8.- The Beginning of Something Big

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The next morning, 4 said he felt better. It seemed incredible to the red-eyed man, so he asked him to wait another day, since it was too soon and he could get hurt again. But the blue-eyed boy insisted that they had to leave, so SMG3 told him to go look for provisions for the walk. So he went out to look for some berries with Beeg and Eggdog. While SMG3 stayed repairing the stolen Motorcycle.

- Hey 4, can you enter the base ruins to look for a PHK-275 stack? -.

- Yes, anything else? -.

- Not for now, what supplies did you find? -.

- Well, we found several strawberries and raspberries, we also found a lake, where we collected 6 small bottles of water - he started counting 4 - While in my backpack I had 2 cans of mushrooms, 4 cans of peach salad with pineapple, 3 cans of tomato and 3 cans of Chilorio -.

- How do you have so many supplies?! -.

- Well... We Suns are taught to go without eating for several days, so that's what I do -.

SMG3 sighed, he had heard that the Suns were strict with their training (So much so that sometimes, the young Suns themselves said that it was mistreatment and abuse), so he simply remained silent.

SMG4 entered the ruins of the base to look for the damned pile, while Eggdog and Beeg followed him, they arrived at the old storage room. The metal shelves were on the floor, (Some of them were smashed) while the spare parts, tools, batteries and so on. He began to search through the piles, but suddenly he heard voices coming from the other side of the door.

- Christopher, are you sure they're around here? -.

- I'm telling you Fred, the traitor Villain stole my motorcycle and I swear by the Lord of Shadows that he was with a Sun, but the Sun seemed half dead -.

SMG4 leaned out slightly and, (Just as expected it) saw that there were two Villains. Very carefully and without making noise he continued looking for the pile, while the Villainsthey followed "searching" (Because they didn't even move from their place, they were just waiting for a noise or a movement). When he finally found it, he realized that it was stuck under 3 gigantic stones (which were actually 3 pieces of fallen wall). As he tried to get her out quietly, he heard the Villains say something incredible.

- Did you know what happened at base 106? -.

- I only knew that a Sun killed Jason and that SMG3 disappeared -.

- The problem is that that Sun was SMG4, the Sun that the Lord of Shadows has been looking for since the beginning of the war, so when he found out that Mike almost killed him, he got very angry and now he wants us to find him before the Suns do. , since if they find him first, the most likely thing is that they will send him to one of the bases of the other kingdoms - said the Villain - And if that happens, he says that horrible things are going to happen -.

- REALLY?! -.

- Yes, so they are going to set up several checkpoints, air, sea and land, to be able to capture him - the Villain continued - As far as I understand, if they do not find him within 2 weeks, the Lord of Shadows is going to be very upset and Possibly declare war directly on him, to capture him much easier -.

SMG4 was so distracted that he didn't notice that one of the stones was swinging and when he gave a slight tap, the 3 stones fell rolling, almost crushing 4, Eggdog and Beeg.

- WHO'S THERE?! -.

4 quickly grabbed the pile and ran away. Meanwhile, SMG3 was writing in his notebook, he had already finished adjusting and repairing the motorcycle, he only needed the battery to make it float (Like in Mario Kart 8). He was so distracted that he didn't notice the blue-eyed man quickly approaching him.


- WAIT, WHAT?! -.


Just when the red-eyed man was going to ask 4 what was happening, he managed to hear the voices of the Villains, and then he realized that they had found them. Quickly, he began to put the battery in, while SMG4 put the supplies in his backpack. Once he finished, he lent his cape to 4 (so that he could cover himself and/or not be recognized), while he put on his mask. SMG3 took Eggdog along with Beeg and put them into the special backpack.

3 put on the backpack with supplies, while the blue-eyed boy put on the one that had the little ones in it, then they got on the motorcycle. Just as they were starting off, the Villains caught up with them.


- Hold tight! - SMG3 whispered to 4.

The blue-eyed man clung to 3's abdomen, while he began to accelerate. They shot out at great speed, while the othersVillains, they were trying reach them. After driving on land, the red-eye activated the "Anti-Gravity" mode and they began to go through Lake Nahir (Which was very large, so it crossed several neighboring kingdoms, so it would be easier to sneak through those places)... By luck to them They had escaped this time...

While SMG3 had his sights set on driving and avoiding trouble, 4 was still intrigued by what he had heard from those 2 Villains, he knew (Since the day he was sent to base 57) that they were looking for him. But now that he knew the Shadow Lord's plan, he had many more questions. Above all he was afraid, since he knew that if the Lord of Shadows found out about his alliance with SMG3 he could punish him, torture him or even kill him... He was not going to allow that to happen to his friend... No after that at least they had found, after 4 long years... But he decided to forget about it for a while, since there was no point in being mortified by something that had not happened yet... Now he was happy because they had managed to escape and were together...

(Eng) 🥀❤️ I Am a Villain, Not a Monster... ❤️🥀 - A SMG4 Fanfic _ ⁠♡SMG34♡Where stories live. Discover now