! Enamored ! - Engel x reader

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Finally a oneshot abt him (he's adorbss<33)

he also has some chocy milk pookies <333

my new favourite oneshot now 😿

huge angst and fluff storm ahead bitches get ur umbrellas for this !!


⋆。‧˚ʚ 💟 ɞ˚‧。⋆

"The moon needs the sun to shine."

When you first arrived in Paper School, Engel definetly didn't expect to find those words a reality. He finally found someone to support him throught the loss of his dear Claire. After that tragic incident, Engel wasn't himself. That pretty much concerned Bubble and others, but when you came, Engel felt this weird comfort radiate from you. Whenever Engel wouls get PTSD from the incident, you would notice the look on his face and comfort him. This eventually grew into something intense, and soon after, Engel started to develop a crush on you. The amiable warmth youre pressence brought filled him with undeniable joy, not only did he smile, he also tried to get closer to you! But, at the end of it all, there had to be complications. You were a part of the local bullies trio. Zip, Oliver and Edward, the famous mischeif-makers of Paper School. That was the only thing that made Engel belive you wouldn't like him back, but, he didn't want to waste that chance now. If he already found someone, he can't throw that away like it's nothing, you gave him loads of support throught that thought time. Right now, Engel is holding an envelope, in which is a confession letter. The message on the envelope says "for youre eyes only <3" and he exactly mean that to happen, but, it didn't happen. Engel was on his way to you, as you were busy reorganizing youre locker. He let out a exhale, finally glad he can let everything he felt out. However, his approach was stopped by Oliver, who grabbed the envelope from his hand, catching the attention of the people in the halls. Zip and Edward snickered. If Engel was ever to bet that Oliver was an attention seeker, he would win that bet easily. "Oliver, give that back!" Engel jumped in attempt to reach the envelope, but others in the halls just laughed. You were confused, but already furious when you saw that Oliver once again is tampering with Engel again. You walk fast up to them and stand behind Engel, shielding him. "Oi, pick on someone youre own size!" You yelled out, causing the other students to ooh in response. Oliver snorted at how someone smaller than his acted so thought. "Fine, Fine, Ill stop, but only after I read this lovely little letter..." And that is when Engel knew he was done for. You rose a brow in confusion, what was he even talking about. Oliver purposely opened the letter ever so slowly just to tease Engel, and when he did, he started reciting it out loud for everyone to hear. "Y/N, before I tell you this, I just want to let you know that I'm very greatful to have someone like you by my side, and hence that, I have something very important to say. Y/N, I have.... feelings for you, and I hope you accept them back." Everyone in the halls froze, even Oliver was flabbergastered. He literally didn't think that was what the envelope contained. He looked down at you and Engel, a little worried and nervous. Suddenly, Engel teared up and ran outside, he wasn't himself again. "E-Engel, WAIT!" You yelled as you tried to catch up to him, but before that, you turned back to Oliver. "ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?!" Oliver slightly jumped back. You then finally dashed throught the halls on youre way to the entrance. You could hear people scold Oliver for making Engel look pathetic. For the first time in his life, Oliver felt ashamed. His friends, Zip and Oliver, who were a part of the public, encouraged him to go find Engel and You. The trio ran and found you and Engel quietly standing at the entrance. "Y/N just go... please..." Engel pleaded, hugging himself to seek comfort. You were determined to let him know that he isn't a loser for finding such a sweet way to confess to you. Engel was turned away from you. "Engel, listen-" "I KNOW YOU DON'T LOVE ME!" Engel interrupted with a yell, tears bursting out of his eyes, he was not turned back to you. You froze, youre eyes growing agape at his words. Zip, Oliver and Edwars his behind a bush, thrilling waiting for what's next. "W-WHAT!? NO! ENGEL, I-ITS-!" You paused, trying to recompse youreself first. You let out a long sight. "Engel, why would you already suspect that...?" Engel sniffed and wiped a tear away. "I-It's just... why would you ever love me...?" Engel questioned. You were startled by that. "Engel?! Why WOULDN'T I love you?!" You yelled back, and that's when Engel got his hopes back up. He smiled slightly. "Engel, I... I love you too!" You yell out, causing Engel to run up to you and hug you tightly, as he continued to cry in youre shoulder. You simply embrace him back, giggling at him tenderly. "T-Thank you, you don't know how much this means to me..." You pat his head and continue to warmly embrace him. Oliver, Zip and Edward proudly smiled at the two.

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