Smokestack Lightning

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March 1988  

Newberg, Oregon

The past year has been an unbelievable year for not only me, but for Soundgarden. Jonthan Poneman had gone through and made Sub Pop a record label. Kim had introduced him to Bruce Pavitt, who was a radio host and a huge fan of the music scene in Seattle. The two instantly hit it off and created Sub Pop. With the help of Sub Pop, Soundgarden was able to release their first EP, called Screaming Life. After the release, I got a call at my office one day from someone at SST Records, an independent label from California. Turns out they attended one of Soundgarden's show and liked what they saw. After talking with the band, they agreed on signing to SST. I still had my job at the Record Vault to still earn money to save up on. But I am so blessed that my boss has been nothing but understanding on what I was trying to achieve. So, they have allowed me time off to help the band. 

Now, the guys have been working on recording a full-length debut album. We've been kind of back and forth between Seattle and Oregon for the recording of the album. It's been great most of the times, but I have noticed that the band and one of the producers haven't been on the same page. The producer was given by SST and honestly didn't understand the music of Seattle. 

"I don't want to start anything man, but this just isn't the sound we are going for." Chris says to the producer. The producer and Chris continue to go back and forth, and the other band members join in. I sort of felt bad for the guy. I understand he was just trying to do his job. But I felt his approach to the band and constant need to be right was not going to get him anywhere.

I was sitting back taking notes of the recording sessions when Chris walks out of the booth and slams the door. He storms past me and walks outside. I look at the other guys and they all sit and sigh. I put down my notes and grabbed my jacket, and Chris', and went to go check on him. I walked out and was hit by a cold wind. It was overcast and rain was gently sprinkling. I put on my jacket and went to go find Chris. I eventually found Chris sitting on the stairs that went along the side of the building smoking a cigarette. I walked up to him and sat down next to him. I draped his jacket over his shoulders and gave him a smile. 

"You okay? You got me a little worried when you stormed out." I say, giving him a half smile. 

Chris sighed and put out his cigarette. "I'm good. Just a little stressed out, I guess. It's just that things have been changing so fast. I'm grateful and everything, believe me. But I miss doing what we wanted to do." 

I take his hands in mine, and he leans his head on my shoulder, the sprinkling rain still falling on us. 

"I know you guys have been thrown into this new world really fast. And I won't lie, it's going to be hard sometimes. You're going to work and meet with people who you loathe. But I need you to remember why you're doing this. Chris, your love for music is the strongest thing I have ever seen. It makes you glow. Now, I don't want to make you do something if you truly hate it. You boys give me the word and I'll see what I can do." 

Chris picks his head up and looks at me. He gives me a warm kiss and smiles at me. "I think I'll be okay. I really appreciate you being here to hear me whine." Chris says with a little laugh. He then takes a deep breath and stands up, offering his hand to me. I take his hand and we both walk back inside the studio. 

I sit down on the couch next to Kim as Chris heads back to talk to the producer and apologize. 

Kim turns to me and offers a smile. "I see you helped him sort out his feelings." 

"He didn't need me for that. He just needed someone to remind him how important the band's work is." I say, smiling back at Kim. 

"Well, we really do appreciate you being here and helping us through this hell." Kim says with a laugh. 

After putting aside their differences, the band and the producer began to effectively work together the rest of the day. I hated seeing everyone clashing with each other. I was happy that they were able to stop the tension and work together to make a great album. 

*A week later* 

I had returned to Seattle by myself in order to get back to work at the Record Vault. Before I left, I told the band members to call me if they find themselves having troubles with the producer. I even told the producer to just give them time to adjust and just try to be understanding of what they wanted to do. 

I was working with Susan today, which made me really happy, considering I haven't had much time to see her the past couple of months. I was out on the floor putting away some new records the store had gotten when Susan walks up to me and sits on the counter next to me. 

"So, Ms. Music Manager, Jeff tells me you and the band have been doing good and making things happen." She says tapping her foot to my hip. 

"It's going a hell of a lot better than I expected, I'll tell you that." I say, putting an empty crate down. 

"Well, considering you are doing good and have Soundgarden set, maybe you should work with another band?" Susan says, giving me a wink. 

I grab the stack of empty crates and begin to walk up to the store's second floor, Susan following behind. "What are you talking about Susan?" I say as we both walked up the stairs. 

"It just so happens Jeff and Stone are going to start a new band. You know, since they broke it off with Green River." Susan says, walking ahead of me to open the door to the little storage room where the crates are kept. She and I then walk down to the store, and we sit behind the front counter. 

"That's amazing that they landed back on their feet since the band break up. But how does this involve me?" I tell Susan. 

"You can manage them, girly. You've done so well helping Soundgarden, why not share the sunshine?" 

I look at Susan and giggle. "I appreciate you being proud of me, but I don't want to do it out of favoritism, you know." Susan looks at me and gives me a sarcastic frown and begins to fake cry. I giggle and sigh. "But since I like you, I'll make you a little offer. Tell Jeff that I'm interested. And if they feel I am the right one they want, I'll do it. Deal?" I say to Susan, holding out my hand. 

Susan aggressively shakes my hand and giggles. "Deal, girly." Susan and I sit there and laugh. More customers began to walk in, so we started getting back to work. 

I worked another early morning to afternoon shift and clocked out around 3pm. Since it was still pretty early, I decided to go and look around at some vintage clothing stores. I arrived at a store called Saturdays and was greeted by a girl behind the counter. "Hello, welcome in. Let me know if I can help you with anything." She said with a huge smile. I smiled back at her and began to look around. I was there for a couple of minutes and found some great maxi skirts and long-sleeved tops. 

I approached the counter and set my things down as the girl began to cash me out. "Wow, these are beautiful. I know these will look amazing on you." She says giving me a smile. I smiled back and sort of observed her as she was bagging my items. She had gorgeous curly brown hair and pale skin. She also had great style. She was just beautiful. I looked down at her name tag and it read Demri. Even her name was beautiful. I pay for my stuff, and she handed me my items. I usually was not someone to talk much with others, but something about her made me want to know her. 

"I'm Gabby, by the way." I say and hold out my hand to shake. 

"I'm Demri." She says, giving me another beautiful smile and shakes my hand. She was shorter than me, so I noticed her on her toes to lean over the counter. 

I smiled at her began to walk out. I headed to my truck and put my things down on the passenger side and headed home. 

When I got home, I noticed I had a message on my machine. I headed over to go play the message as I sat on the couch. 

Hey Gabby, it's Jeff here. Susan told me you were interested in helping out Stone and me. I can't tell you how much we appreciate it. Anyways, our new band plans to have our first show in July. So, whenever you are available, come talk to us to catch up. Again, thank you. 

I smile to myself and laugh a little on how fast Susan talked to Jeff. After putting away the new clothes I bought, I immediately changed and headed to bed. The moment I closed my eyes, I fell quickly asleep. 

Seasons- Chris CornellWhere stories live. Discover now