Martinez Management

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October 1986

The past couple of months have been the best in my life. Chris and I had been spending as much time together as we could. Soundgarden was only getting better and more known. I have also recently earned my state license to manage bands. Being half Native American on my mother's side, my tribe has given me some per capita payments and I saved money from working to rent out a building in Seattle that would serve as my office. I began to work less hours to focus on trying to manage bands. But I kept the job as a backup and I still needed income, of course. Now all that I needed was a band. Lately, I have just been helping Soundgarden here and there. But I never had the intention to manage them. I just feared my relationship with Chris would interfere. 

I was at my house getting ready for a small party some of Chris' friends were putting together. Chris was excited because he was able to finally introduce me to some of his friends. Susan was gone longer than I expected for her family emergency but returned earlier this month. Besides seeing her at work, tonight's party was the first time I get to actually hang out with her since she came back. 

I decided to keep my makeup simple this night and just did some mascara and lip balm. I decided to wear a black dress with long lace sleeves that had flares at the end of them. I kept my hair natural, wearing it down. Knowing it would be chilly, I decided to grab a flannel just in case. I put on my suede wristbands that Chris had made me not long ago. I sat on the couch lacing up my Docs when I heard a knock at the door. I headed over to open the door and was met with a smiling Chris. 

"Hey there beautiful." Chris says, leaning in to gently kiss me. "You ready to head out?" 

"Hell, yeah I'm ready." I say giving him a smile. "Let's go." 

Chris then takes my hand, and we walk to the car. Once we got in, we immediately drove off. I didn't know much about this party and who would be there. All that I was told was that the guys hosting the party decided to have it out at Alki Beach. 

Once we got there and parked the car, I quickly spotted Susan standing next to Mia. As Chris and I got out the car, Susan wasted no time and ran over to hug me, knocking me over. 

"Girly, oh how I've missed you!" Susan says as we both attempted to sit up from the fall.

"I can see that." I say to Susan. We both giggle and help each other off the ground. 

"Careful there Susan. Don't want you hurting my girl." Chris says as he walks up and places his arm around my shoulder. Susan laughs and walks back to Mia. Chris and I then began to make our way onto the beach. There were some fires set up and people sat around on logs. Chris led me to one of the fires and we sat down on one of the logs. 

The group of guys looked up and smiled at Chris. Chris leaned in and was bumping fists with the guys. As we were about to sit down, Susan and Mia came by to take their seats. 

"So, Chris. You going to introduce us to this beauty here or what?" Says one of the guys. 

"Gabby, these are my friends. These are Mark, Jeff, and Stone." Chris says, draping his arm around my waist. 

"Hello there boys. It's good to meet you all." I say, shyly smiling at them. 

"It's good to meet you too. It's nice to put the face to the name of the girl Chris goes on and on about." Stone says, gently nudging Chris. Chris and I look at each other and laugh a little. The boys and I chat and have some good laughs. 

"So, Chris mentioned you are now a band manager. That's cool. It's great to know there is someone who wants to help the loser like us." Jeff says with a laugh. 

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