4.- The Secret of Villainy

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It had been 5 days since General Rainstore had died, but even so SMG4 still seemed unreal to him... All the leaders of the Suns and companions tried to make him feel better... But nothing returned his smile... He wanted to take revenge on the Lord of Shadows, but at the same time he wanted to see his master again... In the same way, both things were impossible... So he simply stayed silent... With a war of feelings inside he...

SMG4 had woken up a little earlier than usual, Eggdog and Beeg also got up when they heard the blue-eyed boy open the door, so he took them with him. They crossed in silence, until they reached the office of General Olivera (The most powerful Sun in all of base 12 and one of the founders of the Suns). He had told her the day before that she could come to his office early, so that was why she had gone.

- Good morning SMG4 -.

- Good morning -.

General Olivera got up from his desk and opened the window a little, while the blue-eyed man sat in the chairs in front of the desk.

- Being one of the best Sun Warriors and the only apprentice of General Nicolás Rainstore, the council of the Suns has asked me to go on a special mission -.

- What kind of mission? -.

- A Very Important Mission - the general began to explain - As you know, in base 57 there are all our records of absolutely all the Soles, but many attacks have been reported on that base in recent days, so your mission is to go to that database and download the entire database into this memory -.

He then gave him a white USB flash drive with the Soles logo. While 4 was shocked by what the General had just told him, had they really just chosen him for such an important mission?!

- I hope you manage to do this, SMG4 -.

The blue-eyed man only nodded his head.

- Well, you can leave, you have a long trip ahead of you - said the General - They are already prepared, your things you just have to get dressed -.

- Thank you General, have a nice night -.

- Likewise and good luck -.

Immediately afterwards, the blue-eyed man left the room quickly. When he arrived at his house, he put on his uniform and went out towards the front door. There, the guards gave him his equipment, his supplies and his weapons. When they finished, 4 thanked them, as he left.

They headed to base 57 (Better known as the general information base). The road to that base was very hard, especially because it was hidden in some mountains. And since it was night, it was much more difficult to see the road. But since it was a very important mission, he couldn't complain.

Eggdog and Beeg were fast asleep (Since they didn't like to get up early) in 4's backpack... He was yawning a lot, since he felt very tired. He hadn't slept very well since the General's death, because he had been having nightmares about losing the people he had left...

The light of the Moon was the only thing that guided him, so sometimes he got lost. However, he managed to reach the base, just as dawn began to dawn. The base (Unlike others) was brown, with details as if it were a mountain. There was no one inside it (Since the last Sun who took care of it had died 2 years ago and no one wanted to work on it), so he was guided by the map that they had put on him smart watch. Thanks to that, he managed to reach the archive room.

The room had a huge screen, along with many control panels near it. Upon entering it, he realized that the files were both digital and physical. But since the mission was to take digital, he turned on the computer, used the password that was on his watch and began searching the database.

Upon finding it, the blue-eyed man began to download the database into the memory that the general had given him. While it was downloading, 4 started investigating, while Eggdog and Beeg were playing (Because they had woken up a few minutes ago). He came to a huge black filing cabinet, it was half destroyed. Not wanting to be blamed (as if he had broken it), he began to organize the different folders of information.

Until suddenly he found his own. Curiosity got the best of him, so he started reading it.

AGE: 29 years
HEIGHT: 1.65m
OCCUPATION: Warrior Sun.
GENERAL INFORMATION: SMG4 is the only pupil of General Nicolás Rainstore, he was rescued on March 18, ꀨꂷꀨꌓ, at the beginning of the war against the Lord of Shadows. He is a brave boy, he has two pets.
CLASSIFIED INFORMATION (ONLY FOR ELDERLY GENERALS AND SUNS): This boy has been wanted by villains for a long time, especially by the Lord of Shadows. *PROTECT AT ALL COSTS*.

SMG4 couldn't believe what he was reading... Because the Lord of Shadows was looking for him?... Because no one had ever told him?... How to "PROTECT AT ALL COSTS"?...

All the questions were interrupted by a high-pitched noise. It was the USB, it had already finished downloading all the files, so it was time to go. He took the memory, Eggdog and Beeg. He left the base quickly.

It was already morning, so the Sun helped SMG4 see the road better. Just when they were about to take the route to reach base 12, he began to hear some very strange noises. At first he thought it was his imagination, but as he progressed, the noise increased.

Suddenly he saw several Villains, who began to surround him. He took out his gun (So they would believe he was going to attack). But instead, the Villains began to throw some bombs, which wounded the blue-eyed man in the chest and leg. Then, they sent what seemed to be a smoke bomb... But there, it had smoke that made you sleep... SMG4 managed to use his jacket to avoid breathing the smoke... The Villains were gone (Because they thought that he was dead)...

He managed to reach base 12 after several hours, with the help of Eggdog and Beeg... There, the General simply thanked him... After that, he went to the infirmary...

(Eng) 🥀❤️ I Am a Villain, Not a Monster... ❤️🥀 - A SMG4 Fanfic _ ⁠♡SMG34♡Where stories live. Discover now