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This chapter is a little boring in the beginning but BARE with me pls! It gets rlly good at the end!

Jasper and I have been inseparable since prom night and I honestly couldn't be happier. He even accompanied me to buy part of Bellas birthday gift in Port Angeles this past weekend, as well as came with me when I got my cast off. I literally didn't know how I managed to live a life that didn't include Jasper Hale. I unfortunately had a bit a free time now that Jasper was out hunting, but I've been using my time pretty wisely to paint a picture of a forest that Bella keeps having dreams about to give to her for her birthday tomorrow. I'm trying not to make a big deal about it, since Bella feels weird about growing old without Edward, but I literally can't help myself. I LOVED spoiling her with gifts.
Last weekend I bought her a pair of doc martens, so she wouldn't have to keep wearing those hideous chunky hiking boots all the time. I also bought her a few new t-shirts so she wouldn't have to keep rotating between the same three shirts throughout the week, as well as a new charm to add onto our matching charm bracelets that Charlie had bought us a few years ago for Christmas. I haven't taken mine off since. And now that I had all of these gifts wrapped up in my handmade wrapping paper, I was now working on all of her gifts that I planned on making by hand. For example, just yesterday Jacob had helped me with welding together a pretty jewelry box for her so she could store all of her charms. and now I was working on this painting of a forest for her, which I knew would be her favorite gift since she said that in her dream of the forest, her and Edward were usually in the process of getting married. Goddamn I was so fucking excited for her to see these. So excited, in fact, that the following night I didn't sleep at all thinking about celebrating Bella. She never made anything about herself and always put others needs before her own, which is why I loved spoiling her on her special day, because it was one of the only ways that I knew how to express my gratitude.
As soon as I saw the sun start to peek out through my curtains I ran into her room and set the presents by her bed, so that they would be the first things that she sees when she wakes up. She looked a little troubled in her sleep so I gave her a small kiss on the forehead to relax her facial expression before I quietly walked out the door.
         Due to the fact that I didn't catch a wink of sleep at night, my dumbass fell asleep on the couch while waiting for Bella to wake up and I completely missed her before she left for school. Now I wasn't going to be able to see her until later today at her birthday party that Alice was throwing for her at the Cullen's house. I was pretty upset until I noticed the pink sticky note on my forehead with the words 'thx for the gifts cami :) I love them!' written in Bella's handwriting. I smiled to myself and folded up the note to put it in my pocket so I could hang it up on my wall when I found the energy to venture back up to my room. I was so tired that I didn't even care enough to worry about Charlie getting mad at me for ditching school again. I had an A in all of my classes so I was completely fine with closing my eyes and drifting back off to sleep in that moment.
"Wake up, darlin," a voice softly whispered in my ear, unfortunately waking me up from what I thought was a short nap.
"Go away," I mumbled grumpily, refusing to open my eyes.
            "But if you don't get up, then you'll miss out on Bella's party." I immediately shot up from the couch and ran up the stairs to my room.
             "Why didn't you wake me up earlier you fucking idiot!" I exclaimed as I looked at the time on my phone. Bella's birthday party started in 20 minutes and I wasn't even ready. "I won't have any time to straighten my hair now!" I rushed around my messy room, trying to find a decent outfit to put on since apparently this party was meant to be 'formal' according to Alice.
             "I think it's impossible for you to not look beautiful, darlin," Jasper said not taking his eyes off of me as I changed into a random green midi summer dress. "You look especially gorgeous right now"
             "Well I happen to love it when my hair is pin straight," I murmured, "and you have to think I'm beautiful since I'm your mate you asshole. Who knows what I look like to the rest of society." Jasper beamed at me.
            "Wait," Jasper said with a smirk, "does that mean that you find me attractive?" I rolled my eyes at his question and attempted to ignore the growing blush on my cheeks as I strapped on my doc marten sandals.
              "I think I've shown you how attractive I think you are," I laughed, "but don't let it get to your head you dork, cause I find everyone attractive. Even Edward." Jasper's smile immediately fell from his face as I said this.
               "You think that Edward's hot?!?" Jasper exclaimed.
               "Of course I do," I replied as I grabbed his hand to pull him off of my bed and drag him out the door, "but it doesn't mean that I like him. Which is why you shouldn't think that me thinking your hot will lead to anything between us. I see you in a completely platonic way." Jasper grabbed my waist and pulled me towards him as we reached the bottom of the stairs. We were so close to each other that I could basically feel his hot breath fanning down my neck.
              "You're body says otherwise, Camila," he whispered seductively before he gave me a soft kiss right below my ear. I didn't really have anytime to react before he sped off out the door and probably towards his house. I was a completely flustered mess. I quickly snapped back into my senses, though, when I looked at the clock on the wall and realized that I was a good 5 minutes late to the party. I ran out of the house and into my truck where I drove as fast as I could over to the Cullen's house. However, it apparently wasn't fast enough because when I got there everyone apart from Edward and Bella were outside looking pretty upset and conflicted.
             "What the fuck happened?" I asked Alice as I rushed out of my truck.
              "Bella got a paper cut and Jasper lost control over the smell of her blood, which led to him attacking her," Alice sputtered out looking at me with a mix of worry and sympathy.
               "THE FUCK?!?!? IS BELLA FUCKING OKAY?!?" I yelled in as anxiety and fear instantly consumed me.
                 "Yes, Camila, Yes! Everyone's fine! Edward stopped Jasper before anything serious could happen!" exclaimed Alice causing me to let out a breath of relief.
                    "Okay, well then I'm assuming that there won't be a party anymore," I said trying to calm down my racing heart. Alice sadly nodded her head and I gave her a small side hug to comfort her before getting back into my truck. It was then where I saw a text from Bella saying that Edward was taking her home due to the incident and I decided that I should do the same. Even though Bella was okay I couldn't help but feel a pit in my stomach as if something bad was going to happen. I tried to push away the anxious feeling, but nothing seemed to help prevent my shaky hands.
              When I walked back into my room I saw Jasper standing in the middle of it with a pained expression on his face. He looked so broken in that moment that it caused me to run up and embraced him in a tight hug. He hugged me back and clutched onto my dress as if I was going to disappear once he let go.
              "Everything's okay Jasper," I whispered, "nobody got hurt and nobody blames you for what happened today."
                "But someone COULD'VE gotten hurt Camila," he told me, "which is why it's best for me to leave." This caused me to break apart from his grasp.
               "What are you talking about?" I asked him feeling my stomach twist from nerves.
              "I'm saying that I'm leaving, Camila. I talked it over with Edward and the rest of my family and we all decided that the only way to keep you and Bella safe would be for all of us to go away." I felt tears threaten to spill from my eyes at his confession but I refused to let him see me cry. Especially when he wanted to abandon me. "I can't imagine a world without you, but it would absolutely destroy me if I was the cause of your death, which is why I need to leave you alone for good." He looked at me for a minute, expecting me to say something in response to this but I refused. Besides, this had left me utterly speechless. How fucking could he?


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