This is Shangrila

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September 1988

Chris and the rest of the band had returned home from recording Ultramega OK and were just waiting for the final mixes to be done and planned to release their debut album in late October. When Chris got home, he realized that living with Hiro just wasn't working out for the both of them anymore. He had since moved in with his one of his older brothers, Peter. After some time, Peter decided to head on out as well. Chris had been trying to decide who he can ask to move in with him to pay for the house. Chris had invited me over to the house he and Peter were sharing. 

I pulled up to the house, which was a beautiful blue house on Capitol Hill that overlooked the I-5. I parked and began to walk up the cement steps and right when I reached the top of the wooden porch, Chris had swung the door open with a goofy smile. 

"Hi." He said cutely as he leaned on the door frame. I smiled at him as he leaned in an placed a warm kiss on my cheek. He then took my hand and walked me inside. When I walked in, there were boxes stacked around the place. He walked me over to the couch and I plopped down. The couch was right in front of a window that overlooked the Puget Sound. Not only that, but you were also able to see the Space Needle. What made it look even more beautiful was the September rain fall outside. Chris had walked down the hall and into one of the bedrooms. I sat and looked outside, being washed with the smell of rain. I started to hear Chris walk back and I turned my attention back to him. Next to him was someone who looked very similar to him. 

"Gabby, this is my brother Peter. He is just here to get the rest of his things." I got up from the couch and walked over to shake Peter's hand. 

"Well, it's very nice to meet you, Peter." I said giving him a smile. 

"Nice to meet you to. Great to meet the person my little brother goes on and on about." Peter says as Chris playfully punches his arm. I laughed and then Chris and I went to go sit on the couch as Peter headed back into his room. When we sat down, Chris placed his hand on my leg as we both sat looking outside at the rain. 

"Have you figured out who to call and ask about living here?" I asked. 

He looks at me and gives me a little smile. "I was hoping I would be able to live alone, but the money I'm making as a line cook doesn't really cut it." He says with a sigh. I take his hand as he began to lay his head on my shoulder. 

"I know it's all stressful now. But trust me, you'll find someone soon." I said and gently kiss the top of his head. 

"I was actually going to call Stone today and ask him. I'm sure by now he may be a little sick of living with his parents." Chris says sitting back up. 

"Well, what are you waiting for?" I said gently nudging him. Chris then rolled over me to make his way to the phone, purposely putting all his weight down on me for a second. I laughed and then I moved over so he can sit down and call Stone. After a few seconds, Stone picked up the call. 

"Hey, Stone! It's Chris." I couldn't hear what Stone was saying, so I was mostly relying on Chris' expressions. "Yeah, I was wanting to ask if you're up for becoming my roommate. Peter decided to move out, so I need someone to help out." I look at Chris and give a look of curiosity. 

"Oh, really? Well, that's fine man, I get it. Send your parents my regards." Chris says, hanging up the phone with a sigh. 

"I'm guessing he said no?" I said taking Chris' hand in mine. He kisses the back of my hand and walks over to the kitchen, grabbing a beer bottle. As he was in the kitchen, the phone rang again. "Could you get that for me, love." Chris says. I moved over on the couch and picked up the phone. "Hello, this is Gabriella." 

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