1. Warrior

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Just a few edits:)

Astrid Hofferson took a deep breath in and a deep breath out. She had no reason to be so nervous, she was well known as the fiercest warrior of the decade on Berk. Yet, she felt her heart palpitate as her boots crossed the threshold of the Great Hall. Astrid's eyes traveled across the familiar decorations that told tales of Berk's adventures across the walls. She remembered how she used to imagine the stories of the brave vikings were about her and how she would become a legend.

This did nothing to ease the pressure on her chest as this very moment would be pivotal in her journey. Every Berkian knew that Assignment Day was either the beginning or the end of a life of guts and glory. The Cheif's Council would decide what path was best for each up and coming viking and take into consideration how they would be best equipped to serve the village. She had heard that Ruffnut and Tuffnut had been given a job with Gobber at the forge, something about testing weapons and traps. She knew it wasn't rare for a woman viking to be selected as a warrior, Ingrid Valson was a legendary dragon killer in Berk, but Astrid saw her mother get tied down by motherhood and never reach her full potential. This was what scared Astrid, not having a family, but losing out on becoming the strongest version of herself.

To even her odds, she had trained every day since she was five years old, even gaining recognition from Ingrid as a prime student. However, her future had almost slipped from her fingers when the Chief's son, Hiccup, had miraculously gained success in Dragon Training. Hiccup had been the closest thing she had had to a rival, and she guiltily admitted that she had felt a smug relief when Hiccup failed to show up for his final test. Oddly enough, all of the dragons in the Training Arena had also gone missing, but the people of Berk were too preoccupied to notice with the loss of the Chief's son.

But that was another lifetime ago and she straightened her shoulders as she approached the four chairs positioned in front of her. Before her sat Chief Stoick the Vast, Spitelout Jorgensen, Gothi, and Ingrid Valson. Chief Stoick's typical stormy expression seemed to lighten at Astrid's appearance. He had been the one to offer his help when her axe had gotten stuck in a particularly thick tree trunk and the Chief had complimented her throwing strength as it had taken him several tries to free the axe. Stoick had been busy lately trying to decipher why the dragon raids seemed to become less frequent the last few months.

Yet, Astrid knew Berk could use one more good warrior in their ancestral war against the dragons who had tortured them for so long. Astrid had further proved her ability by taking down a Zippleback that was about to cause an explosion in the Great Hall were all there food supply was located. She had been praised for her valor and strength that day and couldn't wait for a life full of honor and battle.
"Welcome Hofferson, take your place at the lectern and may the Gods seal your future," Stoick bellowed from his chair amongst his fellow council members.
"We have been watching you Hofferson, you're a hard worker and a skilled one, in fact. Not many lassies your age have the skill set you possess," said Spitelout.
"You are a once in a generation warrior and you certainly outshined your fellow trainees in Dragon Training. You train hard, work hard, and think hard. We value your bravery and perseverance," said Ingrid with a proud look on her face.

Astrid's heart smiled as her hard work was finally paying off. All of the freezing nights spent practicing fighting moves Ingrid had taught her during the day, the weeks of practicing throwing knives until it was second nature, the grueling endurance training, the sword training that had left her arms sore for days, and the axe throwing (her personal favorite) that was so precise, she could hit an apple on top Snotlout's head from 70 paces away. She remembered that day in amusement as Snotlout had soiled his pants when the axe hit the apple and then the tree behind him. She found joy in the little things.
"You are above and beyond many of our current warriors and this is why we have decided to make you..."

Was this really happening? Was she finally getting her chance to be a famous dragon fighter and keep her village safe? The culmination of her hard training finally manifesting?
"...a new position, one that will be highly coveted and integral to Berk. Astrid Hofferson, you are Berk's first Vordr (Vo-r), congratulations!" Ingrid announced.

Vordr? Astrid knew that the word was closest to wraith but what kind of wraith killed dragons? Her heart sunk, she had practically sacrificed her childhood for...nothing. There would be no fame, no prestige, no honor. What the hells was she supposed to even do as Vordr?

"Your talent was too magnificent to waste and as Vordr you will focus on the bigger threats Berk faces and be in charge of classified information," elaborated Stoick.
"Since you are the first in your position, there is no need to start an apprenticeship, you will be given your first assignment in the morning by Ingrid and she will explain the details further."

This all sounded like a dream and a nightmare to Astrid. All her dreams of being a fighting warrior with the highest kill count had been tossed in yak dung in a matter of minutes. Yet, she couldn't help but feel curious about the new path set out before her and pride for being the first Vordr in Berk history.

"Thank you Council for entrusting this path to me. I can assure you that I will do the best to my ability to fulfill my duties," she nodded to each council member and walked out of the Great Hall to her house. She could not imagine what tomorrow would bring.

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