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          I was kind of relieved to find the house empty when we got there. This meant that I didn't have to introduce Jasper to Charlie just yet, and I also saved myself from having to argue with Charlie about having a boy in my room 'unsupervised'. However, the relief I felt quickly changed to embarrassment as Jasper followed me into my room. I wasn't exactly ashamed of anything that was in it, but I couldn't help but feel self conscious as Jasper examined everything. These feelings of discomfort were quickly overshadowed by the feeling of happiness I felt when I saw Jaspers look of pure admiration as he stared at my open sketchbooks that I kept pretty much scattered everywhere.
        "I didn't know you liked dragonflies so much Darlin," he said as he looked over my drawings.
         "They were my mom's favorite and after she passed away I kind of got attached to drawing them," I replied trying to ignore to pitiful glance that Jasper was giving me. "However, I think that they'd make for very pretty unique tattoos. Speaking of which, how do tattoos work on vampires? If you were to get one would you be stuck with it for all of eternity?" Jasper laughed at my question and if it were anyone else I'd get mad at them for making me feel stupid, but right now with Jasper, I was just happy to the reason behind his laughs.
         "Well Darlin," Jasper replied with a stupid grin plastered on his face, "tattoos are semi permanent on vampires, which means that they normally only last a good two years before they completely disappear. I'm not quite sure why, but if you really want to know, then I'd ask Carlisle."
        "WAIT OH MY GOSH THIS IS PERFECT!" I exclaimed. "You've got to let me give you a tattoo then cowboy. I mean, if I mess up then technically you won't be stuck with it forever."
          "You have a tattoo machine?!?!" Jasper questioned me, completely ignoring the fact that I was determined to give him a tattoo before he went home. "Is that even safe? Have you given yourself tattoos? What if you give yourself an infection?"
          "Calm down cowboy," I retorted, pretending to look annoyed when in reality I found his concern adorably humorous, "I don't have a tattoo machine but I did give myself a small stick and poke crescent tattoo when I was in 8th grade. AND I'm still alive so im pretty sure I can't be too horrible at this tattoo business." Jasper still looked a bit skeptical and I was growing anxious at the fact that I wasn't already giving him a tattoo. "Pleaseeeee Jasperrr!!! I'll literally do anything you want if you let me give you a tattoo. You're like my perfect canvas." His skepticism seemed to vanish immediately after I said this and a mischievous look over took his face.
           "You'll do anything?" Jasper asked me. I knew that I would come to regret it but I was so desperate to use Jasper as a real life sketchbook that I eagerly nodded my head yes.
       "Even kiss me?" I froze as he said this. Now wait a damn minute.
         "Why do you want to kiss me Jasper?" I asked him, genuinely hating him for making it difficult to keep him in the friendzone. "I already told you that we just friends."
           "Yeah yeah yeah you don't need to remind me. But I just want to test something out," Jasper replied giving me the same mischievous smirk. "Come on Camila! Throw me a bone here! I mean you are the one who wants to literally tattoo my body, so asking you for a kiss shouldn't be too crazy!" Would it be that bad to give in to his request? It would just be one kiss after all and then I would be able to draw what I wanted on him. I knew that I shouldn't cross the line with Jasper like this, but I was so excited that I didn't even stop to think about the consequences.
          "Fine." I muttered as I softly grabbed his face to pull his lips onto mine. He must've not thought that I was actually going to kiss him because he tensed up as soon as our lips made contact, however, his frozen state didn't last too long since he immediately put one hand on my waist and the other on my cheek to deepen the kiss. I was literally in fucking heaven. Our lips moved together in sync as if they were only created for the sole purpose of kissing each other. I moved my hands to his stroke hair and I accidentally tugged on one of his strands, earning a groan from his mouth. This was enough to wake me up from the blissful state that our make out session had me in and I quickly pulled away.
        "Well then," I said as I dragged him to lay down on my bed refusing entirely to meet his eyes, "I guess I'm okay to use you as my canvas now."
           "You can do whatever you want to me darlin," he replied trying to look calm and unaffected, but I knew damn well that he was just as flustered as I was. I rolled my eyes and got the supplies that I would be needing ready as I sat down on a small stool that was close to where Jasper was positioned on my bed.
         "Since what just happened was clearly more than a simple kiss," I stated blushing furiously, "I'm going to decide where your tattoo goes and what it ends up being."
          "Oh come on Camila, don't pretend that you didn't enjoy it," Jasper whispered seductively as I wiped down his forearm with rubbing alcohol, "because your hands in my hair told me otherwise." I was a mess. I didn't think that blushing this much was healthy for me and it kind of pissed me off that Jasper couldn't physically do it.
          "Of course I liked it," I confirmed clearly surprising Jasper by not denying it, "but only because I'm a horny teenager, so don't go believing that our kiss meant that we weren't in the friendzone anymore. Now hold still cause I'm going to start poking you and it would be really unfortunate for you if I messed up." Jasper rolled his eyes and he gave me a toothy grin as if he could clearly see through my pathetic attempts of lying to him.
          "Fine Cami," he said with a little smirk, "but I'd like it if I were the only friend that you kissed." Goddamn I was hooked.
           "Whatever you want cowboy," I teased him with a wink earning me one of his rare laughs.       
             Jasper and I continued talking and joking around with each other while I finished up doing his tattoo. I did a dragonfly one on his forearm since I loved to draw them so much and knew that It was basically impossible for me to mess up on it.  I took a picture of it on my phone before I revealed it to Jasper and, honestly, I should've taken a picture of his face instead of the fucking tattoo because his mouth was slightly parted and his eyes were wide and full of love and admiration when he finally managed to get a good look at it.
          "Camila it's beautiful," Jasper gawked.
          "I know it is you dumbass," I replied with a grin as I playfully shoved his shoulder. "Now you're going to have to keep letting me use you as my personal sketchbook without refusing so much."
        "Well, even though I fucking love it when you tattoo me, I think I'll keep putting up a fight so you have to kiss me each time you want to give me one," Jasper said as he played with the sleeve of my hoodie.
         "Shut the fuck up you..." I was rudely interrupted by the slamming of doors and what sounded like Bella and Charlie arguing downstairs. I quickly pulled away from Jasper and made my way towards the door to see what the hell was going on downstairs.  However, I never ended up opening the door as I saw Alice Cullen climbing in through my window.
         "Alice what's going on?" Jasper questioned.
         "Well it's actually a long story and there's no time to explain right now because we need to get Camila out of the house as soon as possible." She rushed out as she somehow found my suitcase and started filling it with my clothes.
          "What the fuck Alice," I exclaimed trying to stop her from packing my bags, "I'm not leaving Charlie. He'll be crushed and I refuse to be the fucking reason he feels like that." Alice grabbed onto my hands and forced me to look her in her eyes.
          "Camila if you don't leave in the next few minutes, then there's a large possibility that Charlie won't make it to see another day," Alice told me and I immediately felt my stomach drop. Alice then turned to Jasper and explained to him that James had seen Bella while they were playing baseball and he was determined to kill her.
           "Please Darlin," Jasper pleaded with me, "Alice will finish packing your bags. You just come up with an excuse for Charlie and meet us in the car." I was speechless as I nodded my head and walked out the door and headed downstairs to where Bella and Charlie were still fighting. I was in so much shock that I couldn't quite comprehend everything that they were saying to each other until I realized that Bella had said the same exact things that Renèe had said to Charlie right before she left him. Charlie looked so heartbreakingly broken in that moment that I wanted to do nothing more than to break Bellas nose for being so recklessly cruel with her words. Bella slammed the door and left after stepping all over Charlie's heart, leaving him alone with his pain in the kitchen. His appearance in that moment made what I was about to do so much harder. I ran to him and wrapped my arms around him In a tight hug.
"Don't worry Charlie," I whispered, "I'll bring her back home." Charlie could only nod his head as he pulled me closer to him. We stayed like that for a few minutes, even though it only felt like seconds, before I pulled away and headed out the door, not being able to force myself to look back at him.

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