7.- Bonds of Friendship

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The last thing SMG4 remembered were those words...

- Because I am a Villain, not a Monster... -.

For some reason his voice became familiar, but because of all the damage he had suffered, everything around him was fading little by little, he couldn't do more, so he felt like that stranger put something in his abdomen...
Then he felt intense pain, so much so that he began to shake...
Suddenly the pain increased...
So much so that he screamed in pain...
And then he fainted...

When he woke up, he realized that all his wounds were healed, however he couldn't move much. Just as he was about to get up, he felt that horrible pain again that he had had just before he passed out the day before. But this time it was so intense that he began to sweat too much, at the same time that his ears began to ring more and more. He put his hands to his head, while some tears came out of his eyes...

Suddenly he heard the door open, when he turned to see the door to the room, he froze...
The clothes, the mask, the logo, the weapons...
There was no doubt...
He was a Villain...

He felt intense fear, followed by very strong nausea, he knew that being defenseless, it would be easier for the Villain to finish him off...

He closed his eyes expecting the worst, but for some strange reason, the Villain did not attack...

If not, he approached her slowly, while carrying something on a plate, then sat on the foot of the bed and left the plate on one of the nightstands nearby.

- How do you feel...? -.

It was the same voice he had heard the day before, so he calmed down a little, since at least now he knew that this Villain wasn't so bad.

- Eve-Everything -hu-hurts so-so much... - the blue-eyed man responded with a voice that was too dull.

- After what happened to you yesterday, I suppose it's normal that you feel bad, I don't even know how you managed to take care of the other Villains -.

Silence was present for a few seconds, until he heard someone running into the room. When he turned to look at the door, he noticed that it was Eggdog and Beeg.

- E-Eggdog... B-Beeg - the blue-eyed boy said with a light smile.

As soon as the 2 heard 4's voice, they ran up to the bed and started hugging him. It was obvious, since by what had happened yesterday, for a moment, the 2 little ones believed that they had lost SMG4.

- They love you too much... Right? - asked the hooded man.

The blue-eyed boy just nodded his head, it didn't take long for both little ones to fall asleep (Something expected, since they couldn't sleep well at night, thanks to being very worried about 4). After that, the hooded man got up, put Eggdog and Beeg down (Because one of the Villains had opened a large wound in his stomach and he did not want the wound to reopen, since it would bleed and die). And he laid them down on a makeshift bed with 2 boxes.

- Tha-thank you... Fo-for sa-save us... -.

- It's the least I can do for a friend... -.

- Fri-friend...? - asked 4 somewhat confused - D-Did you and I-I already kn-know each other? -.

The hooded man sat down again, only this time he removed his hood, to reveal somewhat long and unkempt black hair, which was tied in a braid with some loose hair. He then began to take off his mask. At first, the blue-eyed man believed it was some companion he had met on one of his missions. But as soon as he took off the mask, he realized that no...
I could not believe it...
It was... It was...

(Eng) 🥀❤️ I Am a Villain, Not a Monster... ❤️🥀 - A SMG4 Fanfic _ ⁠♡SMG34♡Where stories live. Discover now