! Heart pupils ! - Oliver x reader

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ew this is so cringe, guilty 😍 -Kim Kardashian.

Cover photo: ✨ DES PA CITO ✨

this is a small headcanon and I had to write it as a oneshot.

idk if I should be proud of this or not-

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"Dude! You say you don't have a crush on Y/N, but I think youre eyes tell us otherwise..." Edward pointed out, but it was not helping Oliver's situation at all. Over the past few weeks, Zip and Edward have noticed how Oliver displayed a rather... weird type of body language when he thought about you, when around you or when you were mentioned. You, his best friend, was the cause of these small pink hearts in Oliver's pupils. You noticed them before, but you ignored that just to see for how long with Oliver deny to himself that he likes you and that his eyes literally represent those feelings. "Shush! I dont wan't them to hear us..." Oliver shushed his loud friend, as Zip just snickered at them being so oblivious. "I thino they should, Oliver~ There's no avail denying it, you practically give it awa-" "SHHHH SHUSH SHUSH!!" Oliver covered theyre mouths, but they still snickered wildly. Oliver sighted and took his hands of theyre mouths, holding his head in frustration as his heart pupils died off from the feeling of dread the duo brought him. "What do I do?! I can't close my eyes all day and walk around, I just... need to cover this in some way..." Oliver opened his locker, and on the door of it, there was a mirror, and when he looked at it, boom! The ehart pupils were back! Oliver groaned out loud and covered his red face. "UGHHHH... You two were right, there's no way denying it..." Oliver gave up and accepted his fate. Maybe he should just let it be like that? Until you complain about it, but he deep down knew you already noticed that, you just kept quiet. Whenever he was around you and had that loving look in his eyes, you thought he was just confused of himself, of how he should feel and act around you without his frivilious feelings catching up to him, so you shruged it of like the blind person you are. But, you knew you HAD to question him about that one day. So when the curiosity decided to get the best of you today, you waited for a peaceful moment when he was alone by himself to approach him and ask him about his body language. After all the periods ended, you spotted Oliver looking at himself in the locker mirror, before he stormed off. You instantly knew what was up, which made you smirk slightly. You managed to catch up to him and grab his wrist firmly. "Oliver, wait!" He turned to you, a look of suprise evident on his face. "Y/N? W-What is it...?" He stuttered out nervously, keeping a anxious smile on. Goddamn, the hearts were still there. "Oh, nothing! I just have a tiny little personal question..." Oliver's eyes perked up, as he turned to you, silence following a bit before you asked the icebreaker question. "Why do you have hearts on youre pupils?" Oliver's eyes widened, as you asked him that so innocently. He let out a deep sight, and then, straight forwardly, answered youre question, the one he feared. "I-I will be honest.. I think it's because I like you, but not in a friendly way anymore, more like a... I love you way, and I hate how my eyes look like this! I-I just wish it wasn't like that-!" His fast talking was interrupted by youre soft chuckle. He was so afraid and stressed right now, that rollercoaster of feelings completely tired him out. You were pleasantly suprised, all this time, his feelings were real! And not some sort of confusion... "I get, I get it, and don't worry, don't look at youreself like some sort of... weirdo because of it, it's actually... adorable, like, the way you express youre feelings is unique..." You stopped mid sentence. You could swear to youre life that, in Oliver's eyes, there was a small addition of tiny sparkles in them. (man wtf is this sentence rn im gonna commit arson) You tilted youre head in awe at such a sweet sighting. "Well thank you then.... I guees..." Oliver looked away, trying to put up a though facade on, but deep down, he knew he failed. "Always..." You mumbled, taking his hand in yours and walking off to the exit.

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