perfect faces

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          My first period was an advanced history class taught by a man named Mr. Mendoza and while I was on the verge of crying the entire walk to my classroom, I made sure to walk through the door with my head held high and the brightest smile that I could muster. My mom used to tell me that nobody would be able to hurt me as long as I didn't show them that I was scared, and there was no way in hell that I would let a bunch of entitled high school students know that I was terrified of being around them.
          "Ah, you must be our new student, miss Camila Swan," said a short Hispanic man whom I could only assume to be Mr. Mendoza.
         "Yes sir, that would be me," I said trying to look as happy as possible while keeping my shaky hands trapped in my pockets.
            "I sent you the syllabus and the required reading material to your email this morning, so I expect you to get some of it done by next week."
              "Of course sir, I'll make sure to stay on top of that," I replied with forced enthusiasm.
             "Perfect Camila! Thank you for your cooperation. As of right now we have assigned seats in this class, so you can go ahead and sit by Mr. Hale in the fourth row. Jasper, please raise your hand," Mr. Mendoza ordered. I walked over to the boy raising his hand and almost tripped over my own two feet while taking in his appearance. He had golden hair with a spotless pale complexion and the most perfectly proportioned face that I honestly think I've ever seen. He truly looked like an angel and it made me feel a little uneasy to have to sit by such unrealistic beauty.
             "Hi, I'm Camila," I said as I politely introduced myself to the beautiful boy beside me. However, instead of receiving a greeting in return, I was met with fucking silence. He didn't even bother to turn his head and meet my eyes. What a fucking asshole. I wouldn't let him see that his rude indifference bothered me, though. He didn't deserve that, so I did what I always do and hid my true feelings behind a smile. "O-kayy. Not much of a talker I see. That's fine. I'm sure we won't have to communicate much in this class anyways."
          Apart from my first period history class, which thanks to Jaspers rude and tense attitude towards me, went by excruciatingly slow, I felt like my other classes seemed to cruise by fairly quickly until it was finally time for lunch. I met up with Bella by her locker before lunch, like we had planned, and she surprised me with the news that she had made friends that had invited us both to sit with them. I was grateful that at one of us had made a good impression on people. We walked into the crowded and noisy cafeteria and I immediately grabbed ahold of Bella's elbow to not lose her in the sea of students as she made a beeline to a table where a few other people were. I only recognized Eric, but Bella quickly introduced me to Jessica, Mike, and Angela to avoid making me feel left out.
"So Cami," the girl who I now knew as Jessica said as she directed the groups attention towards me, "are you really Bella's sister? Because, no offense, but you're much tanner than Bella is."
"No you're totally good," I replied, even though her curiosity pissed me off a little bit. I mean it wasn't any of her business to be asking me this when I could tell that she didn't even fucking care. She just wanted to take Mikes attention off of Bella. "Bella is actually my cousin, not my sister, but I've just always lived with my aunt and uncle." I knew that Jessica was about to ask me something else, but thankfully Bella managed to take the spotlight off of me and put it on the group of teens walking through the cafeteria entrance.
           "Who are they?" Asked Bella as her eyes almost popped out of her head while looking at them. I didn't blame her since mine were probably doing the same thing. I mean how could we not stare at them? They all looked beautiful with unnervingly perfect faces and lean athletic bodies. What was it about Forks, Washington that made so many gorgeous people want to live here?
"They're the Cullens," answered Jessica. This reply only seemed to intensify my already growing interest in these annoyingly perfect models.
"You're telling me that they're related? There's no way. None of them look even the slightest bit alike. Apart from them all being captivatingly gorgeous of course," I expressed with heavy unbelief in my voice.
"They're all foster kids who were adopted by Mr and Mrs Cullen, so they're not technically related by blood, apart from two of them," explained Jessica, who seemed a bit annoyed that I questioned her honesty, "they all moved down here from Alaska a few years ago, but they don't talk to anyone apart from each other. Maybe it's probably because of the fact that they're all 'together' if you know what I mean." I kind of did understand what Jessica was implying but I was honestly shocked into silence. So what the fuck did Mr. and Mrs. Cullen do in order to obtain such gorgeous children? Did they endlessly search foster homes for kids with unbelievable beauty? Cause honestly what the actual fuck.
"The small dark pixie haired girl is Alice, and she's dating the tall curly haired brunette named Luca. The blonde girls name is Rosalie and she's dating the big buff guy named Emmett," continued Jessica, pretty happy now that all of the attention was back onto her, "it's almost as if Mr. Cullen works as a matchmaker. Maybe I'll be lucky enough and he'll adopt me." Her joke was surprisingly funny enough to snap me out of my stalker like gaze. They must think that I'm such a weirdo for staring at them like that for so long. What was wrong with me? I mean sure they're all gorgeous, but that's no excuse for me to shamelessly gawk at them like some creep.
"What about those other two who walked in, who are they?" Asked Bella, who continued to mindlessly stare at them no matter how much I nudged her to stop.
"The one on the right is Edward and the one on the left is Jasper," answered Jessica. Jasper's name was enough for me to snap my head up and look back over to the Cullen's table. "They're both single, but don't try your luck with them since apparently nobody in this school is good enough."
"Oh trust me," I said with a hint of venom in my voice and a sickly sweet grin on my face as I recalled how Jasper acted this morning, "we wouldn't be interested in dating a Cullen even if our lives depended on it."

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