i'm not going to stop you.

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"Say something Camila!" He yelled anxiously, growing frustrated over my lack of response.
"Ok." I replied bluntly. He stared at me for a moment as if expecting me to say more, but I felt so defeated that I was scared of breaking down if I kept talking.
"That's all you have to say?!? I just told you that I'll never be able to see you again and all you can say is 'ok'?" He exclaimed.
"Well what else do you want me to tell you?" I laughed bitterly, "Do you want me to get down on my knees and beg you to stay? People leave sometimes, Jasper, it's fine. You've obviously made up your mind so I'm not going to be the one to try and stop you. Do what you want." I could literally feel my heart breaking and the splinters it was leaving in my chest was making it hard to breathe. Nevertheless, I tried to keep a neutral expression on my face. I refused to let him see the power that he had over me that caused me to feel so much fucking pain.
"Darlin," I flinched when he called me this, "I don't want to leave you but I'm forced to! It's better this way." I honestly didn't know how much longer I could hold back my tears.
"You don't have to explain yourself to me." I replied coldly. "After all, my relationship with you was complicated but also pretty meaningless, so I don't understand why you felt the need to come and tell me that you were leaving. I quite honestly don't care." Jasper looked as if I had slapped him. Good. I wanted to twist the knife as much as I could so he'd feel more broken than me. I wanted to hurt him. As much as he was hurting me.
"You don't mean that, Camila," he whispered.
"Yes I fucking do," I hissed. "Now if you're done wasting my time with this ridiculous farewell, then you should get the fuck out of my house. I literally PRAY that you'll keep your word and I'll never have to fucking see you again." I swore that If Jasper was capable of crying he'd be a sobbing mess in that moment.
"I know I don't mean anything to you, Camila, but I love you. I've always loved you and ill always continue to love you." I clenched my eyes shut in pain as he said this.
"GET OUT!" I screamed. I couldn't handle it anymore. I fell onto my knees as my tears finally managed to break free from where I was attempting to keep them hidden. Luckily, though, when I opened my eyes, Jasper was gone. This was when I let a few sobs to break free from my lips. I was a broken mess on my bedroom floor and all I wanted was to fucking erase all of the memories that I had with Jasper Hale. I wanted to forget about the way his mouth felt on mine, and the way that he held my hand when he knew that I felt anxious. I wanted to forget about how safe I felt when he was around, or how happy I got whenever he laughed at my jokes. I wished that I had never fucking met him.
"Camila!" Charlie exclaimed as he ran up to my room and took in the horrible state that I was in. "What happened kid?!?"
"He left me, Charlie," I sobbed. I felt arms wrap around me as Charlie pulled me into his chest where I grasped onto his shirt and cried even harder.
"It's okay, dear," he whispered softly as he stroked my hair, "let it all out." And I did. I cried in his arms until I physically couldn't anymore. I was so exhausted by the end of it that I didn't even realize when Charlie picked me up from the floor to lay me down on my bed. I just remember not being able to leave it for days. I didn't go to school or answer anyone's texts. I didn't even have the motivation to eat anything. I just wanted to disappear.
However, after seeing how my depression was affecting Charlie, I decided to get my act together before me and Bella drove him off of a damn cliff. I got out of bed the next day, which was an early Monday morning and I took a shower for the first time in literal days. I put on my favorite outfit and did my hair and makeup in a way where Charlie would be able to see that I tried. I then, for the first time in a while, went back to school.
I got a lot of stares that day but I didn't care. All I wanted was to make Charlie feel better. Even if that meant smiling while slowly dying inside. I kept my head held high throughout all of my morning classes and I somehow managed to keep up with my charade until lunch, where I sat down with Jessica and the rest of her annoying posse.
"It's nice to see that at least one of you Swans still wants to be our friend," Jessica said with a smile as fake as mine plastered on her annoying ass face.
"Yeah, we thought you died or something Cami," Mike mumbled with an awkward laugh, "you weren't answering any of our calls or texts and you haven't been at school for more than a week."
"Yeahhh sorry about ignoring you guys," I replied with fake concern. I really didn't feel the need to give them an explanation but I had to if it meant proving to everyone that I was okay. "Ive going through some senioritis, since I only have a few more weeks left till I graduate, so I found it pointless to show up to my classes. And as for not responding to any of your calls of texts, I broke my phone a few days ago and I still haven't gotten around to getting it replaced." I hoped that they wouldn't see right through my pathetic attempt at an excuse, but, thankfully, judging by their faces I had managed to convince them.
"Well it's good to see that you haven't dropped us," Tyler joked as he playfully shoved me. I forced a fake laugh out through my teeth in response but I literally wanted to break his nose. "We all thought that you were as upset as Bella about the Cullen's moving away. She hasn't even looked our way since."
"I mean i wasn't close to the Cullens like Bella was," I replied trying to defend my sister, "so it's her attitude's understandable."
"I thought you were dating Jasper?" Jessica questioned me. Just the mention of his name made me want to throw up.
"I have never and would never date Jasper Hale," I replied sternly, "me and him weren't even friends. He was just my history partner, so him leaving doesn't affect me in the slightest."
"Well good." said Tyler, "he's too damn weird to actually have a girlfriend." I was about to defend Jasper in that moment but then I remembered how cruel he was to abandon me, so I bit my tongue instead and nodded in agreement.
"I'm sick of talking about the Cullens," Mike grumbled, and for once I actually agreed with him. "Let's all go hang out at Angela's house today to celebrate Camila not hating us." I was willing to do anything but hang out with these idiots, but I had to pretend to be okay again, so I reluctantly agreed. Everyone have a small cheer and I honestly wanted to die on the spot.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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