Chapter 7: Nori

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N sighs as he sits down, visibly exhausted from all the walking we've been doing. After the last 5 hours of walking through the mines we decided to take a break at a campsite we found.
    "How many miles away are we now J?" N asks me as Jlays against the cave wall, I sit next to him closely.
    "We're around a mile away, maybe a mile and a half," J answers as she sits next to X and sets down the map next to her. J looks over to V and she's standing next to C and they aren't talking to each other. J then glances back over to N and I and rolls her eyes as she hears us talking about dogs for some reason...
    J then turns to X and realizes that he's fallen asleep against her. A small yellow blush appears on her visor and she holds X close to her. We all stay like this for a few minutes before C groans, waking X up.
    "How long are we gonna sit here on our asses doing nothing?" C asks as he gets up from his previous position leaning against the wall.
    "C calm down, we're all tired and need a break- it's been non-stop walking, fighting, walking, fighting, and so on," N says with a sigh as he leans against the wall.
    "I don't care, we need to get to the church now! Before Cyn destroys this whole planet!" C shouts as he steps into the center of the campsite.
    "How does Cyn even plan to destroy the planet? Use a null and launch it into the center of the planet- blowing it up?" I ask with sarcasm as I lean against N, making him blush.
    "No- well sorta- I don't know how ok- I wasn't awake when she wiped out all the human colonies so I don't know how- I just know that's her plan," C says with a groan as he smacks his visor, visibly frustrated.
    "I know how," a mysterious voice says in the distance. We all get up and enter defensive stances. N wraps a protective arm around me and swaps his other hand out for his laser cannon, J doing the same with X. C and V swap their hands out for their respective machine guns and laser rifles, V with the machine guns and C with the laser rifles. They all aim their weapons in the direction from where the voice came from, when I feel a sudden weight on my shoulder.
    I look over to my right and see a drone core, but it looks like the strange one that came out of J when I killed her with my sick as hell railgun around a year ago. It has the normal drone core shape but with weird fleshy stuff attached to it and three legs, each with a thin wire-like top half and a claw looking bottom half. It also had a small visor hidden on it, with  light purple-ish pink color lights.
    "What the hell?!" I shout confused as I try to swat the drone core off of my shoulder.
    "I see you found the patch, considering that you're not currently being controlled by Cyn," the sentient drone core says on my shoulder as it leaps down and onto the ground in front of us. For some reason it sounds kind of like me but an adult...
    "Who the hell are you?" V asks as she aims one of her machine guns at the core. The core raises one of its clawed legs and a solver symbol that matches its visor color appears, another symbol appears around V's arm and it forcefully lowers her weapon. Then solver symbols appear around everyone else's arms and lower their weapons.
    "Calm down, I'm not here to hurt you guys. I gave you the freaking patch so you can all bite me!" the core says in an oddly similar tone.
    "Heh this guy speaks like the purple toaster over here," C says with a smirk as he swaps his weapons out for his hands, the others doing the same shortly after. Then the core lets go of everyone's arms and uses her solver to lift up a pickaxe and set it next to her.
    "My name is Nori, Nori Doorman," the core says with a sigh as it turns away, trying not to look at my flabbergasted expression.
    "MOM!?! YOU'RE ALIVE??!?!" I shout in complete shock, staring at the drone in disbelief. I guess dad wasn't lying when he says I turned out a lot like my mother cause this lady acts basically the same as me.
    "Yes... hello Uzi.... I'm sorry I've been gone for so long," Nori says sadly as she turns away from me in shame. Before Nori can react I run up to her and lift up the small core, hugging it tightly.
    "I'm just glad you're alive, how did you even get down here, didn't dad have to put you out of your misery when you got stung by murder drone nanite aci- oh" I turn over to my murder drone friends, looking at them confused.
    "Which one of you did that by the way?" I ask as I glare at them.
    "It doesn't matter Uzi, that isn't important- I understand why the genocide robots massacred us- doesn't make it right but still- its fine- I'm alive. Also, to answer your question, after I was killed I knew that if there was anywhere I could find a new body or something- it would be here. I also knew I had to find that patch in order to help you Uzi, oh and Yeva's kid, Doll right?" Nori asks as I set her down slowly.
    "Uh- she's dead..." I say with an awkward expression.
"Oh- well that's a shame.... At least you got the patch- still have it?" Nori asks as N walks up next to me. I open up my backpack and pull out the patch.
"Here, also this is my friend N, over there is V, thats C, thats J, and thats X," I say as I point at each of my friends. N waves, V rolls her eyes, X waves shyly and nudges J to wave as well, and C just ignores her.
"Wait a second- I recognize you- from Cyn's memories back when she controlled me years ago-" Nori says as she points a clawed leg at C. C rolls his eyes and scoffs.
"I was Cyn's little experiment, while she sent her drones to go and wipe out humanity, she kept herself busy experimenting on me," C says as he walks up to Nori and crouches down in front of her. "So you and that Yeva person were the ones who stopped Cyn's initial attempt to invade Copper-9 and accidentally caused the planet to half-implode killing all the humans anyway?" C asks with a raised digital eyebrow on his visor.
"Uhhhh yeah," Nori answers, slightly confused as C chuckles and steps back.
"Respect," C says as he walks away and leans against a nearby wall.
"It's nice to meet you Mrs. Uzi," N chirps happily as he waves at Nori, his tail wagging slightly faster in excitement.
"Nice to meet you too murder drone," Nori says uninterested as she walks up to J. "You're the one with the map right?" Nori asks as she points at J.
    "Yeah, why?" J asks confused as the map is suddenly snatched out of her hands with Nori's solver.
    "If you want to get to the church faster, then you have to take the hidden route, it's not on the map, and lucky for you guys, there's an entrance to it nearby," Nori says as she gives J back the map and starts walking towards a nearby wall.
    "Oh- and where is it?" I ask confused as a digital question mark displays on my visor.
    "Right here," Nori says as she uses her solver to destroy a nearby wall, revealing a rail cart system with just enough carts for all of us. "This will make the last mile to the church only take about a minute," Nori says as she hops up onto one of the carts.
    "This looks fun," N says with a stupid grin as he gets in one of the carts, I enter the same one as him shortly after. J and X take the one behind us, and C and V take the last one, keeping as much distance from each other as they can in the cramped space.
    "You might wanna hang on tight cause this thing is like a rollercoaster- but without any of the safety precautions," Nori says as she uses her solver to pull the lever.
    "Wait what," X starts to say before the carts suddenly take off at high speeds. Within a few seconds the carts start up a hill in a massive cavern, reaching the top and going down at somehow even higher speeds.
    "Holy Robo-Jesus!" I shout as I cling to N tightly as we speed down the hill and through the caverns.
    "Woohoo!!" N shouts as he has his hands up in the air while the carts go faster and faster.
    "Everyone get down, there's some narrow sections coming up!" Nori shouts from the first cart as the carts start going through some very narrow caves. N ducks down and holds me close, while the others duck as well to avoid hitting their heads on the low ceilings. After a short while the carts emerge from the narrow caves and into a much larger cavern.
    "Are we almost there?!" C asks as he grips onto the walls of his cart tightly.
    "Almost, just one more hill, might wanna hold on tight cause this one is a fast one!" Nori shouts as she braces herself in the cart. I grab onto N even tighter and he grabs onto the walls of the cart, bracing for the speed. The carts go up a hill and down at speeds much faster than before, racing through larger and smaller caves. After a few seconds the carts come to an abrupt stop and C gets flung out of his cart and onto the rocky floor.
    "Ow," C says with a groan as he sits back up. The others get out of their carts and N picks me up, carrying me bridal style out of the cart. My whole visor is coated with a bright purple blush and after N sets me down I can see he also is blushing, evident by the fact his whole visor is basically yellow.
    I look over to J and X's cart and I see J help X get out of the cart, refusing to let go of his hand afterwards, making the somewhat short disassembly drone blush brightly. I look over to V and she gets out of her cart, glancing at J and X with envy and then she walks over to N and I, staying quiet.
    I walk over to V and ask, "You ok?" I look at V with concern as she sighs and fakes a smirk.
    "I'll be fine, I just want this all to be over with," V says with another sigh as we make our way up to where Nori is.
    "We're here," Nori says as she points to the entrance of the chamber. I walk past Nori and into the larger chamber and my eyes go hollow with shock on my visor.
    The cavern is huge, at least a mile in length and width and maybe even half a mile in height. In the very center is an old looking church building, with broken scientific machinery scattered all around. The doors to the church are closed but we all know who's in there, Cyn. J swaps her left hand out for her rocket launcher and puts her right arm protectively around X. C spreads his four mechanical wings and flies up, hovering and swapping his hands out for a minigun on his left and a submachine gun on his right. V also flies up and swaps her hands out for her laser cannons.
N holds my hand and we both blush brightly. I ready my solver and N readies his swords. Nori hops up onto my shoulder and says, "I understand that you're a lot like me but seriously? A disassembly drone? You had to date a disassembly drone?"
"Woah! Slow down mom, N and I are just friends, right N?" I say, turning to N, tightening my grip on his hand, and my visor coated in purple and a panicked expression on my face.
"Y-Yeah, we're just friends, yeah," N says with a nervous laugh. Nori rolls her light purple digital eye on her visor and looks back towards the camp. I ignore my flustered emotions and clear my mind, readying myself for the coming battle.

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