dance with me*

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        When I woke up the next morning I was surprised to find Jasper still embracing me in my bed. I felt safe around him, so much so, that I think that last night was the best nights sleep that I've gotten in a while, and I'm pretty sure that I had him to thank for that. Not that I would actually ever admit that to him, though, since our line between friends and lovers was blurred enough as it is and I had no hopes of making it worse.
         "Did you know that you snore a little bit when you sleep?" Jasper asked me with a teasing smile resting on his face. I rolled my eyes at him and forced myself to get out of bed. Since I probably smelt like ass due to me not being able to shower for four days straight, I decided to go and attempt to clean myself up despite the bulky cast on my arm.
"No shame in snoring a little bit," I replied tiredly picking out clothes to wear after my shower, "and I'm pretty sure you snored quite a bit when you were able to sleep. You just have the face of a snorer." Jasper let out a loud laugh making me quickly run over and put my hand on his mouth to shut him up. I didn't need Charlie to find out that I had snuck a boy in my room, or worse, that the boy had spent the night in here with me. My eyes widened as I heard a knock on my door as I shoved Jasper off of the bed and made him hide under it. I wasn't proud of it but one had to do what they had to do in order to avoid getting caught.
        "You okay in there, Cami?" Charlie asked me from outside my door.
         "Yeah, Charlie, I'm just getting ready to take a shower. Sorry if I'm making a little too much noise." I replied worried that he was gonna open the door and find the vampire under my bed.
         "No problem dear, I didn't really notice the noise," he said, "I was just coming up here to talk to you about prom today and how it probably isn't a good idea for you to go due to your concussion." I felt like a weight had been taken off of my chest as he told me this and I literally didn't wait another second in grabbing my phone to text Tyler that I couldn't make it.
           "You're so right dad," I replied cheerfully, "I'll tell Tyler that I'm not going to be able to go with him."
            "Just don't sound too happy about it , kiddo, when you tell him,"Charlie laughed, "or you might hurt his feelings."
           "Yeah, yeah," I mumbled as I messaged Tyler. I literally couldn't be more happy that I didn't have to spend an entire day with that tool. Every word he said to me made me want to rip out my hair. I heard Charlie walk down the stairs, which was Jaspers sign to come out from under his hiding place. He looked at me with a big old grin before he laid back down on my bed.
          "I must say that I'm pretty relieved as well that you aren't going to prom with Tyler tonight," Jasper said as I tried to find my shower speaker. "I was getting tired of trying to come up with pathetic excuses to steal you from him, so I wouldn't have to watch you guys slow dance." I rolled my eyes and threw a pillow at his head.
         "Oh shut up you jealous prick," I laughed, "I'm just happy that I'll get to spend the rest of the day today watching the vampire diaries. I literally think that I'll die if I don't see Damon Salvatore in the next few hours." Jasper only smiled to himself as I walked out of my room to take a long awaited shower. I never knew that one could miss the smell of vanilla so much until I lathered on my body wash. Mix this heavenly scent with the scorching hot water and I was literally in paradise. The only downside was having to deal with putting the annoying plastic wrap around my cast. It felt really unhygienic to have to leave such a large part of arm without being cleaned for the next few months. However, as long as I didn't have to go a full week without showering again, then I guess I didn't mind the dirty arm so much.
          When I got back in my room I was pleased to see that Jasper was still laying in my bed flipping through a few of my old sketchbooks. I liked hanging out with him. He was one of the only people whom I felt comfortable with being myself around.
          "Don't you have a house of your own to go to?" I teased trying to keep a good poker face on.
        "I mean i do but I don't get to hang out with you when I'm home, so I'd much rather stay here," Jasper answered scooting over on my bed to make room for me and my laptop.
           "Well I guess you can stay and watch the vampire diaries," I said trying to contain a blush from spreading on my face. "But you're out of here as soon as you make fun of the Salvatore brothers. They're untouchable motherfucker."
             "I promise to be on my best behavior then ma'am," he replied with a smirk as I laid down beside him and started watching the show. I had lost count of how many episodes we ended up watching by the time Jasper interrupted our sacred Damon time with the most random question.
           "Dance with me darlin?" He asked as climbed out of my messy bed. "We'll dance better than Damon and Elena did during that masquerade ball." I was a little happy with the fact that he was referencing scenes from my favorite show, but I still looked at him like he was completely insane. He rolled his eyes at my wordless reaction and grabbed my phone to turn on some music. To my pleasant surprise 'My Kind of Woman' by Mac DeMarco started playing    making me realize that Jasper was being completely serious about us dancing. He held out his hand and smiled widely as I happily took it.        
       We danced together in the middle of my messy room and I honestly couldn't think of anywhere else I'd rather be than closely slow dancing with Jasper Hale in my pajamas.
          "As long as you're next to me," Jasper sang in my ear making me giggle, "Just the two of us."  I joined him in singing along to the song as we swayed to the music. We stayed dancing in each others arms as song after song kept playing and I could honestly say that it was truly like my true version of heaven.
          "I'm in love with you," Jasper blurted out as he pulled away to make me face him. I felt my eyes widen and my jaw drop slightly at his words. I was shocked into silence for a minute, which caused Jasper to lick his lips out of nervousness. My eyes strayed down to look at them and I couldn't deny how perfectly kissable they looked right now.
          "In the most platonic way possible," I smirked, "I'm in love with you too." I then did something that must've surprised the fuck out of Jasper, since he immediately tensed up, by grabbing his face and smashing his lips onto mine. He came to his senses not too long after that, though, and quickly kissed me back.  Our tongues danced together passionately but it still wasn't enough. I needed more of him so I grabbed onto his shirt colar and roughly pulled him closer to me to deepen the kiss. Jasper let out a low groan as I did this and sped us over and onto the bed, which resulted in me straddling him. I started to, unknowingly, move around on his lap as we made out which caused him to tighten his grip on my hips.
           "Don't start something you don't plan on finishing Camila," he moaned, causing me to smirk and purposely start grinding against his body. He let out a few more muffled moans before I started trailing my kisses down his neck.
Jasper leaned his head back to give me more access while he also let his hands roam around under my shirt.
           "Fuck, Camila," he breathed, "you're not wearing a bra." I broke away from his neck and looked up at his face. It was only then that I realized how dark his pupils had gotten. It was almost as if he was hungry, but not for blood.
         "Is that a problem?" I smirked. He looked at me wide eyed before he mimicked my facial expression.
        "Not at all darling," he replied as he ripped off my shirt and moved our position so I was laying down and he was now on top of me hawking at my chest. I was so shocked at his impulsively confident decision to leave me topless, that I didn't even realize when he took his shirt off as well. His abs were soft, yet defined, and I had to stop myself from looking at them before I literally started drooling. He smirked at my reaction and before I could say anything he latched his lips back onto mine and moved his hand over to cup and massage one of my breasts. This caused a moan to escape my lips, that would've been really loud if it wouldn't have been muffled by Jasper's mouth. His hand that was massaging my breast slowly trailed down my stomach until his fingers stopped just above the waist band of my shorts. I broke away from his mouth in annoyance.
       "Stop teasing me Jasper," I groaned as I bucked my hips.
         "Place my hand where you want it then darlin," he whispered seductively as we went back to kissing me. His words caused a shiver to go down my spine as I bucked off shorts without parting from his mouth. I was left in just my panties as I grabbed Jaspers hand I placed it over my heat. He smirked against my lips as he moved my underwear to the side and I sucked in a harsh breath as he inserted one of his fingers inside of me.
           "You feel so good around my finger Camila," he groaned as he left a trail of soft kisses down my neck, and I moaned as his mouth made contact with my, now sensitive, nipple. With the combination of what he was doing with his mouth and his finger I was a loud fucking mess. I was really glad that Bella was out at prom and that Charlie was at work, cause if not my breathy moans would've easily given us away. I felt a knot form in my stomach from built up pleasure that caused me to arch my back, which pushed Jaspers finger further into me.
          "Let go for me my love," he whispered, and that was enough for my vision to become blurry as I nearly screamed as I hit my climax. I came all over Jasper's hand and instead of wiping it off, he made sure that I was making contact with him as he sucked his fingers clean. I've literally never witnessed anything hotter in my entire life. I know that I wasn't a virgin but I swore that nobody has ever fucked me as good as Jasper Hale. And this was only his finger?!?!? Imagine what he could do with the rest of his body...
        "I'll be right back, Camila," he said as he gave me a quick peck on the cheek and rushed out of my bedroom. He came back almost instantly with a wet wash rag before I could even start to wonder where he had gone. My heart literally turned into a melted puddle as he cleaned up my body. I was head over heels in love with this man and there was clearly no avoiding it. After he was done cleaning me up, he climbed back into bed beside me and pulled me close to him.
        "Well I definitely didn't expect tonight to end up like this, but I can't say that I really mind it," he said as he drew small circles on my arm.
          "To be honest," I muttered, "I didn't expect what happened tonight to EVER happen, but I guess you're just too hard to resist, cowboy." He let out a loud laugh, which kind of startled me, after I said this and it was so contagious that I let out a few chuckles myself.
           "Does this mean I'm finally out of the friendzone darlin?" He asked me with a teasing edge to his voice.
           "Well no," I replied honestly, even though what I really wanted to say was yes, "I mean I'm not exactly ready for a relationship yet, Jasper, and it wouldn't be fair to you if I didn't give you my all." I felt Jasper deflate a little bit against my back, but the teasing ness never seemed to leave his voice.
            "I'm not a relationship expert or anything, Cami, but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't know how you tasted if I was just your friend," he told me, making my stomach do a little backflip, "you've got to move me up in your ranking, at least a little bit sweetheart."
             "Well I guess since you asked nicely, you could be my very best friend, instead of just my best friend," I teased earning myself one of his adorable little laughs.
            "I can live with that darlin," he replied, "as long as you're not doing this with any of your other friends."
            "Course I'm not cowboy," I told him, "there's no one else out there that's better suited for me than you. platonically speaking of course."
             "Oh absolutely," he laughed causing my smile to widen, "there's obviously nothing but platonic vibes going on between the two of us."

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