"Thad! Get your ass up here!" Lizzy shouts from above the giant pit, leading to robo-god knows where.
"Coming!" I say as I climb back up onto the ledge from the lower ledge I was previously on.
"How long does that dual pigtailed murder drone expect us to wait up here?" Lizzy asks as Khan walks back up to the two of us.
"I don't know, after what we told her she said she'd be back once her and the others destroyed the Solver," Khan says as he grabs scrap parts scattered around.
"Ok... What are you doing Mr Doorman?" I ask with a raised digital eyebrow as I watch Khan pull out a schematic for one of Uzi's railguns.
"We already made one of them, might as well make another with the spare parts and machinery out here," Khan says as he grabs a toolkit and starts assembling his own version of Uzi's railgun.
"What are you making Mr Doorman?" I ask as I walk up to the elder drone and sit next to him.
"I'm designing a rapid fire version of Uzi's railgun, that way I can make multiple of them, one for me, one for Lizzy, and one for you Thad," Khan says as he stops his fake mustache from falling off.
"Need any help?" I ask as I take a look at the schematics, handing Khan one of the parts he needs.
"Yeah sure, if you and your sister can gather any parts I need that would be great," Khan says as he continues building, not noticing Lizzy and I looking at each other confused.
"I'm not his sister? Right?" Lizzy asks, looking up from her phone for once to look at Khan confused.
"No- you two are related, twins actually," Khan says as he continues assembling the rapid fire railgun prototype, not noticing Lizzy and I's looks of utter confusion.
"WE ARE?!" Lizzy and I shout in sync as we look at each other confused.
"Thad, your dad is the football coach right?" Khan asks as he looks up at me.
"Uhhh yeah?" I say, confused as my processor struggles to grasp the fact that Lizzy and I are related.
"Well you're actual dad is the teacher, same as Lizzy, however after his wife died he gave you to his friend, Mr Thadson, since he had already named you after him," Khan says as he goes back to work on the railgun.
"Never would've thought that...." Lizzy says, still looking at me confused and puzzled.
"C'mon you two have the same blond hair. Yeah you have different colored eyes but that's cause your mom had pink eyes, like yours Lizzy, and the teacher used to have green eyes, like you Thad," Khan says as he continues building the railgun.
"Teach used to have green eyes?! But they're orange now!?" I exclaim, still confused yet starting to understand the situation.
"Because he couldn't bring himself to be happy anymore, so he changed his eyes to orange to show just how sad he was," Khan says with a sigh as I look over at Lizzy, who looks like she wants to cry.
"Why didn't he.... Why didn't he tell us.... All I ever wanted was.... was..." Lizzy says as she looks down, dropping her phone and sadness shown on her visor.
"What's she sad about?" Khan asks as he looks at me confused.
"Lizzy always wanted a sibling growing up, she was a very lonely kid. That's why she always surrounded herself with others, so she wouldn't feel sad anymore. We've always been like siblings but that wasn't enough... I guess finding out she's been lied to her whole life hit her hard," I tell Khan, voice starting to break as the weight of the situation hits in. Khan sighs and walks up to Lizzy, hugging her.
"It's ok Lizzy, I'm sorry he lied to you for so long, all you wanted was the connection of a sibling and yet you were denied it your whole life, you have a right to be mad with him," Khan says as he pulls away, letting Lizzy wipe away her digital tears.
"It's ok, I don't blame him, I fully understand why, he did raise me so I get it... It's just, my whole life it was only me, I didn't have siblings- er well step-siblings like Thad had, and my dad was.... Well... depressed... I don't blame him, I just wish he told me," Lizzy says sadly as she walks towards me, suddenly grabbing me and hugging me.
"Lizzy!? You said you'd never hug me, in fact you said that the day you hugged me was the day you went offli-" I start to say before Lizzy interrupts me.
"Sorry, I just- I'm glad I have a brother now, we are siblings now right? Like, I can call you bro right?" Lizzy asks as she looks up at me, digital pink eyes fragile and hopeful.
"Sure thing Liz, as long as I can call you sis haha," I say with a chuckle as I hug Lizzy back.
"By the way, you two weren't ever dating right?" Khan asks as he looks at Lizzy and I with a suspicious look.
"NO Ew!" Lizzy shouts as she shoves me off of her. "We never dated! Thad was always like my brother but we were only just best friends!" Lizzy shouts as she covers her now glowing with a pink blush facial visor.
"Ok," Khan says, shrugging and going back to working on the prototype. "AHA! Finished!" Khan shouts as he holds up the prototype rapid fire railgun.
"Looks cool Mr. Doorman," I say, holding up finger guns and flashing sunglasses on my facial visor. Khan goes back to making two new rapid fire railguns, which shouldn't take him as long since he has the prototype to go off of.
"Doing that doesn't make you look cool," Lizzy says with a skeptical glare as she glares at me.
"Looks like the Lizzy we all know and love is back," I say with the most sarcasm I can muster, which isn't a lot. Lizzy rolls her eyes and crosses her arms, but I can see the smallest hint of a smile on her face.
Khan tosses me one of the finished rapid fire railguns and a holster for it that I can attach on my back. I attach the holster on my back and put the gun in the holster. Khan then helps Lizzy attach her holster onto her back and gives her one of the guns as well, keeping the prototype for himself.
"Here, you carry the big railgun," Khan says as he tosses me the reconstructed railgun. I catch it and hold it tight. Suddenly, like earlier today, the gravity on the planet suddenly shifts, making us and everything that isn't tied down, float into the air.
I look up and see several of the disassembly drones fly out of the pit and towards the shuttles, getting in them and flying away.
"What was that about?" Lizzy asks as she looks around confused.
"What the hell is that?!" I shout as I point at a flash of light that suddenly bursts out of the pit, sending chunks of lab and surrounding areas into the sky
"AHHH!" Lizzy shouts as she quickly grabs onto a nearby pole. The chunk of the lab we were standing on gets flung out into the sky and stays floating in the sky.
"WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING!?" I shout as the gravity returns, letting us stand again on the now floating chunk of the lab.
"The Solver is starting its destruction of the planet, first it blows giant chunks of the planet into the sky and even space, then it starts to pull them into that," Khan says as he points back to the planet's surface. A giant black hole with the word Null at the center, has appeared seemingly within the planet, giant holographic looking tendrils have also come out of the planet and are drawing in several different chunks of the planet, mostly the closest ones first.
"Oh god, is the planet trying to eat us?!" Lizzy shouts in confusion as she huddles up with Khan and I.
"Everyone stay close, you see one of those tendrils you run the other way, we need to be careful," Khan says as he readies his rapid fire railgun. Lizzy and I quickly do the same but then I hear a loud explosion.
"Thad? Thad!! THAD!! Thad where are you!!" a voice shouts from the distance, a very cheery and familiar voice.
"Oh robo-god, not right now...." I groan as I turn in the direction of the voice. I look over and see a female disassembly drone with pink eyes, pink lights, long silver hair with a pink bow attached on the back, giant mechanical wings extended, a black crop top jacket like V's, and very short black shorts flying around. The disassembly drone sees me and flies right towards me, tackling me to the ground and holding me up in the air, spinning me around.
"Thad! I found you hehe," the drone giggles and hugs me close to her chest.
"S! I can't breathe! S!" I shout as I feel her squeeze me. S just giggles and hugs me tighter, her tail wrapping around us.
"Silly Thad, drones don't need to breathe!" S says as she giggles and squeezes me tighter. After a short while S sets me down and follows me over to the others.
"Uhhh, who is that?" Lizzy asks as she looks at S confused, who is currently only paying attention to me. Khan readies his rapid fire railgun but I quickly get in front of S.
"Don't shoot! This is Serial Designation S, or S for short. Shes uh... she's my-" I begin to say before S suddenly interrupts me and moves me to the side.
"I'm his girlfriend! Nice to meet you Mr. Doorman, and you too Lizzy. Thad has told me all about you guys!" S chirps happily as she looks at me with a happy smile. Lizzy looks at S in shock and looks at me with a confused expression. Khan looks like his processor is about to explode due to how confused he is.
"Yeah.... She's my girlfriend," I say with a sheepish smile and green blush covering my visor. S hugs me from behind and nuzzles her head into my neck, making a soft purring sound.
"She's uh... very affectionate I see," Lizzy says, clearly uncomfortable with the scene in front of her.
"S uh... could you please get off? You're making everyone uncomfortable," I say with a nervous laugh as S quickly pulls away.
"Oh! Sorry, my bad, didn't mean to make you all uncomfortable," S says sheepishly as she laughs nervously and keeps close to me.
"S has been staying in my house unit in the bunker for about a year now, she showed up around a month before Uzi met N. I found her when I decided to sneak out in order to get parts for one of Uzi's projects since at the time she was injured, and couldn't go and get it herself. The injury was due to another one of her failed projects by the way. S was alone, scared, and afraid. So I brought her back to the bunker and kept her hidden in my room's second floor," I say with a nervous smile as Khan looks at me confused while Lizzy just stares in disbelief.
"I didn't know your room had a second floor?" Khan asks as he looks at me confused, scanning his memory files for blueprints for the bunker.
"It was originally an attic but I had Uzi help me modify it. She helped me add lights, air conditioning, a sick as hell gaming setup, and also helped me add a bunch of sports decorations. I was originally gonna use it as a gaming room so I could hide from my dad- or well adoptive dad, but I decided to redecorate and give it to her," I say with a soft smile as I look at S, who hugs me tightly again quickly before letting go, still standing near me.
"So uh, how did you two become a thing?" Lizzy asks, sounding genuinely curious as she raises a pink digital eyebrow at me.
"Oh we-" I begin to say before S suddenly moves me out of the way and happily answers Lizzy's questions.
"About 4 months after living with him I started to develop feelings for Thad and I didn't say anything for a while because I wanted to see if he liked me back. After trying different ways of teasing him, seeing his cute reactions, and playing them off as jokes, I decided to confess to him one day," S chirps with a happy smile.
"And how long ago was that?" Khan asks with a digital raised eyebrow as he puts away his rapid fire railgun.
"About 6 months ago hehe. We've been dating secretly ever since," S says with a giggle as she nuzzles against my neck again. Lizzy smirks and I can tell she's refraining from teasing me.
"How did she even get here?" Khan asks as he crosses his arms and waits for an answer.
"Back when I was a worker drone, I worked at this manor with N, V, J, X, C, and Cyn. However, unlike those 6, I wasn't one of Tessa's personal drones, I was just another random drone. However, I did befriend Cyn and she would always fix me up if a human ever hurt me and even changed my lights colors and gave me this synthetic hair wig. When Cyn attacked Earth, she turned X, C, J, V, N, and I into disassembly drones. She kept C, X, and I on reserve while she cloned N, V, and J a couple hundred times and sent them to wipe out humanity and all the other human colonies. She tried to wipe X's memories but couldn't so she kept him in reserves, and she didn't want to erase my memories since I wasn't that great of a fighter and she wanted me to remember every bit of pain she put me through. I was like her little plaything, a toy she could torture and experiment on. She experimented on C for years, upgrading him, fitting him with extremely powerful and experimental weapons, and even wiped his memories.
A few years after Cyn sent the disassembly drones to Copper-9, I somehow managed to power back on and break out of my containment tube. I stole one of the pods and crash landed on Copper-9. I stayed hidden for a while... that was... until Thad found me. I was scared at first, afraid he would hurt me like Cyn did, but he comforted me and promised to protect me, and he brought me back to the bunker, keeping my presence a secret. After a while I developed feelings and that leads us to know," S says as she holds my hand tight, struggling to fight back digital tears while talking about her painful past.
"I'm so sorry that all of that happened to you, wait, how did you even find us?" Khan asks as he walks up to S and I.
"Well, it looks like Cyn is here because the whole city, from Cabin Fever Labs to the main city, has been blown out into the sky. The bunker was blown into several chunks, in fact, I think I saw the chunk of the bunker your classroom was in, floating around just over there Thad," S says as she points in a random direction past the part of the facility we were standing next to.
"How do you know for sure?" I ask S as I raise a digital green eyebrow at her.
"Because there was a very depressed looking drone sitting in the classroom and he looked like he didn't care about what was happening," S chirps as she smiles innocently.
"Oh FRICK! DAD!" Lizzy and I cry out in sync as S looks at me confused, expecting an explanation.
"Long story short, turns out Teach is my birth father, making me Lizzy's sibling, I'll explain more about it later," I tell S, holding her hand tighter and giving her a comforting smile, before letting go and noticing Lizzy raising her hand.
"She's not gonna try and eat us right?" Lizzy asks with a concerned expression as she looks at S worried.
"No worries, Cyn modified me so I wouldn't overheat, I don't have to consume worker oil," S chirps with a happy smile.
"Alright well we should get going, try to make our way back to the planet's surface, either that or find a more secure location than this area," Khan says as he looks around at the other chunks of Copper-9's surface floating around. Khan starts making his way to the edge of the chunk we're standing on and Lizzy follows him. I try to follow but S grabs my hand and holds me back.
"What? Something wrong S?" I ask S confused before I notice the look on her face. She has a slight pink blush on her visor and she's looking at me with a flirty look. "Wai-" I start to say before S grabs me and silences me with a kiss. S kisses me pretty passionately before pulling away with a flirty smirk, and my whole visor has turned green with blush.
"Now we can go," S chirps with a flirty smirk as she grabs my hand and drags me to the others. I quickly shake off my blush and walk up to Khan.
"So, where to sir?" I ask Khan as he looks around at the different chunks. Suddenly Khans digital eyes go hollow on his visor and he quickly turns to us.
"GET DOWN!" Khan shouts as he quickly moves everyone out of the way. A more advanced looking disassembly drone, most likely C judging by what S told us about him, flies past where we were standing and slams into the ground. He gets up, claws extended and 4 WINGS!- retracting.
"Traitor," C says as he glares at S. S holds me close, determined to protect me if anything bad happens. I smile at S softly before turning my attention back to C. C has blue lights, spiked silver hair, seems taller than the other disassembly drones, has torn black jeans, an unzipped black mixed with dark gray leather jacket with a silver-ish shirt underneath, and a death glare that could kill.
"C! What are you doing!?" S shouts as she spreads out her mechanical wings, preparing herself for battle.
"Fighting for the winning side! Time to go into the giant planet death hole, thing," C says as he spreads out his 4 mechanical wings, flying up into the air and charging at us. Khan, Lizzy, and I grab our rapid fire railguns and prepare for the fight of our lives.

Murder Drones: Old Friends
FanfictionThis story takes place during episode 6, 7, and 8 of murder drones. I highly recommend watching the show on YouTube in order to better understand what's going on. Also chapters will be updated and improved over time. Don't expect these updates frequ...