The Record Vault

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January 1986
*One Week Later...*

The Record Vault

It had been a week since the show. I was back at work, which was at a record store called The Record Vault. After graduating, I was lucky enough to land this job.

It was a normal day. Customers in and out of the store. I usually loved being the one to put new records away and make sure everything is where it needs to be. As I was doing so, I heard the ding of the front door. From the corner of my eye, I saw two figures walk in. I didn't pay much attention and continued working. I then noticed the two figures walk up to one of my coworkers and friend, Susan. They began to talk, so I figured they were friends with Susan.

As I looked closer, I noticed the two guys were the ones from Soundgarden. It was their guitar player and the guy I kept thinking about. I quickly looked away and continued to work.

My boss then approached me and asked if I could work up front and cash people out. I head up front and begin to cash out the customers. The two guys walk up front with Susan and appeared to be cashing out. Susan takes the cash register next to me and helps out her friends.

"Hey Gabby. I want you to meet some friends of mine. This is Chris and Kim. Chris and Kim, this is the beautiful Gabby." Susan says.

I shyly give them both a smile. "Hello, Chris and Kim. I'm Gabby."

They return the smile. Then, Chris begins to speak.

"I don't mean to sound like a creep or anything, but haven't I seen you before?" Chris asks me.

"Smooth man." Kim says to Chris and laughs. Chris jokingly nudges Kim.

I giggle. "No, you're right. I was at Soundgarden's show last week at Top of the Court. You guys were amazing." I tell them.

"Thanks. We are still somewhat new to performing, so it's nice to hear that." Kim tells me.

As Susan was cashing them out, Chris and I kept exchanging looks, which caused me to blush. Then, Susan finished up cashing them out and hands them their items. I was about to walk away to finish up stocking when Chris approaches me.

"It was really nice meeting you Gabby. I hope to see you again." He says sweetly.

"It was nice meeting you too, Chris." I smile at him.

He smiles back and walks away with Kim.

I head back to the worker's lounge to hand out before ending my shift. Susan then joins me.

"So, when are you and Chris going out?" Susan asks me with a wink.

"What? You're crazy Susan. I just met the guy." I speak.

"Oh, come on. You two will make an amazing couple. I mean, your both shy and awkward as hell. It's a perfect match. Come on girl. The entire time you have been in Seattle you have been so fixated on work. You deserve some to have fun." Susan says.

"I appreciate the concern, Susan. But I don't need a guy to make me happy."

"Of course you don't. But it doesn't hurt to have one to play with." Susan says with a raised eyebrow.

I laugh at Susan. "Okay you horny weirdo."

Susan and I laugh together. I then look at the clock and see my shift is over.

"Well Susan, I better head home. Have a good day." I say and give Susan a hug, grab my things, and begin to head out.

"Bye girly. But seriously, think about what I was saying." Susan tells me as I head out.

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