Sub Pop Rock City

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February 14, 1987

The past couple months have been hectic, yet very exciting. Ever since I decided to help out Soundgarden as their manager, I have nothing but busy. Lately I have been managing Soundgarden and working at the record store. And honestly, I've never felt better about the way my life is going. 

Tonight, The Central Tavern was having a Valentines Show, and Soundgarden were immediately invited to join. The boys have come to love performing at The Central. I had decided to take this opportunity to do more research for the boys. They were loved so much already around Seattle, without a doubt. But I figured it would do some good to ask around to those in the crowd on their opinions on Soundgarden. After the release of the Deep Six album last year, which featured Soundgarden, so many new people have been coming to their shows. 

I was the one who was going to pick up Chris for the show. We had been together for a while now, but this is the first time I would be seeing where he lives. All that I know was that he was crashing with Hiro, for the time being. 

I quickly got dressed and threw on a Black Sabbath tee and my denim jacket I had sewn on a Soundgarden patch and drew on my own version of some Ratfink art. I had also worn some black denim jeans and of course, my Docs. I threw on some dark red lipstick and mascara quickly brushed my hair. I locked up my house and jumped into my truck and drove to the address Chris had given me. 

I got to the house and gently knocked on the door. I noticed there was no car in the driveway, so I thought maybe Chris and Hiro had already taken off. As I was about to turn around, the door flings open and then there is a smiling Chris. 

"Hello there beautiful!" Chris says as he hugs me while lifting me up at the same time. 

"Woah, hello there!" I say taken by surprise. Chris gently places me down and kisses me on the lips. We both hold it for a while, eventually breaking the kiss to catch our breaths. Chris wore a black tank top, denim jeans, and Docs just like mine. 

"Come on in, I'm almost ready." Chris says, moving aside to let me in. I walk into the house, and it was honestly a bit neater than I expected from two boys. "Hiro left early to go pickup his girlfriend for the show." Chris says. Chris then gently takes my hand, leading me to his room. "Close your eyes for a moment." Chris says with a goofy smile. 

"Wait, why?" I say with a gentle laugh and confused look. 

"Oh, come on, don't you trust me?" Chris says. I giggle and sarcastically roll my eyes and close them. Chris then leads me to his room and sits me on his bed. "Alrighty hold out your hands." He says. Still with my eyes closed, I raised one eyebrow and put out my hand. I then feel Chris place something small in my hands and sit next to me on the bed. "You can open your eyes now." Chris whispers in my ear, tickling me. I open my eyes and I am stunned. It was a ring. 

"Happy Valentines Day, Gabby!" Chris says cutely. The ring was silver and had a "I love you" engraved on the inside. I immediately hug Chris, taking him by surprise. 

"I guess this means you like it." Chris says, still hugging me. 

"I love it!" I say. I look at Chris and kiss him. I then look back at the ring and put it on. As I was looking at the ring, Chris gently turns my face towards him, my dark eyes lost in his beautiful bright eyes. 

"Gabby...I love you." He says, our eyes still making intense contact. I begin to feel my eyes water from tears of joy. Chris uses his thumb to gently wipe away a tear that escaped from my eye. I kiss him and touch my forehead to his. "I love you too, Chris." I say. I felt Chris move one hand onto my lower back. His other hand interlocked with my hand I had placed the ring on. We smile at each other and begin kissing again. Chris then leans on me and gently lays me on the bed. We lay there making out slowly. I gently ran my fingers through his soft, thick curls. I was beginning to feel so nervous, considering I hadn't told Chris one important thing about my love life and past experiences. But just as I began to feel more comfortable, the phone rang in the living room. Chris looks at me then smiles. "This isn't over." I laugh and Chris helps me up from the bed. Chris heads to answer the phone. I head to the bathroom to make sure my makeup didn't get messed up. I return to Chris in the living room, and he had just hung up the phone. 

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