9.- When Close is too Far

105 3 12

It was December 12, so the temperature was getting lower and lower... The snow was starting to fall again, while the wind hit the eyes of SMG3, SMG4, Eggdog and Beeg... They had been walking in the Motorcycle all night, but they still didn't feel safe... There were checkpoints everywhere, so they had to go very carefully...

Around 2:38am, the blue-eyed man began to recognize the place.

- SMG3... I already know where we are... - he said - And where we can go... -.

- Where? -.

- On the right -.

The red-eyed man turned right, just as SMG4 had told him... The road became a little uneven, but they managed to cross it... On the other side, there was a small town, which lived in terror of the Villains and who Suns were in charge of protecting... If they had seen the boys arrive, they would most likely have been scared... But since it was early morning, they were not at risk...

They arrived at an old stable, which was completely alone (since the animals were half extinct thanks to the war)... The place was full of hay, wood and straw... They left the backpacks of supplies along with the backpack to carry Eggdog and Beeg from one place to another at the entrance of the place... Immediately afterwards, the red-eyed man took the little ones (who were fast asleep) from the backpack... And they began to stack the straw and hay to form some beds... But just when SMG4 was tucking up Eggdog and Beeg, he noticed SMG3 approaching the stable door...

- Where are you going 3? -.

- To stand guard, so they don't find us - he said, yawning - You rest -.

- No, you have to rest, because you already took care of me yesterday... - said 4 when he saw SMG3 yawn - Just like you were driving all day so they wouldn't catch us, so it's only fair... -.

- No... You are still injured, if they attack us you have less chance of surviving -.

- But if you fall asleep, it wouldn't matter -.

The red-eyed man rolled his eyes while he sighed and yawned again... He was truly tired, but he wasn't going to let 4 expose himself to danger... But he also knew that SMG4 was right, he had to rest. ...Then, the red-eyed man lay down on the pile of straw and hay, right next to the little ones... He fell asleep in less than 5 minutes...

While 4 left the stable, he lay down on one of the huge stones that were there and began to observe the stars... 2 hours had already passed, however, the blue-eyed boy had not slept for even a second, since I knew the risk they ran...

Suddenly, he heard a large explosion, while at the same time, a large cloud of smoke and fire began to be seen from the southeast side of the forest... At first, he felt paralyzed, but then he began to feel great distress. .

- SMG4!? - called it 3.

When SMG3, Eggdog, and Beeg came out of the barn, they saw the huge fire.


- No... - 4 began to say while many tears appeared in his eyes - No... No... NO.... NO -.

He began to run quickly in the direction of the fire, while the red-eyed man desperately screamed his name.

- SMG4, COME BACK!! -.

But nothing seemed to stop 4... He couldn't believe what his eyes were seeing, it couldn't be possible... Snow had started to fall again and the terrible cold air blew and hit the blue-eyed boy's face... But nothing stopped him... It's curious that walking, you do 2 days from base 12 to base 108, but on a motorcycle, you only did a few hours... But it's even more curious that precisely 4 he was thinking about his companions from that base when the explosion happened... An explosion that came from just from the southeast side of the forest... Just the place where base number 12 was located...

It didn't take long for him to reach the place and as he feared, base 12 was in pieces... All destroyed, while it was consumed by flames... SMG4 was paralyzed... He couldn't believe what he was seeing...

- NOOOOOOOOO!! - he shouted desperately.

Immediately afterwards, he fell to his knees... While a great pain began to run through his entire body... At the same time, his tears began to come out...


He didn't have time to finish the sentence... Since he was just observing the burning base... Eggdog and Beeg were just as shocked as 4... He simply stayed silent, while Eggdog and Beeg went to hug SMG4. .. While they contemplated their home... Which was now completely destroyed...

- It can't be... - 3's voice was heard.

Immediately after, SMG4, Eggdog and Beeg turned to look at him, but to their horror, right in front of 3 there was a corpse... The blue-eyed man's entire body was trembling as he approached the corpse... Just when he was in front of it, he realized it was Lucy's...

- Why would they have killed her...? - asked 4.

- Maybe that's why... - said the red-eyed man, pointing to the right of the corpse.

Written in blood (probably Lucy's) was a message..."i'M cOmInG fOr YoU sMg4"... 4 began to feel an attack of horror (I mean he began to cry very hard, while he also began to breathe very quickly and at the same time his sugar began to go down)...

- That bastard... - SMG3 said, clenching his fists and teeth.

Afterwards, he turned to see the blue-eyed boy and seeing that he was getting bad, he simply took him by the shoulder and took him to the stable...

Upon arriving at the place, SMG3 used a piece of metal from the base to block the entrance... SMG4 continued crying, while the little ones tried to console him... The red-eyed man gave him a hug... At first it didn't work, now that nothing took away his sadness, despair, melancholy and anger...

He was fed up... Fed up with having to watch everything he wanted and/or loved disappear... Fed up with feeling so small and defenseless against the Lord of Shadows... Fed up with crying for everything... Fed up. of feeling like an idiot... But most of all, he was tired of feeling alone...

- Calm down... - he heard SMG3 say - Listen... I know it's difficult... I know you feel horrible now... But I promise you that we are going to get revenge on that unfortunate man... Even if it's the last thing we'll ever do. let's do... -.

Those words... They made... For the first time in 4 years... He felt strangely better... As if things were finally starting to get better... So he began to calm down... And to feel that warmth... That I hadn't felt in too long...

The atmosphere was beginning to calm down, at the same time that dawn showed its first rays... SMG3 and SMG4 had fallen asleep hugging each other almost at the same time... While Eggdog and Beeg had also lain down next to them... For that day, they would no longer have to worry about an attack... For that moment they felt safe and secure...

(Eng) 🥀❤️ I Am a Villain, Not a Monster... ❤️🥀 - A SMG4 Fanfic _ ⁠♡SMG34♡Where stories live. Discover now