Queen of the Rodeo

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May 17, 1988

Soundgarden was still in Oregon working on their debut album. I've been having back and forth phone calls with them in order to make sure everything is going smoothly. I tried to go to Oregon and then back to Seattle, but that became too much of a hassle. So, I figured it was best I just stayed in Seattle. But I had begun to occupy myself for the time being and look to possibly manage some new bands. I recently helped Jeff and Stone get settled with their new band, Mother Love Bone, but I didn't sign on as their manager.  

I worked another early shift at the record store and decided to go to a cafe before heading on home. It was a nice summer day, so I parked my truck behind the shop and decided to walk to the cafe, considering it wasn't far. I entered the cafe, and the nice waiter walked me over to a booth at the corner of the shop. I came to this place often and loved the window seats. I sat down and ordered some tea and a pastry. The waiter was quick to return, and I sat there, watching the people of the city go about their days. As I was sitting in the cafe, I heard a couple enter the shop, giggling away. When I looked up, I saw it was the girl from the vintage clothing shop I first went to back in March, Demri. She was with a tall guy with dark wavy hair, wearing a Motorhead tee. I've been to the store more often and always just had small talk with Demri. But I had the feeling we were slowly becoming friends. She would also come into the Record Vault and just chat with me and the other workers. As I was looking in their direction, Demri noticed me and waved. I waved back and saw that she grabbed her boyfriend's hand and began to walk in my direction. 

"Hey, Gabby! Nice to see you out of the shop." Demri says with a giggle. 

"It's nice to see you too. Please, both of you, sit. I don't need this whole booth to myself." I say, giving them a smile. The guy gives me a shy smile and he and Demri take a seat. The waiter comes and takes their orders and rushes off to get their things. 

"Gabby, this is my boyfriend, Layne." Layne offers his hand and I gently shake his hand. "Nice to meet you, Layne. I'm Gabby." 

"Gabby? You're the girl Demri has been fascinated with, huh?" He says gently nudging Demri. 

"Fascinated? Why I'm flattered." I say giving them a smile and giggle. The waiter returns with their orders, and we began to chat some more. 

"You said your name is Gabby, right?" Layne says, sipping his drink. 

"Well, it's Gabriella. But most people find it easier to just call me Gabby. Why do you ask?"

"You wouldn't happen to be Gabriella Martinez? The music manager?" Layne says with his eyebrows gently furrowed.

"Actually I am. How did you know that?" I say, setting down my cup of tea. 

"Well, I've heard your name bouncing around. I love Soundgarden. One of the best bands I've seen." Layne says with a sincere smile. 

"Wait, you manage bands? You didn't mention this when we had our little chats." Demri says, gently wrapping her arm around Layne's. I nod and give her a smile, wiping some pastry crumbs off my hands. Demri then leans into Layne's ear and whispers something, giving me a huge smile. Layne smiles at her then gives me a look of consideration. Layne then clears his throat and gives me a smile. 

"Have you considered maybe taking on a new band?" Layne says with a look of concentration. 

"That depends. Who do you have in mind?" 

Demri then reaches into her purse and hands me flyer. I read over the flyer, and it read "Alice in Chains". Reading the name, I raised a brow and smiled at it. I look up from the flyer and give them both a smile. 

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