:Booting up-
• Exposition / / /
• Memory file restoration complete / / /
:Commencing Memory File check-
Memory File Date:
• April 17, 3053
I woke up on the floor with the worst headache of my life. I sat up and looked around, seeing if V was anywhere nearby. I remember falling asleep on a chair in the library again but I somehow woke up on the floor. I got up and sat back in the chair, still confused.
"How did I wake up on the floor?" I ask myself as I sit there confused.
"Did you fall or something C?" V asks as she suddenly appears next to me.
"AH! Oh my robo-god don't do that!" I shouted as V startled me. V leaps back, yellow eyes wide, and she quickly gets apologetic.
"O-Oh s-sorry C I-I didn't mean t-to," V stammers as a neon yellow blush appears on her visor and as she looks away from me. I chuckle slightly and cup her face so she's looking at me.
"I'm sorry for yelling at you Vi-Vi," I say as I hug her, holding her close. V giggles at the sound of me using the cute nickname I gave her. "You just startled me, that's all," I say as I stroke her hair gently.
"I didn't mean to I-" V started saying before I gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek. V blushes even brighter and looks away.
"V seriously it's fine. I'm glad you're here," I say with a shy smile as I hold her close. "Have you seen J or N?" I ask as she pulls away slightly.
"On my way here I saw J helping X wash the dishes in the kitchen and I believe N is somewhere here in the library," V says as she looks at me happily.
"Yeah that sounds about right," I say with a chuckle. "I'll go find N and then can-" I start saying as I start to get up but V pulls me back down. "Uh V-V?" I ask, starting to get flustered at V's sudden need for affection.
"You're not going anywhere CatCat," V says as she pulls me closer to her. I blush bright blue on my visor after hearing her use the nickname she gave me. V nuzzles her head against my neck making me blush even brighter.
"V if we keep doing stuff like this, the others will think we're dating or something," I say with a blush. V raises a digital eyebrow at me and I blush realizing what I just said. "I-I mean I know we aren't obviously, I-I'm just s-saying that normally f-friends a-aren't this affectionate you k-know," I stammer as V gives me a knowing look. I looked down expecting V to make fun of me but instead I felt her hand on my cheek, pulling my head up to look at her.
"Well if we start dating then they'll be right," V smiles confidently despite a neon yellow blush still on her visor. I stare at V in shock. I never expected in the 2 years that I've known V for her to say this.
"Vi-Vi, are you a-asking me o-out?" I ask nervously.
"Of course I am CatCat," V smiles and leans in. I blush a bright blue and close my eyes, leaning in slowly as well. Suddenly V grabs my face, pulling it to hers, and I feel her lips crash against mine. My eyes go wide and close as I start to kiss back. After a few minutes V pulls away, smiling the brightest smile I've ever seen. I smile back at her and hear N, J, X, and Tessa start cheering.
"Way to go V!" N shouts as J, X, and Tessa cheer as well. I look over at them as they exit their hiding spot, a huge blue blush on my face.
I turn to V and say, "Wait, you planned this?" I look at the others as they all smile mischievously. "How long have you guys been planning this?" I ask, confused out of my mind.
"3 weeks," V answers shyly. I look at V, then the others, then V again, and then the others again.
"Wait, V how long have you wanted to-" I start to ask before V interrupts me by putting a finger over my mouth.
"Since the first week I knew you C. You are the best person I could ask for and if you don't want to be with me I understand-" V started to say before I interrupted her with another kiss.
"I would love to be with you V!" I say to V, making her blush. To be honest I also liked V since the first week we knew each other. When V and I first met, I accidentally bumped into her, causing both of us to fall over. As I reached over to help her get up I felt a spark arch between both of our hands. At first I didn't know what this meant so I asked Tessa. Tessa told me that a spark between drones was like love at first sight. Sparks between drones were a sign that the drones were "soulmates" and it meant that they felt a heavy attraction towards each other. I was always so scared she wouldn't like me back so I never made a move. I guess V got tired of waiting. "Did Tessa tell you about the spark too?" I ask as I look at V. By now the others had left so it was just V and I.
"Yeah she did. I waited for you to make a move but you never did. I was so scared that the spark was one sided and it was only me but Tessa and the others helped me find the courage to make the first move," V says, smiling brightly at me. I hug V again and stand up.
"Sorry but I have to get to my shift for the day, again I'm sorry," I say as I start to walk away. Before I get out of the library I feel V's arms wrap around my waist and feel her cold, metallic lips on my neck. I shiver in response and blush bright blue.
"It's ok CatCat, I'll see you later," V says as she lets me go. I quickly ran off, a bright blue blush still on my visor. At around 8:00 I had to serve drinks, at 9:00 I had to vacuum some rooms, at 10:00 I had to wash the dishes, at 12:00 I had to clean up the dining hall, at 1:00 I had to help Tessa with her homework, at 2:00 I had to help clean the kitchen, and at 3:00 I started helping setting up the gala in the main dining room. The other worker drones and I were almost done when Tessa's father, Mr Elliot, showed up and he was mad.
"Southern Villa style?! Where you were raised by beasts!" Mr Elliot yelled as he grabbed a fork and stabbed the nearest drone, which was me. The fork stabbed me in my visor and I shrieked in pain. I fell backwards, my visor leaking lots of oil, covering my face, and I couldn't see anything. "Get yourself patched up worker and get out of my sight. You're lucky I give you a 2 hour break and don't scrap you, you piece of junk," Mr Elliot demanded as I struggled to walk out of the main dining room, the fork still impaling my visor.
I finally made my way to my room and collapsed on my bed. At least I thought it was my room until I heard a familiar voice say, "C!? What happened?!" I look around in confusion, still blind due to the damage to my visor. I feel someone wrap their arms around me and I struggle at first until I realize that I wandered my way into V's room by accident.
"S-Sorry V, I-I can't see so I guess I w-went into y-your room on accident," I struggle to say as I feel V's grip on my tighten in concern.
"It's ok C, now tell me. WHAT HAPPENED!?" V shouts, shaking me gently yet angrily.
"Mr. Elliot stabbed me during one of his fits," I answer weakly as V holds me close. I hear smaller footsteps enter the room and at first I can't tell who it is until I hear the familiar voice of a young drone.
"Are you okay, brother C?" Cyn asks as she walks up to V and I on the
"Im okay Cyn," I tell her as I reach out to stroke her hair.
"I think I can help with that," Cyn says as she uses her solver to fix my broken visor. In a few moments I can see again and I hug Cyn.
"Thanks sis," I say as I let Cyn go. Cyn says, "Your welcome" and leaves. I turn to V and she has her lips on mine before I can blink. I can hear Cyn use her solver to close the door and lock it after she leaves. V pins me to the bed and straddles me, her maid skirt cascading on my legs. I blush bright blue and V smiles seductively. "V-V? What are y-you doing?" I ask slightly scared and slightly…. I don't know how to describe it but it's an emotion I'm not used to. It's like I'm in love and hungry at the same time, I don't know.
"I'm kind of thirsty C," V says, her voice in a seductive and flirty tone.
"Do you want me to get you something to drink?" I ask as I start to sit up from under her. V grabs my arms and pins me back down. She stares at me hungrily and licks her lips.
"That's not what I meant, CatCat," V says as she bites her lower lip, her eyes studying me.
"W-What do you mean Vi-Vi?" I ask, slightly scared and aroused.
"I want you C," V says as she leans down and kisses me again. It starts out with a gentle kiss and then I feel her tongue enter my mouth. My blue eyes widen and close as V starts getting more and more intimate. I had never seen this side of V before but I didn't mind. Suddenly we hear a knock on the door and V gets off of me to go answer it. I struggle to sit up, slightly dizzy and overwhelmed. J walks in and whispers to V, "Did you do it?" V answers, "Yeah it worked but I don't wanna force him to go too far" "Next time you get the chance just ask," J says as she leaves the room.
"What was that about?" I ask V, raising a digital eyebrow at her.
"J and Tessa gave me a lesson on the art of seduction, so expect me to be more flirty when we're alone," V says with a seductive grin and giggle. I blush like crazy when V locks the door again and crawls on the bed towards me. I scoot back up to the banister of the bed and V sits in between my legs. "C, can I ask you something?" V asks.
"Sure V, anything," I struggle to reply as V sits in between my legs.
"Do you love me?" V asks with a coy smile.
"Of course I do V, of course I love you," I say with a nervous smile.
"Then would you mind if we did it?" V asks shyly with a sheepish smile.
"What do you mean- OH!" I shout in surprise. "Uh s-sure V I wouldn't mind," I nervously say while scratching the back of my metallic head. V smiles at me then giggles.
"I didn't mean that!! I meant do you want to go to the gala," V laughs after realizing what I thought she meant. "We'll do that later since you're so willing," V shoots me a flirty smile and I blush like crazy. I don't think I'll ever get used to dating her.
V and I walk to Tessa's room and after knocking on the door it immediately opens and Tessa hugs us shouting, "V! C! So glad to see you two!!" Tessa lets us go and asks, "So what do you two goobers want?"
"Is it possible for us to go to the gala? We know it's your folks but we just wanted to know," I ask Tessa as we sit next to her.
"Oh I'm afraid not mate, I'm sorry," Tessa says sadly. I hug her and say, "It's ok, we'll just watch a movie or something."
Around an hour later, V and I went to the 3rd living room, aka the small one, once our tasks were done. I sat down on the couch after grabbing a bowl of batteries and I used the remote to look for a movie. I found a movie from a long time ago called, "Star wars the force awakens" and hit play.
Around halfway through the movie I feel V scoot closer to me and lean on me. I blush like crazy and try to ignore her but V grabs my face and makes me look at her. All she does is smile and then she moves herself in between my legs into my lap. I blush an even brighter blue and V starts blushing as well.
"V-V? What are you doing?" I ask nervously as V scoots even closer to me in my lap.
"What do you mean?" V asks in a teasing voice as she reaches for my jacket and starts unbuttoning it. I blush even brighter and V giggles, pushing me down onto the couch. V waits for me to say something and I manage to say, "Please just, be gentle ok."
V giggles and she kisses me gently. Then she starts to kiss my neck, trailing them down to my shoulder. V pulls my jacket down slightly to gain better access to my shoulder and she kisses and nibbles on it. I squirm and keep my mouth shut, trying not to make too much noise. I can feel V's hands on my belt and then-
• Warning sensitive content in memory file!
• Would you like to erase or restore?
"Ugh restore obviously!" Uzi shouts at the computer as C's internal system says, "Proceeding."
"What's happening? Is he okay?" V asks nervously as Uzi gets ready to start the program.
"Yeah we're fine, ran into some uhhh. Sensitive stuff in C's memories. V you never mentioned that-" Uzi started to say before V shushed her.
"It's fine I don't really wanna watch that!" V shouts at Uzi. Uzi shrugs and skips over the memory on the screen but still restores it. Uzi clicks on the next file from the next day and hits play.
• Booting up / / /
• Playing memory fileI wake up at 7:30 am and sit up in bed. I stretch out my robotic arms and look to my left. V is still sleeping next to me so I pull up the covers to help cover her up. I get up and quickly get dressed before going to the bathroom to fix my hair. Since Tessa gave us artificial hair, she made us waterproof so we wouldn't die trying to fix our hair. I spike my hair up and fix my tie.
I understand why humans prefer worker drones to wear clothes but still, we're just robots. I mean yeah we have male and female worker drones but the only real difference between a male and female worker drone is body shape. I mean we don't have those weird parts that humans have to hide under their clothes to be considered normal. Tessa says that despite all of this, a naked drone is still weird to humans so here we are.
I'm slightly taller than most worker drones but I'm still pretty normal. My eyes may be blue instead of the usual white but that's Tessa's fault. I spike up my hair as usual and walk back into my room. I help V get up out of bed and help her get dressed. The whole time both of us were blushing like crazy. Like I said we may be drones but we still think like humans.
I hear a knock on the door and go to answer it. I open the door and see J. J stares at me and V then says, "So did you have sex or not?"
"What h-how did-" I start to shout, panicking, before V shushes me.
"J may have told me about the hidden intimacy mode that I helped you activate last night," V answered nervously.
"Oh yeah. That," I say blushing like crazy and looking at the floor. D-Did I forget to mention, us worker drones are used for all sorts of stuff. Usually it's physical labor but we do have a uh. Option for those who'd use us for pleasure. I was always uncomfortable with the idea until V showed me last night. As long as it's with her I don't mind.
J tells us our tasks for the day, since it's her job to assign them, and we head off. J put V and I working together for the whole day so that was fun!
Anyways at the end of the day I went back to my room, unaware that V had followed me. I sit on my bed and when I look up I see V standing in front of me.
"Ah!" I yell in surprise as I fall back on the bed. V helps me get up and she sits next to me nervously. V leans against me and I pet her head. "You alright Vi-Vi?" I ask V in concern as she looks up at me nervously.
"Could we do it again? Please. I enjoyed it a lot last time and I know you said it was a one time thing but still," V says as she looks down embarrassed.
"Sure V, I don't mind," I say with a nervous laugh. V perks up and smiles. V snuggles up close to me and I stroke her hair.
The next day I woke up, did my usual routine, and went to check on V. I helped V with her chores that day then ended the day with a movie just like always.
• Memory restored
• Process complete
Booting up -
Exposition / / /I groan as I sit up. I look around the room and see the others staring at me with concerned and hopeful expressions.
"What are you guys staring at?" I ask confused as they all stare at me. "Oh yeah, memory restoring thing. Yeah my memories are back, thanks Uzi," I start to say before V hugs me tightly.
"Looks like someone is happy," J says with a giggle as she sits next to X. After a few minutes V is still hugging me and won't let go. I gently push her off of me and say, "Not so tight Vi-Vi."
V's visor fills with tears and she hugs me again, even tighter, shouting, "You do remember!!" I stroke her hair just like I used to at the manor. I let V hug me for a while then we circle up in the rolling chairs again.
"Ok here's our next move," J starts to say as we all huddle up. I space out for a while deep in thought, "I can't be with V like back at the manor. I have a feeling she still likes me but I'm not the same sweet person I was anymore. Hell before I got my memories back I was being an asshole to everyone! V shouldn't be with someone like that. It's best if we just stay as friends for now, it's too dangerous to get attached."

Murder Drones: Old Friends
FanficThis story takes place during episode 6, 7, and 8 of murder drones. I highly recommend watching the show on YouTube in order to better understand what's going on. Also chapters will be updated and improved over time. Don't expect these updates frequ...