Fools in Love

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June 1986

It was the day after the night Chris and I had our first kiss. I still had time off work and yet again, had no plans for the day. I was at home organizing all my old schoolwork in my room and heard the phone ringing from the kitchen. Susan is usually the only person to call me, but she was had to leave early this morning for a family emergency. I let the phone ring and decided to ignore it at first. That was until I heard the message. 

Hey this is Gabriella. Sorry I missed your call. Please leave a message at the beep, thank you.


Hey, Gabby, it's Chris. I got your number from Susan. Hope that's alright. Um, last night was great. I honestly can't stop thinking about you. Wow...that sounds creepy." Chris said with an awkward laugh. "Anyways, I was calling to see if you wanted to hang out, but seems like you're not home so..."

I immediately run into the kitchen and pick up the phone. "Hello, Chris?" I say, hoping he didn't hang up. 

"Gabby, hey. I was beginning to think I'd miss you." 

"Sorry about that, I was outside taking out the trash." I lied. "What were you calling about?" I say, twirling the cord around my finger. 

"I was wondering if you were free today to hang out. You know, maybe go out to eat and stuff." Chris says with a gentle laugh. 

"I'd love to. Where do you want to meet?"

"I can go pick you up at your house, if you'd like." 

"Sounds like a plan. See you soon." I say, smiling to myself. 

"See you soon, Gabby." 

I hang up the phone and rush to get ready. I took a shower and did a quick blowout on my hair. I put on a dark maroon dress with a thin black long sleeve under. I didn't care if it was summer, I will always wear dark colors. I then did my makeup and laced up my Docs. Before Chris arrived, I quickly cleaned the house and organized stuff. When I was about done cleaning, I hear a knock at the door. I quickly shove my broom in the closet and go to answer the door. 

I open the door to see Chris, yet again him taking my breath away. He wore a sleeveless shirt with a fun pattern, denim jeans, and converse. His beauty was so effortless. He was downright the cutest boy I have ever seen. 

"Hello." He says cutely. 

"Hello." I say smiling at him. "Would you like to come in?" I say stepping aside to let him in. 

He smiles at me and walks inside, stopping to take a quick glance around. "This is a nice little place you have here." 

"Thats sweet of you to say. Would you like something to drink, water, coffee, tea?" I offer. 

He nods and I walk him toward my small kitchen. He leans on the counter as I went to pour him a glass of water. As I had my back towards him, I felt as if his eyes were on me the entire time. I turn around and hand him his water. 

"You look beautiful today." He says right at I approached him. 

Yet again, I couldn't really say much except to smile at him. Oddly, compliments have always made me uncomfortable. But coming from him, it warmed my heart. 

"So, what do you have planned for us today?" I say in attempt for him to not notice my awkwardness. 

"You are just going to have to wait and see." He says as he smiles and places the glass down on the counter. 

"Really, we are keeping secrets now?" I say sarcastically.

"No secrets, just a surprise." He says as he gently gives my hand a tap. 

Seasons- Chris CornellWhere stories live. Discover now