Thrashin' All Around

37 2 0

January 1989

In December, Soundgarden began to record their next album at London Bridge Studio in Seattle. I had been focused on being able to help them with whatever they needed and working at the Record Store.

Today was Susan's birthday, and I decided to spend the day with her. I've felt so guilty on not acknowledging her as much, considering I've been so busy with my own life. Last time I spoke to her, I was comforting her after she and Jeff had called it quits. I was at home gathering up all the gifts I got her, including some of her favorite treats, some jewelry, balloons, and the biggest card I can find. I loaded it all in my truck and ran back inside to change. I decided to wear a dress Susan found at a thrift shop back when we first met. It was a black velvet maxi dress. I paired that with my Docs and wore my hair in curls. I did my makeup with a dark brown lip, mascara, and some black pencil eyeliner. I then quickly made my way over to her apartment pretty early in the morning. I knew she would be asleep and wake up grumpy. But I was hoping once she sees her gift, she would be happy and ignore the fact I ruined her sleep. 

I was at her house in no time and quickly made my way inside using the key she gave me. A nice older woman who I usually see when I visit Susan let me into the building. I quietly entered the key into the lock and set up all her gifts in the living room. I then made my way into Susan's room. I saw she was sleeping on her side, facing the wall. I quietly got in her bed and layed next to her, holding back my laughter. After a few seconds, Susan rolled over, eyes still closed. As I was about to wake her, she spoke. 

"Now why the hell are you here, let alone here so early." She said with a smirk and eyes still closed. I then jumped up on my knees and began to gently shake her. 

"It's your birthday, damnit!" I said laughing. She then gently fake punched my stomach and I jokingly fell over. 

"Ow I'm hit. Tell my mother I love her." I joke, closing my eyes. Susan gets up and throws a pillow at me. She makes her way into her living room, and I quickly get up, not wanting to miss her reaction. Susan being Susan completely didn't see the living room and went straight to her kitchen for water. 

"Seriously?" I tell Susan. Susan drinks a glass of water and gives me a confused and tired look. I then take her hand and show her the living room. 

"Ta-da!" I say. Susan gives me a hug and makes her way to her couch. I begin to hand her the bag of gifts and I made my way to her vinyl player. I played The Doors, and we sat together opening her gifts. 

"Gabby, you really didn't need to do all this. Especially at 6am." Susan says she tries on her earrings. 

"Of course I did. And in addition to this, we are spending the day together. Just you and I. Anything you want to do today, we will." As I said that, Susan turned to me and smiled. She then quickly got up and went to grab her purse. She reached her hand in and stopped, looking at me with a grin. 

"So today we do what I want, right?" I nod in reply and then Susan pulls out two tickets, handing me one. As I read over the tickets, I realized it was for a Metallica show, tonight and front row. I looked at Susan, my jaw dropping. 

"Susan! How did you even get these?" I said, still in shock. 

"My brother gifted it to me for my birthday. He originally got one ticket, but I convinced him I needed you to be there with me." She said, joining me on the couch again. 

"I know it's your birthday, but thanks for this Susan." I give Susan a tight hug and then she gets up from the couch. "Where are you going?" I asked Susan. 

"I am going back to sleep, and I suggest you do the same. We will need our energy for tonight." Susan says making her way back to her room. I laugh and kick off my boots. I made my way to Susan's bathroom and took off my makeup and will just do it again later. I then plopped down on the couch and fell asleep, tired from all the excitement. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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