Chapter 2: The other Team

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"I can't believe you guys are alive!" I shouted as I hugged C tightly. A light blue blush appeared on his visor and he gently pushed me off of him. N looked at us in shock, probably surprised that I hugged C. I'm not usually that affectionate but I'm just glad to see C again.
C was one of the nicest drones you'd ever meet. Imagine N, make him slightly taller, give him blue lights, and spiked hair. Then you have C. C wasn't as outgoing as N and spent a lot of time with me. When we were worker drones C and I were, dating I think. After I thought he died I changed so much and sadly so did he.
    "Wait, how do you guys know these two?" Uzi asks as N helps her stand up.
    "C and X here were two drones that Tessa brought back to the manor after she brought back Cyn. When Cyn attacked the manor one of the last things I remember is seeing Cyn kill X and C, and just leaving their bodies in the rubble. Shortly after the attack, Cyn turned us into disassembly drones, however, she only turned V, N, and I into them," J answered as she side-eyed X. J stepped closer to X and he nervously looked away. Back at the manor so many years ago, X was the only person J was nice too, well besides Tessa. I don't know what it was about X but J always took care of him. X had and still had glasses, silver hair, and yellow eyes like the rest of us. J helped X with simple tasks and always looked out for him. X was shy around everyone accept J, mostly. J liked X so much and no matter how much she denied it, it was obvious. I guess the main reason she's so mean to N nowadays was because she believed X was dead.
    "Ok I guess I'll tell our end of the story then," C says as he sits down on a large rock. "After Cyn's attack she dug X and I out of the rubble. She turned X into a disassembly drone first but decided not to release him and kept him in a lab back on whatever was left of Earth. When Cyn decided to turn me into a disassembly drone, she decided to get creative. I was Cyn's little science experiment. She gave me all sorts of upgrades and lots of weapons. Most of my weapon technology is nanotechnology."
    "So you're basically a more advanced version of N and X here?" J asked as she put a hand on X's shoulder making him flinch. Ever since J saw X, she's been slowly acting more like her old self, she was always like a protective older sister to X.
    "So how did you guys get here?" I asked as I tried to sit closer to C but he scooted away. I looked away disappointed and slightly embarrassed.
    "When I woke up, Cyn had me hooked up to all sorts of machinery. I managed to break one of my arms free and lasered myself out of the machinery. After I escaped I found X and helped him get out. X remembers more than me about the past. The only thing I remember clearly is Cyn's attack," C says as he glares at me.
Seeing Cs blue eyes glare at me makes me remember one of the last times I saw C.
N was reading and I was with him. C walked up and nervously sat down next to me. I smiled, loving that despite dating me, C still acted like a shy boy with a crush. I reached over and kisses his cheek making him blush bright blue. C glared at me but couldn't stay mad and laughed in embarrassment. I smirked at him and wrapped an arm around his shoulder, pulling him closer, and making him blush even brighter if possible.
N, C, and I would read in the library together a lot and whenever N hung out with Cyn, I hung out with C. C and I were very close and to be honest, I thought we would be together forever in the future. After I thought C died, I treated N so badly. N reminded me so much of C that it made me hate him. Now that C is back hopefully things will be better.
    "How much do you remember?" J asks C as she sits closer to X making him blush. I can tell J is hoping that X remember her and it's so obvious he does. I don't think X changed AT ALL! I mean he has the same nervous stance and whenever J gets close he nervously looks away which J never let him do.
    "The only thing I remember about you guys is the stuff X told me. Doesn't mean I have to trust any of you though. From what I learned J was bossy but nice to X. N was the most outgoing and nice guy ever. And you *C points at me* were shy and always with me. I don't know why I would hang out with someone like you but apparently I did so whatever," C answered as he scooted away from me. I was devastated at hearing this, C really didn't remember anything?! I don't think I can handle this! I need to go get some air!
    "I'll be right back," I say weakly as I get up and walk away. J notices and follows me without me noticing.
    Once I get a decent distance away from everyone else I cry out, "WHY!! Why does this have to happen! Why did Cyn have to erase his memories!! Why can't things just be easier!! Why does he have to be different!!" I collapse on the cold stone floor sobbing. I feel J's hand on my shoulder and I look up at her, my visor covered in tears. "Why did he have to change?" I ask J in defeat.
    "Don't worry V, we'll figure this out," J says as she pulls me into a hug. I cry into J's shoulder for what feels like forever before I finally stop.
"V I'm so sorry, this isn't fair. I'm so sorry X remembered but C didn't," J hugs me tighter and I cry more.
    "Now I know how N felt when I didn't remember him. I was so dismissive of N and treated him like a loser! Is this how he felt?" I ask as J continues to comfort me.
"V it's ok, N forgives you. You were in a lot of pain from mourning for a long time," J says as she continues to comfort me.
"I'm glad at least X remembers you J. Maybe one day you'll get to tell him how you feel J," I tell her as we start walking back. J blushes and looks away, but a shy smile appears on her face. I was RIGHT J does like X. Well at least I can help J with confessing to X in order to distract myself. Once we get back I sit back down next to Uzi and tell J to sit next to X again. When J sits next to X she leans on him and he blushes but not as much as before.
    "What happened?" N asks as he looks at me, a concerned expression on his visor.
    "I'm ok N but thanks for asking," I say as I smile at N with a thankful expression. N smiles back and returns his attention to Uzi. All 6 of us sit there for a while catching up, X and J are just like how they were at the mansion, J flirts with X casually and X struggles to respond. J smiles seeing Xs embarrassed reactions and hugs him. I swear I see him hug her back shyly and I SWEAR, when he did I think J kissed his cheek but I don't know. I'll find out later *gremlin laugh* oh god N was right Uzi is starting to rub off on me.
    "I'm glad you remembered X. I don't think I could handle not being able to take care of you," J says as she continues to hug X. X looks a lot more calm and relaxed than he did earlier now that J is being affectionate.
    To be honest, after being a disassembly drone for so long, it's kind of strange to see J being so affectionate with someone. It's going to be hard for me to accept that C is different but I'll manage, hopefully. After we all catched up we decided to get up and start making our way deeper into the mines.
    "By the way did either of you guys see where Tessa went?" J asks as she holds X close as we walk down the halls.
    "What do you mean? Tessa died at the manor," X answered confused. J, N, Uzi, and I froze in our tracks and stared at X. "What?" X asks, confused as we stare at him.
    "What do you mean, Tessa died at the manor?" J asks X, extremely concerned. A look of pure horror appears on J's face as she considers what this could mean.
    "Guys, Tessa was killed by Cyn remember?" X says as he stares at us confused.
    "Wait that means that," I start to say as we realize what this means. The person we were with wasn't Tessa. J and I quickly explained the situation to X and C.
    "And none of you thought that was suspicious? You guys are freaking stupid," C scoffs and continues walking.
    "What's wrong with him?" Uzi asks as we watch C walk away.
    "C doesn't remember anything from the past, this caused him to change a lot. C isn't the kind drone he was anymore. The only thing he cares about is putting an end to this nightmare," X says as J holds him close in concern.
    "Oh I'm sorry V," N says as he remembers how C and I felt back at the manor.
    "It's fine, I'll manage," I say as I cross my arms and look away.
    "What's going on here?" Uzi asks, clearly confused.
    "Oh C used to like V and V used to like C back at the manor. I think they were dating," N blurts out before I can stop him.
    "N!! What the hell?" I shout at N as he apologizes.
    "V's got a crush," Uzi says in a teasing singing voice as she looks at me with a smirk.
    "S-Shut up!" I shout as I blush and look away.
    "What are you morons yapping about?" C asks as he walks back to us. Uzi was about to say something but N stopped her by covering her mouth. This action lost N a finger which he quickly reattached. "Nevermind I don't give a shit, follow me I found something," C says as he turns away and walks down one of the tunnels. I look down in defeat and Uzis visor has a text that reads, "sorry". Then it switches to "I shouldn't have said that". I switch my visor for one that says "it's ok". Uzi smiles back.
    C leads us to a small lab with lots of computers. Each of us grab a rolling chair and make a circle.
    "Ok we need to be smart about this. We need to stay together and find our way to the main lab, while avoiding Tessa," J says as we huddle up together or at least all of us except C who rolled his eyes and messed with the computers. After checking the computers we found a way to the main lab, it was in some kind of underground church which was strange. At the current pace we were going, it would take roughly a day to get there so that was plenty of time.
    "Guys I think I can do something with this equipment," Uzi says as she investigates the computers.
    "Like what?" I ask confused as Uzi boots up the computer.
    "I think I can restore C's memories," Uzi says as she pulls up the program she used to restore N and I's memories.
    "You can?" C asks Uzi with a voice of pure skepticism. Before Uzi could respond I ran over to her and hugged her as tight as I could. I don't know how long I hugged her but she eventually pushed me off.
    "Sorry Uzi," I say embarrassed as I back up and sit back down. Uzi keeps setting up the equipment and N helps Uzi hook C up to the machinery. She grabs some magnetically attached cable and places them on either side of Cs head. C looks at Uzi skeptically.
    "This better work loser," C says as he glares at Uzi. Uzi glares back and continues setting up the equipment. After a while everything was ready and C powered off so Uzi could access his memory files. I fiddle with my fingers in suspense. If this doesn't work then I just don't know what I'll do! I can't live in a world where C doesn't feel the way I do! I can't lose him again!!!! I need C! I need him!
I look down and start crying and the others gather around me and embrace me. I embrace them back and continue crying as I hear an automatic voice say.
-Booting up
/ / / exposition
-Memory file restoration complete
-Commencing memory file check
We all wait in suspense, praying for the best.

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