Chapter 11: Spaaaaace

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I open my eyes and look around in horror. I'M IN SPACE! Last thing I remember was Cyn brutally ripping my core out of my body and throwing me into a hole.... Oh.... Now it makes sense.... I guess the null just teleported me into space.... That makes sense, yeah that makes sense.... Totally.... I try to talk but no sounds come out.
"Right, I'm in space," I say in my head as I use my solver to grab a small, nearby asteroid to stand on, using my solver to keep it from spinning. I look around, trying to spot my body and I can't see it anywhere! I hop around, from asteroid to asteroid, using my solver to stop each one from spinning so I can hop to the next, desperately trying to find my body.
Suddenly the asteroid I'm standing on gets yanked away by someone else's solver and I'm brought face to face with Nori, my mom, or well her core at least. I look around for something to use and I use my core leg-claw things to carve a message into a small asteroid I use my solver to bring to me.
"Hey mom," I carve into the boulder, giving my mom a small wave. Nori waves back happily and uses her solver to also bring a small asteroid to her as well. Nori then points in a direction behind me and I quickly turn to see what she's looking at. It's my body, and it's almost drifted out of the rings.
"SHIT!" I think in my head as I quickly use my solver to launch me from asteroid to asteroid, making my way towards my body. I manage to make it to my body and quickly burrow inside, the hole in my body healing around my core and everything going dark.
My system reboots and when I open my eyes I'm back in my body. I quickly use my solver to grab an asteroid and use it to launch myself back to where my mom was.
I hop over to the asteroid next to the one my mom was standing on and use my solver to steady it. Looking back at Copper-9, which Cyn has started the process of destroying.
I quickly display the words, "How stop?" on my visor and look at Nori, letting her read it.
Nori then quickly carves the words, "Cyn = Solver host, must destroy Cyn's core," on her asteroid. I nod in agreement, then look around, trying to figure out a way to safely get back to Copper-9 without burning up on re-entry.
I display the words, "My friends will get us," on my visor and Nori nods. Nori then uses her solver to grab something that was floating by and it's her music player thingy. I raise a digital eyebrow at Nori and she quickly carves a response into the asteroid she's sitting on.
"It's important, trust me :)" Nori carved into the rock before hopping over to me and using her solver to land on my shoulder.
I display the words, "Let's find a larger asteroid to stand on," on my visor then Nori and I use our solvers to launch us over to a larger nearby asteroid. We land on the asteroid and I use my solver to hold it still, then I set my mom down and sit down.
I look over at Nori and decide that while we have time I might as well ask a few questions.
I display the words, "Which of my friends killed you?" on my visor, praying to robo-god that it wasn't N.
Nori seemingly sighs (hard to tell since she's currently a fleshy core thingy with claw legs) and starts to carve a response on the asteroid.
"The male one. But not by choice," Nori carves into the rock. My heart sinks, N was the one who killed or well tried to kill my mom.... Wait- what does she mean by not by choice!?
I display the words, "What do you mean?" on my visor and Nori starts to carve another response.
"The pigtailed one forced him to try and kill me. He stung me but didn't finish me off. He wanted to stay and heal me but the pigtailed one made him leave," Nori carves into the rock, taking her time since talking or well carving about her death was probably a bit of a sore subject. I breathe a sigh of relief and Nori looks at me confused.
I quickly display the words, "I'm just glad he didn't permanently kill you and that he wanted to help you," on my visor and smile softly.
Nori looks unamused and carves the words, "Still hurt like hell! Had to get your dad to put me out of my misery!" I giggle silently cause no sound in space and pick Nori up, hugging her.
I set Nori down and display the words, "I'm just glad you're alive and I'm sorry you've been alone for so long," on my visor and smile softly. Nori starts carving a response, seeming sad.
"I'm sorry you grew up without a mother.... I promise that when this is over we'll spend more time together, mother and daughter," Nori carves in response, seemingly more happy as she hops up onto my shoulder again.
I smile softly and display the words, "Sounds good to me," on my visor and look out into the rings of Copper-9, briefly admiring its beauty. Then I set Nori down again so I can ask her more questions.
I display the words, "Do you like anime btw?" on my visor with a sheepish and nervous grin as I await Nori's response. Nori seemingly chuckles then starts carving her response.
"Only when it's pirated!" Nori carves as her response. I giggle silently and think of another question.
I was about to ask Nori another question when Nori suddenly carved her own statement onto the asteroid.
"You better not be dating that murder drone, N right?" Nori carves as she looks at me skeptically.
I quickly display the words, "WHAT!? NO! We just- hang out... BITE ME!" on my visor as a response and fold my arms, looking away stubbornly.
I looked over into the distance and noticed another core drifting away from the rings, flailing around angrily as it passed by asteroid after asteroid.
"Who the hell?" I think in my head as I watch the drone core continue to drift away.
I display the words, "You see that?" on my visor as I point at the drone core. Nori notices as well and makes a shrugging gesture with her claw legs.
Then, I remember that when we fought Cyn at the church, Doll's body was lying near the pit. I didn't pay too much attention to it since I was busy trying to kick ass. I quickly set Nori down and used my solver to catch the drone core with a boulder and bring it over to us. I set it down and look at the drone core in shock as it starts angrily carving into the asteroid we're standing on.
"Спасибо, что спас меня, но теперь мы мертвы (Thanks for saving me but now we're dead)!" The drone core carves on the asteroid.
I display the words, "DOLL!? You're alive!?" on my visor as I look at the angry drone core confused.
Doll nods her body and sits down, intent on not talking anymore. I roll my eyes and sigh before displaying new words on my visor.
"Glad you're alive, I don't know if I can handle losing another friend," I display on my visor as Doll looks at me in shock.
Then Doll carves, "We're friends? But I left you guys for dead?" in Russian on the asteroid and I laugh silently. I then display a response on my visor.
"It's fine, I seem to always make friends with people who try to kill me XD," I display on my visor as Doll rolls her digital eye before suddenly getting hugged by me. She tries to squirm away at first but then gives in and hugs me back with her claw legs.
I set Doll down and look over at my mom, realizing I need to introduce the two of them.
I display the words, "Mom, this is Doll. Doll, this is my mom, Nori," on my visor and introduce the two of them. Doll and Nori shake claw leg things and Nori starts carving something into the asteroid.
"Nice to meet you Doll, I knew your mother back when we were at the labs," Nori carves into the asteroid as she looks at Doll. Doll runs up to Nori and hugs her with her claw legs before quickly pulling away. The two nod at each other and I smile softly at the two of them. Nori then tells Doll about our mission and Doll nods in agreement.
I display the words, "Doll, I promise. When we get back, we'll find your body and fix you," on my visor and give Doll a thumbs up. Doll nods and I turn to my mom, displaying more words on my visor. "Mom, I promise, we'll find you a new body, we'll fix you," I display on my visor, giving Nori a quick hug before setting her back down.
I look out into the vastness of Copper-9s rings and let out a silent sigh. Doll and Nori look at me confused and I quickly display a response on my visor.
"Sorry, I just wish my friends were here," I display on my visor, looking down sadly briefly before shaking off my sad feelings and putting on a brave expression.
Doll the carves, "You like that one murder drone, don't you?" in Russian on the asteroid. I feel my whole visor light up purple and I quickly display a response on my visor.
"BITE ME! I don't like- I-" I groan as I slap my visor, frustrated that I can't come up with a response. Doll silently laughs while Nori gives me a death glare before softening and carving into the asteroid again.
"If you like him, then you might want to tell him before it's too late. Because if you wait too long, there's a chance you'll never get to," Nori carves as she looks up at me. I sigh and give Nori a slight nod while Doll carves a thumbs up. Nice to know Doll has my back in this, I guess.....
I notice a flash of light in the distance and display the words, "Whats that?" on my visor as I point in the direction of it.
Nori and Doll shrug using their claw leg things and I look back towards the object. It appears to be getting closer, and going very, VERY, fast! It looks like some kind of ship, most likely the ones the disassembly drones use. That's when I realized it's N and the others.
I quickly display the words, "We need to move!" on my visor, grabbing Doll and pulling her into my arms and Nori hopping on my shoulder. I use my solver to launch us off of the asteroid and towards empty space. Doll flails around, not understanding what I'm doing so I quickly display, "Calm down! I'm moving us to a more open space so they can get us!" on my visor to calm her down. Doll stops flailing around and Nori hops off of my shoulder. I hold Doll tighter against my chest as the ship gets closer and closer, readying myself to be rescued.
As the ship passes by, X pokes out of the hatch, grabs me with his arms and Nori with his tail, and pulls us in, closing the hatch.

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