16. Crystals

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Song for the Chapter: Stuck on the Puzzle- Alex Turner

Hiccup had to be in Valhalla. There was no other possible explanation for how he felt, like he had figured out all the mysteries in the world except for one and Astrid was the final clue. It seemed like his own heart was vibrating inside him, wanting to be released, wanting to get as close to her as possible. Logically, he knew this was a fallacy, yet he could not contain the need to be with her, to be near her. When she was around he felt like he could breathe easier, like she was his missing lung that he had lost long ago. The way she looked at him, really looked at him, made him want to melt into a useless heap and morph into Thor at the same time. Astrid saw his insecurities, little thorns that had slowly impaled his soul throughout his life, and snipped them away with her reassuring words. How could the gods be so cruel? That a goddess was placed on Midgard among the sins of brutes and cowards. That they could take advantage of such a heavenly soul made him want to bash someone's face in with a Grockle Iron mace.

"Hiccup? What's wrong, you look tense." Astrid's gentle voice pierced his cloud of frustration and he felt her hand on his shoulder, further provoking the fluttering Terrible Terrors that had taken his stomach hostage.
"Yeah I," his voice betrayed his heart and cracked like he was a pubescent boy all over again. He cleared his throat, nervously hoping the sudden humiliation hadn't made Astrid cringe internally and decide to cut their reunion short. Messing with a random yak knickknack to keep his fingers busy, he glanced at her leaning against the merchant's stall that they had paused at to reminisce on the day Snotlout had tried to bring Yakkity Yak as his date to Griplout's wedding.
"I'm fine, uh just funny that I always thought you would be married or, um, betrothed to Snotlout by now. He was always pretty forward with how he felt about you." Hiccup scratched his head and pretended to look disinterested as to hide his true intentions of wanting to know who she was with and bring him back down to reality.

Astrid burst out laughing hysterically, doubling over and heaving for air. This was not the response he had been prepared for and he awkwardly laughed with her at whatever he had said that merited her reaction. She was trying to take in air but kept on wheezing laughter and led to an almost snort-laugh that made Hiccup realize he wanted to hear that sound over and over again.
"What? You don't want to share a house with Yakkity Yak? I'm sure Snotlout will even let you share her bed." He jestered, waiting to see if the joke had landed and was very pleased when Astrid almost fell to the floor as laughter seized her body.

After a while, she wiped the tears from her eyes and regained some composure.
"When did you get so funny? I don't remember you making jokes, just being really sarcastic."
Hiccup turned to lean on the table with his hands and faced Astrid with a fake quizzical expression.
"Hm, well maybe it was because I had to find a bright side in being a giant disappointment? Yeah that was probably it."
She sobered at his response, which was not his intention, so he quickly switched the conversation topic back to Snotlout and his affinity with Astrid and his yak.
"So I take it that you are not with Snotlout?"
He felt the smallest flame of hope ignite in his heart before an icy wind sent by his mind snuffed it out. In what world could they ever work? She killed dragons and he rescued them. She was a soldier and he was an outlaw. She was a patriot and he was a traitor. Together, they defied the laws of viking society and that would only add to his growing list of problems. Not to mention, he'd be putting Astrid into more danger by abandoning Berk and becoming a traitor like him. Plus, she would hate Toothless so it would definitely not work out.

"It's a hells no, never in a million years, not even if he's the last guy left, I'd rather throw myself off a cliff than bind myself to Snotlout in any shape or form. Especially romantically. It's just me for now and I am perfectly okay with that."
She gave him a small smile that almost made him forsake all previous reason but he managed to stay strong.
"Nice, uh I mean congratulations? No that's not like congratulations you are alone-not that you're alone I mean that it's good that you, uh, didn't settle for Snotlout. You deserve better." Hiccup returned her smile and started to walk them away from the merchant's stall who had most definitely been eavesdropping on their conversation.

They walked side by side, passing an interesting booth that he typically never visited because he had no use for their goods. However, today was different so he walked them over and watched Astrid's face as she examined the wide array of necklaces, rings, chains, circlets, earrings, and bracelets. He watched as her eyes snagged on a bracelet with pretty sky blue crystals that encompassed the rim which led to the perfect centerpiece: an ornate engraving of an axe on the delicate silver. She turned to him and swept her hair out of her face, "Do you bring all of the girls here? I bet they love it when you buy them pearl earrings."
He shrugged, trying to seem nonchalant but failing as his eyes clearly betrayed his contentment of being in her presence.
"Yeah well, only the girls who mutilate perverts. They are something special." He winked at her and swore he saw the faintest rose color her cheeks but before he could blink it had vanished.

Astrid's smile waned and she seemed pensive but broke the silence by announcing she had to empty her bladder after sailing all day. He gave her the general directions as the bathrooms weren't far from their current location and asked her if she wanted him to walk her over. Astrid being Astrid, she refused and he didn't want to seem overbearing so he relented. Hiccup waited until she was out of sight to take some dragon scales out of his pouch and turned to the pleasant woman who was tending the booth.
"How much for this piece here?"
"Well the symbolism is very special boy. The blue crystals signify the strong archipelago sea and the axe engraving signifies strength against unrelenting forces." The bracelet could not be more perfect, he thought, just like Astrid. The bracelet didn't have to mean anything, just a gift between friends to commemorate their friendship. Yes, friendship.

"It's beautiful. I'll take it."
The viking placed the bracelet into a small leather pouch and scrutinized him closely, making him only a little uncomfortable.
"She's a strong woman, cherish her. She will push what she needs away because it will make her uncomfortable, but don't give up, she needs you."
"How-how do you know that?"
She chuckled and handed him the pouch, "Experience. That will be 50 scales."
He took out four fistfuls that were certainly over fifty and gave the lady a meek smile, "Keep the change."

Before she could say anything, he walked away over to a pair of trees to wait for Astrid. When she came back, it was as if all the colors in the world had intensified and time itself was irrelevant. Gods she was beautiful. He quickly pocketed the pouch, already wondering when he should reveal it to her when a large gathering began to assemble.
"What's going on?" He mused, craning his neck to see what was summoning the attention of so many vikings. Curious shoppers began to follow the crowd that had surrounded at a familiar location: Freya's statue. Astrid looked at him with sparks of fire igniting her ethereal eyes.
"The munch-bucket woke up."

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