die for her

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       I was speechless as I climbed into my truck where Alice, Bella, and Jasper were all waiting for me.
       "Do you want me to drive darlin?" Jasper asked me. I nodded my head yes and laid back in the passenger seat. Bella started explaining to me what had happened while they played baseball and what the plan was to escape James. I didn't really care about any of it so I tuned her out and focused on the soft music playing on the radio instead to stop myself from crying. All I cared about was getting Bella back home to Charlie. It wasn't fair for him to have to go through this just because of Bella and Edwards irresponsibility. I mean, at least Jasper and I only hung out in private. We weren't risking anything. But Bella's impulsivity combined with Edwards irresponsibility was hurting the last person in the world who ever deserved to go through more pain. I knew that I probably wasn't being fair in my judgment against my cousin's relationship, but I couldn't help it. I just wanted everything to go back to normal again. Bella stopped talking after realizing that I wasn't paying any attention to what she was saying. I felt a little guilty, but not guilty enough to get me to speak to her right now. I was too exhausted. Therefore, I closed my eyes and slowly allowed myself to fall asleep.
When I woke up I found that I was no longer in my truck, and instead laying down on a soft motel bed. Jasper and Alice were having a hushed conversation in the corner by the door, while Bella was laying on the bed with me supposedly watching tv, but I could tell by the blank expression on her face that her mind was elsewhere.
"Good morning sunshine!" Jasper exclaimed as he walked over to give me a kiss on the forehead. I don't know what possessed him to do that but I can't say that I really minded.
"I wouldn't really call this morning a good one dumbass," I replied with an eye roll trying to fight back a grin. I admit that I still felt like shit in that moment for what happened with Charlie but I couldn't help but feel like I was floating whenever I was around Jasper. He was the physical definition of my peace and happiness. I would never let him know that, though.
"Alice and I need to hurry and run to the airport really quick to sort out a few problems that we haven't been able to fix online. Do you guys want to come with us or would you rather stay at the motel?" Jasper looked at me basically pleading with me to go with him. However, I didn't really want to go anywhere unless it was back home with Charlie.
"I think we'll stay here," I said as I looked at Bella while she nodded her head in agreement giving them a tight lipped smile. She actually hasn't said a word since she stopped explaining to me what had happened in the car. Her quietness made the pit in my stomach grow to become more uncomfortable, but I didn't dare ask her anything in front of Alice and Jasper.
"Make sure you guys stay inside of this room no matter what, and if anything happens, then call us and we can be back here in literally 2 minutes." Alice told us as she basically dragged Jasper out of the motel room with her.
"James called me and told me that he kidnapped mom and to meet him in our old ballet studio or else he's going to kill her," Bella blurted out as soon as we were by ourselves. I looked at her with wide eyes trying to process what the fuck she just told me.
"And I'm assuming you actually want to go and meet him at the ballet studio," I replied trying my best to stay calm. Bella nodded her head yes and I knew that we were screwed. "Fine. Lets leave for the studio right now then before Alice and Jasper come back."
"You're coming with me?" Bella asked with astonishment. "I thought you were mad at me?"
"Oh trust me when I say that I'm still beyond furious over what you said to Charlie," I remarked, "but I would never let you do this type of thing by yourself Bells." She smiled at me with teary eyes as I grabbed her hand and hurried out of the motel room before anyone could stop us.
When we arrived at the ballet studio I honestly felt like throwing, but I knew that there was no going back now that Bella was determined on saving Renèe. On the way over here I came to terms with the fact that we were incredibly stupid to think that we would be able to fight against a vampire on our own. I should've at least texted Alice and Jasper to have them here as backup.
"Do you hear that?" Bella asked me as we walked into the building. I stopped for a minute to try and listen, but figured that she was actually going crazy because I legit couldn't hear anything. I was about to reply and call her out on her bullshit until I was interrupted by a voice that sounded a lot like Renée.
"Bella, stop it!" Yelled Renée's voice. I don't know how she knew that we were here but it kind of hurt that she was only acknowledging Bellas presence and not mine.
"Renée, she's fine." Huffed a voice that sounded a lot like it belonged to a little girl. "Let her show you her trick." Damn. Actually. That voice reminded me a lot of my own from back when I was a kid. I clutched onto Bella's hand as we climbed up the stairs and towards the room from where the voices were coming from. As we opened the door we were met with James playing an old recording from mine and Bella's childhood.
"Always defending her Camila," James taunted us, "who would've known that she'd be the one responsible for your death." I rolled my eyes at him and stepped forward in front of Bella to try and protect her with my body.
"I would gladly die for Bella." I stated trying to hide the fear in my voice, "and I don't plan on us dying tonight you psychotic asshole." James laughed as I said this and sped over to us yanking me away from Bella and throwing me across the room.
"It's unfortunate for you that I don't really like to stick to plans," James smirked. Pain shot through me as I roughly landed on my arm. I could've sworn that I heard a crack. Nevertheless, I tried to ignore the pain as I stood back up and faced James, trying to make sure that his attention stayed on me instead of on Bella. He sped over to me again and grabbed me by the throat, shoving me roughly into the wall, and causing my head to painfully crash into the concrete. I felt my vision start to falter but I, again, attempted to stay strong in order to gain Bella more time.
"You're pathetic." I spat at him. "Even if you do manage to kill me, it won't be long before the Cullens get to you too. In case you've forgotten, Bella is Edwards mate." James gave me a terrifyingly calm smile and gently caressed my face before he once again slammed it back into the concrete wall. My head was on fire now and I didn't think I'd be able to stay conscious for much longer.
"The Cullens will never be able to find me." He said with a sinister laugh, "After all, I am the best tracker of the century. Hiding from them isn't going to be a problem." He then, against my efforts of pushing him away, leaned in and planted a soft kiss on my neck, as if he was marking the spot that he planned to bite. "I was hoping to kill Bella first, but since I can see that you're so eager to die, I guess that I can make an exception." He leaned in towards my neck again, but this time with the intention of killing me instead of kissing me. I prepared myself for the worst, but before he had the chance to come in contact with my skin, Bella had jumped on his back, causing him to let me go.
"Bella you dumb bitch!" I shouted as James picked her up off of his back and flanged her towards the end of the room where she crashed and shattered the wall of mirrors. My heart hurt much more than any other part of me as I heard the piercing scream that came out of Bellas mouth when she landed on the floor, surrounded by shattered glass and what appeared to be a growing pool of her own blood. I tried to grab onto James but I was too late as he quickly made his way towards Bella and sank his teeth into her wrist. Bella let out another gut wrenching scream and that caused me to immediately grab the closest piece of glass by me and make a deep cut on my arm. The smell of my blood seemed to be enough of a distraction for James since it worked to pry and his mouth off of Bella and turn his attention back onto me.
"What an eager little thing," James said as he looked at me with the sinister eyes of a bloodthirsty predator. I was terrified but relieved that he wasn't terrorizing Bella anymore. He stood up with the intentions of coming over to attack me but he, thankfully, to our surprise, never managed to reach me since Edward had appeared and pinned him up against the wall.
"CAMILA!" Someone screamed out. I was too weak to turn my head to see who it was, but by the sound of his voice I assumed that it was Jasper.
"I'm sorry." I mumbled as I completely lost consciousness.

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