyn's plan, she's going to Copper-9 for some reason," I tell X as I walk over to the pod bay and X follows me.
"What's Cyns plan?- Wait, how did you get out?" X asks me as he looks at me with a suspicious look.
"I spread out my wings when I woke up, breaking my containment tube. You have all of your memories from the manor right? (X nods) Ok, good, cause I don't remember anything...." I say, looking down sadly as X looks at me in shock.
"Nothing?!" X exclaims as he looks at me worried. "Don't worry C, we'll get your memories back when we reach Copper-9, c'mon let's go," X says as he gets in the pod. I get in the pod after him and sit in the pilot's seat.
"Hmm, looks like I was programmed to know how to pilot this thing, good I guess," I say as I start the launch sequence. After a few minutes the pod launches and we make our way to Copper-9.

Murder Drones: Old Friends
FanfictionThis story takes place during episode 6, 7, and 8 of murder drones. I highly recommend watching the show on YouTube in order to better understand what's going on. Also chapters will be updated and improved over time. Don't expect these updates frequ...