best friends

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          I regained consciousness in a bright white hospital room and I immediately thought of Bella. Was she okay? Did she survive? What the fuck happened to James?
           "Bella's fine darlin," Jasper said making me jump. I didn't even realize that there was anyone in here with me, but sitting in a chair that looked to be pretty uncomfortable by my hospital bed was my western hero.
            "How long have I been out?" I asked him feeling much more relaxed now that I knew that Bella had made it out alive.
          "Three days." He replied. THREE FUCKING DAYS?!?!?
            "Shit." I muttered under my breath, "and what about Charlie? Does he know what happened?"
               "Not exactly." Jasper mumbled, "he's actually downstairs in the cafeteria with Renée grabbing a coffee, but he doesn't know anything about what went down with James. He thinks that you and Bella got into a heated argument while trying to convince her to come home, which caused you both to fall out of a window and down two flights of stairs." I let out a laugh of disbelief.
         "Oh my god!" exclaimed, "this is a fucking mess." Jasper cringed a little bit at my reaction, which tugged at my heart strings a little. "But at least everything can go back to normal at my house now that Bella and I don't have to randomly flee the country."
            "Well I wouldn't really say completely back to normal dear," Jasper said with a small grin, "you're best friend does happen to be a vampire."
I laughed and gave him a playful shove.
         "Oh so now you've promoted yourself to be my best friend." I smirked at him, "and what makes you think that you're special enough to have such a high position in my life."
         "Well, for starters, you can have a lot of friends but you can only have one best friend. And I intend to be your one and only," he declared dramatically, "I'm also basically in love with you and whether it be platonic or not, you love me too, so there's nobody better fit for the position than I am." I was scared that my heart was going to burst in that moment. He was fucking perfect.
          "Whatever cowboy," I stuttered, rolling my eyes and feeling a crimson tint spread across my cheeks.
          "I can hear Charlie coming up the stairs so I guess I'll leave you alone for now," Jasper said giving me a mischievous grin, "but since you can't chase after me considering your bed ridden state there's no way that I can pass up on this opportunity." I looked up at him in confusion, which didn't take long for it to turn into surprise after he leaned in and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. He ran out the door immediately after, but not before giving me a wink. I was too red and flustered to know what to do in that moment, but I didn't have much time to think it over as Charlie walked in.
         "Hey kid," Charlie greeted as he sat in the chair that Jasper was just in. "They wouldn't let me bring you any foods or drinks, but I was allowed to bring you this stuffed animal." He handed me a large pink elephant plushie and I just about burst out into tears. I quickly pulled Charlie into a tight embrace and I honestly didn't ever want to let him go.
         "I missed you." I whispered, "I'm sorry that me and Bella caused you to grow a few more grey hairs." Charlie hugged me back a little tighter and I could've sworn that my heart burst in my chest.
          "I missed you too, Cami," he stated, "but never do that shit to me again. I don't think I could take it." This was enough for me to let out a few tears.
           "If it were up to me," I cried, "I'd stay with you forever. I consider you to be my dad and I can't physically picture a world where I didn't have you in it. I love you Charlie." I felt something wet fall on my forehead and I could tell that Charlie had let out a few tears too.
         "I love you too dear and  if it were up to me,"  Charlie whispered, "I'd never let you girls leave. That way you'd be safe at home, without any broken limbs or any concussions." He, against my wishes, pulled away from my tight grasp and pulled out a black sharpie. I looked at him confused until I realized that I had a chunky green cast covering my left arm.
          "Will you let me do the honors of being the first one to sign your cast?" He asked me with a small smile.
           "Of course Charlie." I answered him still trying to blink away my tears, "I would want nothing more than for you to sign my cast." He gave me a lopsided grin and drew a smiley face and signed the word 'dad' right under it. I was in shambles.
          "Alright kiddo," he said as he stood up from the chair, "I'll leave you alone to get ready so we can go home." I could only nod my head in fear that I'd start crying again if I opened my mouth. My heart felt so complete right now that I swore I would die of happiness on the spot.
           When I got home I helped Bella climb up the stairs, since her dumbass ended up with a fractured femur. I, at least, only had a broken arm with a slight concussion, but that was easier to hide than a broken leg. She seemed to be in a really good mood ever since we left the hospital, though, especially since she offered to hang out with me in my room and binge watch the vampire diaries like we used to do when we shared a room in Arizona. If I wasn't so physically and mentally drained, I would've accepted her invite, but I wanted nothing more than to crash on my bed and sleep for the next couple of years.
However, I unfortunately only managed to rot in my bed for a few hours before Tyler spammed my phone with the plans for prom. I had completely forgotten about that shit, and I wanted to fucking die when I realized that it was tomorrow. I let out a frustrated scream into my pillow. All I wanted to do was fucking sleep. Was that too much for me to ask?!?!
           "What's wrong Darlin?" Jasper asked as he climbed into my room through my window. "I swear I could hear you yelling all the way from my house." I groaned and rolled over on my bed so I was facing the wall.
        "Nothing's wrong Cowboy," I muttered grumpily, "I just want to get some sleep right now if you don't mind." I felt the bed move as he laid down next to me.
        "I don't mind at all darlin," he replied as he pulled me close to him, and even though I couldn't see his face, I could still hear the smirk in his voice.
        "You fucking weirdo," I sighed as I finally drifted off to sleep.


Friends - Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now