never actually friends

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"So how'd yesterday go with your boyfriend," Bella asked me giving me a playful shove as we waited outside of the school for the buses to arrive to take us over the greenhouse.
"He's not my boyfriend Bella," I replied rolling my eyes at her question, "but we surprisingly managed to get some of the project done without killing each other."
"Oh come on Cami," Bella retorted, "you couldn't stop smiling when you got home, which is weird for you considering that you never smile at home when Charlie's not there. And you're trying to tell me that it had nothing to do with Jasper Hale?"
"Of course it didn't," I lied through my teeth, "Jasper doesn't mean anything to me Bells. My smile had nothing to do with him. I was just happy for no reason."
"Whatever you say Cami," Bella said with a smirk, obviously not falling for my lie. I was about to defend myself a little more when we were rudely interrupted by Mike and Tyler.
"Hey Camila!" Exclaimed Tyler. I gave him my best fake smile that I could muster to hide how annoying I actually thought this kid was. "So I was wondering if you were maybe interested in going to prom with me in a few weeks?" I stood there frozen in place. I wanted to say no, I really did. I hated school dances with a passion and I really really didn't want to go to one with Tyler of all people. However, I really couldn't find it in me to reject him, especially in front of his friend. I'd be the worlds biggest bitch if I did that.
"Sure Tyler!" I replied forcefully, "I'd love to go to prom with you." His face brightened instantly and he, to my misfortune, gave me a kiss on the cheek.
"Awesome babe," he cheered, "I gotta go tell everyone else. I'll shoot you a text with the deets as the date gets closer." I internally cringed when he called me babe, but there was nothing I could do about that now so I just smiled and nodded. Bella gave me a sympathetic pat on the back as I could tell that she was trying not to burst out laughing.
"Well Bella," Mike started, "I wasn't planning on asking you right now, but since the topic came up I was wondering if you wanted to go to prom with me as well?" I bit back my smile as I looked at Bella uncomfortably playing with her sleeve. This was karma bitch. Feel my pain.
"I would love to Mike, but I unfortunately have a non refundable ticket to Jacksonville that day, so I won't even be here for prom." Bella lied. I could kill her. Why couldn't I have come up with an excuse like that. Now I was stuck with a shitty prom date.
"Oh yeah totally....I understand," he said as he visibly deflated. This is why I couldn't say no to Tyler. I didn't want to be the reason that somebody felt as awful as Mike did just now.
"However, I'm really positive that Jessica would love to go to prom with you," Bella said, trying to make him feel better.
"Yeah that's true," I stated trying to help her out of this awkward situation, "don't tell her I told you, but she was actually just talking to me about how happy she'd be if you took her as your date." Mike seemed to cheer up when we told him this and as he walked away we heard him call out to Jessica with the intention of asking her out to prom.
"You sneaky little bitch," I sneered at Bella. "Why couldn't you have interfered and came up with an excuse when Tyler asked me to prom?" Bella laughed at me and gave me a mischievous wink.
"Where's the fun in that Cami," She replied. I could honestly say that I would die for Bella, but in this instant I wanted nothing more than to smack her across the face.
"Just you wait," I whispered in her ear, "I'm gonna get you back you motherfucker." However, this only seemed to make her laugh harder which caused me to, no matter how hard I tried to fight it, join in with her laughter too as we climbed onto the bus and sat down.
As we walked around the greenhouse, I had my earbuds in listening to an audio book to try and distract myself from the fact that I had a date to prom. I was so invested in my story that I didn't even realize when Bella ditched me to talk Edward. Nor did I realize Jasper coming over to walk beside me until he tapped me on my shoulder.
"Well good morning cowboy," I greeted him as I paused my book and put my earbuds away. "Are you here for me to humble you some more?" He rolled his eyes at my question and tried to give me a smile, but it didn't take a genius to notice the fact that it was forced.
"I hear you've got yourself a date to prom," he said, "I didn't know you were interested in Tyler like that."
"I don't know why you happen to care about that but I honestly didn't have the heart to reject him when he asked me," I said, surprising myself with how honest I was being with him. "So Jas, to answer your question I don't see Tyler in that way. I don't even think that I'd consider him as a friend." Jasper looked a little less tense with my reply, but he still acted as if he had a stuck shoved up his ass. I tried to ease the tension between us by giving him a playful shove and attempted to tease him a bit.
"Were you worried that someone was going to steal me away from you cowboy?" I said jokingly, "Because as much as I dislike Tyler, humbling him just isn't the same as humbling you, so I'm afraid to say that you're stuck with me as your witty, not to mention gorgeous, bully." Thankfully, this seemed to lighten the mood a little bit since It managed to get a laugh out of his annoyingly perfect mouth. However, much to my disappointment, he quickly went back to giving me a semi cold shoulder.
"What's the matter with you today Jasper?" I asked growing a bit annoyed with him that he stopped me from listening to my book with no real intention of having a conversation with me, "you look like you have a stick up your ass."
"We can't be friends anymore Camila," Jasper whispered, but his words rang loudly in my head. I honestly felt like crying in that moment, but I would rather die than let him see that.
"I didn't know we were ever friends to begin with," I lied to him, "but don't worry, as soon as we finish this project I'll make sure not to bother you again." He looked at me as if I'd slapped him, which made my heart hurt a little, but it also made me mad to see him upset when HE was the one who wanted to end our friendship to begin with. "Now if that was your only worry, i think I'll go back to listening to my book, since this conversation has obviously just been a waste of my time." I kept the smile on my face to try and appear unbothered, but I could almost hear my heart breaking inside of my chest. Jasper's facial expression was pretty unreadable at the moment, but I didn't care. I just wanted to get the fuck away from him before I actually started crying. I mean, was i really that bad of a friend to have that he felt the need to straight out reject me like that. It was truly like a punch in the face, except I probably would've preferred if he had punched me in the face. That way it would've hurt me less.
"Whatever you want ma'am," he said as he walked off. Not even bothering to give me a second glance. I quickly made my way onto the bus to sit by Bella, and I could tell by the small smile that she gave me that she was just as upset as I was. When she had explained what had happened with Edward I was beyond fucking furious. So now both Cullens thought that it was okay to play with our emotions like that? They're fucking ridiculous. I never should've let myself think that Jasper liked my company. He obviously only tolerated me for the sake of the project.
"Anyways," Bella started, "To cheer us up, I made plans for us to go dress shopping with Angela and Jessica tomorrow in Port Angeles"
"Oh great," I replied flatly, "going dress shopping is exactly what I need right now." Bella rolled her eyes at my sarcasm but she didn't say anything else in order to give me a second to calm down my emotions so I wouldn't burst into tears. My hands haven't stopped shaking ever since my conversation with Jasper. I fucking hated feeling like this. I made a promise to myself in this moment that I would never let Jasper Hale make me feel like this again.

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