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"Does this dress make my boobs look small?" Jessica asked us for the thousandth time. We've been at this store for the past three hours and I swear that I have to hear anything else about Jessicas boobs, I'm going to fucking lose it.
"They look perfect Jessica!" I said as I forced a smile her way, "you have boobs that would even make Cleopatra jealous. This dress is definitely the one."
"I don't know Cami," Jessica said as she looked at herself in the mirror, "what do you think Bella?"
"It looks nice," Bella replied with an awkward smile. Her reply has been exactly the same each time Jessicas asked her for her opinion, and it's honestly fucking hilarious.
"You've said the same thing about all of the dresses that I've tried on," Jessica retorted, clearly annoyed by the lack of enthusiasm that my cousin had for shopping.
"Well to be honest, I've actually been wanting to go to the bookstore that's a few blocks down from here," Bella answered shyly, "would you be okay if I leave you here to finish up dress shopping while I go on the hunt for a few books?"
Shit, this was my chance at escaping too. I could fucking kiss Bella right now.
"Oh I'll go with you Bells, since I already have my dress picked out," I said as neutrally as possible to avoid making Jessica feel bad about wanting to ditch her and Angela.
"Yeah, I guess that's fine," Jessica replied, "just make sure to meet us at the diner that's across the street from here at around 6ish."
Bella and I agreed to her conditions and walked over to to my truck to drop off my prom dress before we started walking over to the bookstore. I'm more than relieved that Bella managed to convince Jessica to agree to let Bella and I drive up here separately from them. There's no way I could've handled being in a car with Angela driving. I love the girl, but she tends to get distracted easily.
"Okay Bells," I said walking alongside her, "what book are you so desperate to find? Or was it just an excuse to get away from Jessica? Because either way I'm so glad that I don't have to keep telling her that her boobs are hot everytime she tries on a new fucking dress." Bella laughed and nodded her head along in agreement.
"Well, as happy as i am to have escaped that dressing room, I actually do have a specific book that I want to find," She explained. "It's about an old local legend that Jacob told me about when I ran into him at the beach."
"That's lame," I said, laughing as Bella rolled her eyes at my response, "but you're lucky that I love reading, so I'll gladly go into a bookstore with you. It's like one of my many versions of heaven."
When we got to the bookstore, it reminded me of one of the many shops in La Push and i frowned at the realization that this might be a shop that only sells books written by locals. There went my plans for buying the new Holly Black book. To avoid further disappointment, I sat outside watching the vampire diaries on my phone as I waited for Bella to buy her local legends book. It was weird to me for Bella to be so invested in something as stupid and naive as a local legend. She's never really been the type of person who believed in those sort of things. I did wonder if maybe Edward Cullen had something to do with this, but I didn't question Bella about it, since the last thing I wanted to right now was talk about that horrible family.
"Got my book," Bella told me as she started walking away from where I was sitting, "we have to hurry before we make Jessica and Angela worry."
"Yeah yeah," I mumbled after catching up to her. I really didn't want to go back to them, but that's what I get for letting Bella drag me into her stupid plans. I was about to say something else, but I heard footsteps behind us that only seemed to keep getting louder. I turned around and saw a group of four men closely following after us. I nudged Bella and whispered to her that we were being followed and that it wouldn't be a good idea to lead these guys back towards Angela and Jessica. We had to lose them. Bella nodded and grabbed my arm dragging me into a random alley. The footsteps kept getting closer to us as I realized that they had turned into the alley as well.
"We have to fucking run Bella," I said as we basically broke out into a full on sprint.
"Where you going?" One of them called out to us, "we just wanna talk." I grabbed onto Bella's hand and I ran even faster. I couldn't fucking believe our luck right now. I thought that we had almost made it to the exit where we could lose them by turning onto a new street, but as we started getting closer to what I thought was our ticket to freedom, I realized that it was really a dead end.
"Shit shit shit," I gasped, "we're fucking stuck." Bella looked at me with tears in her eyes and it made my heart clench. "Okay Bella. We're going to have to fight them off. I want you to give it all you've got do you understand? As soon as you think you've got a chance to run away then I want you to run. It doesn't matter if I stay behind, do you understand me?" Bella slowly nodded her head and tears silently started to roll down her cheek. I wiped them away and kissed her forehead as a way of maybe saying goodbye. I hoped that she would actually listen to me about leaving me behind if she had the chance. I was prepared to take on the worst as long as she was safe in the end. I needed her to be safe. The guys caught up to us and laughed amongst each other when they realized that they had us trapped. I locked my hand with Bellas and gave it a small squeeze as a way of reassuring her that everything would be fine in the end. I didn't really know that, but I couldn't let Bella see how truly scared I was in that moment. I clenched my eyes shut and prepared myself for the worst as I felt one of the guys grab onto my shoulder. However, I quickly opened them when I heard the squealing of tires coming from in front of us. The doors flew open and none other than Edward and Jasper rushed out of the car to get to Bella and I. The men quickly ran off when they saw what was happening, and as much as I wanted to hate the Cullens, I couldn't be more grateful that they were here.
"Get in the car." Edward ordered with a murderous look in his eyes. He didn't have to tell me twice. I quickly dragged Bella towards the car and she got in the passenger seat and I all but jumped into the back seat. Jasper had sat beside me and I felt him grab onto my furiously shaking hands.
"You're okay now darlin," he whispered in my ear as he rubbed my hand with his. I was so shaken up that all I could do was nod my head and look out the window. I was scared that I would cry if I opened my mouth. I was so determined in trying to ignore everything that was going on around me that I didn't realize that Edward had started recklessly driving the car until I was all but slammed into Jasper.
"Slow down Edward," Bella told him, "you're driving like a maniac." That was when I lost it. My hands were shaking uncontrollably now and I couldn't fight the tears silently rolling down my cheeks. Of course I would die in a car accident caused by the same idiots who saved me. I needed to get the fuck out of this car. I needed to get back to my truck. I couldn't be in this car anymore with Edwards driving. I HAD TO GET OUT.
"Calm down darlin," Jasper pleaded, "you're okay now." Obviously I wasn't since I was convinced that we were all about to die. I NEEDED TO GET OUT OF THIS CAR. When my mother died in the car accident, I was in the car with her. I was young but I remembered Charlie yelling at her in the passenger seat for speeding. She didn't listen to him. That was when she lost control of the car and basically killed herself. Charlie had done his hardest to keep her alive, but it was pretty much impossible to do when her body was completely broken down and disfigured. And now. The same thing was about to happen to me.
"EDWARD SLOW THE FUCK DOWN," Bella boomed as she worriedly glanced back at me. I was a wreck, but, thankfully for some weird reason Edward listened to her. The car slowed down and I managed to control my breathing and calm down my shaking. I had completely forgot about Jasper holding my hand until I saw him kiss it. I looked at him with wide eyes and he let go of my hand to put his arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer to him.
"Are you okay now?" Jasper asked me. I wanted to talk to him but I was completely mute. All I could do was shake my head. Jasper sighed and proceeded to rub my shoulders repeatedly whispering in my ear that everything was okay. I relaxed a bit as I forced myself to focus on Jasper. I focused on his voice and the way his breath was tickling my ear. I focused on his arm that was wrapped around me and how much safer I felt with him. I focused on the way that he was rubbing my shoulder as if the only thing that mattered to him was making me feel better. Finally, before I knew it, we were in front of the restaurant where we were supposed to meet Jessica and I immediately removed myself from Jaspers embrace, basically jumped out of the car, and ran across the street to where my truck was. I felt instant relief as I sat down in the drivers seat of my truck. I turned on the engine and started playing some music to help me clear my head. I was so focused on myself in that moment that I didn't realize Jasper getting into the passenger seat of my car until he shut the door.
"What the fuck are you doing?" I exclaimed.
"Making sure you're okay Camila, but now that I see that you're back to fighting with me, I can tell that you're much better," Jasper replied with an annoyingly handsome smirk.
"I honestly don't know how you knew where me and Bella were, but I do know that if you don't tell me what the fuck is going on in the next five seconds, I'm calling Charlie to get a restraining order against you," I told him truthfully. He sat there wordlessly staring at me for a few seconds as if he was trying to come up with a good enough lie to get me off of his back, but I was not in the mood to put up with his bullshit right now. Especially since his bitchass seemed to be determined to not leave me alone after clearly giving me the impression that he wanted nothing to do with me. "Five," I started, "four."
"I'm a vampire Camila!" He blurted out. I sat there for a few seconds trying to process what he had told me, until I slowly started laughing. It started off as a few giggles until I was basically hunched over my steering wheel in tears from uncontrollable laughter. I had expected Jasper to join me in my hysteria but he stayed gravely silent, watching me with what I thought to be a nervous expression.
"Oh there's no way that you're being serious right now cowboy," I told him after I had calmed down, "vampires aren't real."
"Think about it Camila!" He exclaimed, clearly frustrated by my lack of belief, "my eyes change color due to how hungry I am, I literally can't produce any body heat which is why im always cold, and I knew exactly where to find you because I followed the scent of your blood." I sat there dumbfounded. He was being completely serious right now. This was crazy. He was crazy for telling me that he was a vampire. And I was crazy for believing him.
"Well shit man," I said, "but what does you being a vampire have to do with me? Actually why did you even decide to tell me what you were? Are you insane, I thought you hated me??"
"That's the thing," Jasper laughed humorously, "I don't hate you Camila. It's quite the opposite really. I've actually found that I feel extremely protective over you, which is why I followed you to Port Angeles today. It would be much easier for both of us if I hated you, but that would be impossible. Do you care to know why?" I could only manage to nod my head since I was too shocked to make my mouth move, "it's because you're my mate Camila."
"I'm sorry but HUH," I all but yelled at him, "so you not only tell me that you're a vampire, but you also tell me that I'm fucking mated to you?!?!?" I was going insane. There's no way this is my real life right now. Jasper gave me a nod, looking extremely uncomfortable with how this conversation was playing out. "This is some Elaina Gilbert shit and I'm not too sure if I want to be a part of it Jas," I told him honestly, "don't you get a say in who your mate is? What if we like rejected each other? Would you get a new mate?"
Jasper sneered at my question, "No, Camila. Us vampires are only given one mate and if we were to reject them it was cause us both an eternity of pain. Since your a mortal, the pain might even end up killing you."
"What the fuck man," I huffed out in frustration, "so you're telling me that I have no choice but to accept this or else I'd die?!?" This was ridiculous. Not only did I almost die tonight, but my free will was also being stolen.
"I'm sorry that the idea of being with me disgusts you so much," Jasper spat out with a humorless laugh, "you've made it quite clear to me that you'd much rather be with anyone else, even that idiot Tyler's a better choice in your eyes." He then stormed out of the truck and slammed the door shut before I could force out a reply. Is that really what he thought upset me so much? Being his mate? What a self absorbed asshole. Did he not realize that part of my freedom had just disappeared right in front of my fucking eyes. I sat in my truck in silence for a few moments trying to process what the fuck had just happened when I realized that I had basically abandoned Bella. I quickly pulled out my phone to call her when I saw a few text messages from her saying that she would be going home with Edward. Of course she was. I rolled my eyes at her naive tendencies, feeling relieved that she was okay. I then drove home without any music playing in the background to try and gather my thoughts. I decided that I wasn't going to worry about this anymore. Whatever was meant to happen would end up happening, so I might as well just see how everything played out. I was too tired to even attempt to take control of the situation so I'm leaving it completely up to fate.

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