7. Mission

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"We have to kill him," Astrid paced the cliff's edge, already contemplating the how and the when of her mission to take down the Leader of Dragons. So many questions were circulating her mind:
"Who calls himself 'Leader of Dragons'? How could we just be getting this information now? Who is this devil who apparently rides a Night Fury? First of all, who the hells decided it would be a good idea to ride a dragon?

"It's not so simple, Astrid. The other tribes have posted a bounty of 20,000 gold coins to whoever captures and brings them the heathen. Berk has been fortunate in avoiding the wrath of that despicable man, but the other islands have not been as lucky. They are demanding retribution in fire and blood."
"So what do we do?"
"We place ourselves in the most strategic position to receive the reward money and get rid of that nuisance: we capture him first."

Ingrid retrieved a scroll from her satchel and sat down, spreading what Astrid realized was a map on the ground. She pulled out a writing tool and looked at Astrid expectantly, so the young warrior joined her mentor on the grass.
"We know the rider can't be close to Beserker Island or any of the dragon hunter outposts," Ingrid scratched off the Western portion of the map.
"We also know that the rider has been sighted at the Eastern Markets, which confirmed that the rider is a man. The reports described him as lean, tall, and has a peg leg. They weren't able to see much of him as he wears dragon armor and a helmet that hides most of his features."
Astrid took the took herself and scratched out the North.
"Not many dragons can live in the colder areas up north, so he has to be stationed below the glaciers," Astrid observed. She was rewarded with a proud look from her mentor and listened in on the rest of Ingrid's assertions.
"All of the reports that we've gotten say the dragons have always approached from the South," finished Ingrid with a fire in her kelp-green eyes. The warrior's passion for battle tactics and strategy clearly had not waned, and this further ignited Astrid's own fire.
"So his base must be in the Southeastern portion of the Archipelago," the younger warrior concluded.
"Yes, so what we need to start on is setting up a base in the Eastern Markets and keep a surveillance of the area in case he enters the premises. As Berk's Vordr, you will lead this operation and have the full support of Berk's Guard."

Ingrid clapped her hand on Astrid's shoulder and she witnessed a rare moment of vulnerability in her mentor.
"I know you have come a long way in your training and in your mind. But this is an unprecedented enemy that we must take every precaution to take down. If anyone can do it it's you, child." Her mentor placed her palm on Astrid's cheek and the blond viking almost burst out into tears then and there. How long had she yearned for the support and encouragement that Ingrid had provided her? Words that her own mother and father had failed to say?

"I will find him, Ingrid. I'll make him pay for all the pain he has caused Berk, I swear it," Astrid gripped her beloved mentor's hand and made a silent vow to the Gods, for she would not fail her duty not her people.
"I will set sail immediately after I gather my things. Is there anything else I need to know before I embark?" Astrid asked.
"You were always my best student, I am beyond proud at what you've become. Don't let anyone take your hard work away from you," Ingrid confessed.
"Even better than Snotlout?" she jested with a mischievous grin on her face. The quip drew out her trainer's boisterous laugh and Astrid's smile grew at her happiness in that moment.
"Yes, even better than Snotlout." Ingrid wiped the tears of joy from her eyes and steadied herself for their parting moment.
"That is all, you should set sail as soon as you can. Go, child. The whole Archipelago needs you," Ingrid sent her off with a warm smile and a playful punch in the shoulder.
"Thank you, for everything." Astrid stood up and cast one last thoughtful glance at the viking who had taught her so much and given so much for her. Vikings like Ingrid who were patient and caring were rare and Astrid knew she was the luckiest girl in the Archipelago for being able to learn from her. Even when her own parents had failed to comfort her after Hiccup's death, it had been Ingrid who had pushed her to practice her axe throwing which led to a deep conversation into Astrid's guilt about the whole situation.

Ingrid nodded her chin and turned around to face the sun, creating a beautiful scene that made Astrid's heart clench with sadness at her departure and love for the older warrior. She quickly turned around, wiped a tear off her cheek, and jogged back to Berk. On the way to her house, she was already creating a mental list of what she needed to take on her mission. She decided that her mace and bludgeon would be too heavy for her smaller boat and reasoned that her only necessary weapons would be the ones she was currently carrying and a narrow sword her father had presented her the day she had joined the Berk Guard.

Astrid arrived at her house and started packing her essentials in a large, rugged knapsack she had purchased from one of the traders that docked at Berk monthly. She would bring only the essentials: rosemary soap, a wooden brush, clothes, bindings for her monthly bleed, and her trusty whetstone. The rest she either didn't need or could buy from traders if she needed to. The rosemary soap wasn't negotiable, she abhorred smelling like rotten fish and couldn't put up with unhygienic vikings, which was most of them. Astrid tugged on her traveling bag and trudged silently to the fishing docks where her family boat was anchored. The docks were pretty empty except for Mulch and Bucket who seemed a little preoccupied trying to figure out how to lift their fishing net.

Astrid was glad it was empty, she didn't want to say goodbye to anyone; Ingrid had been an exception. She hoisted the sails and stored her knapsack in the storage compartment. The journey from Berk to the Eastern Markets was not too bad, it was currently a little past midday, so she would be able to make it before the sun set.

The wind caught in her sails and she was away, determined in her mission: find the godsdamned dragon rider and make him pay.

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