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"Your wife?" Sanjana asked grabbing their attention.

"Yeah, Mrs.Priya Ram Kapoor" He said proudly and kissed her temple.

Priya blushed biting her lip while Sanjana gave a smile "Nice to meet you priya"

"Nice to meet you too mam" Priya said timidly and Sanjana frowned "Mam?"

"Um, today is my first day at your place. I had applied for the job as a trainee.."

"Oh, Priya Sharma? Is that you?"


"Correction, she's a Kapoor now" Ram interrupted and looked down at priya with "I'll appreciate if you use Ram Kapoor with your name jaan"

Priya bit her lip and nodded at him.

"Wow, Ram I never expected you would marry!" Sanjana laughed making Priya frown "Why so? And how do you know each other?"

"Ram you didn't tell her?"

"Well baby, Sanjana and I studied together in college.." Ram said and priya gasped "You didn't tell me that you knew her.."

"It's just that..."

"Oh come on, I'll tell you what bond we had priya.. let's go in now?"

Priya nodded and looked at ram. Sanjana said "Ram you too join in, let's catch up, it's been a long time"

"Um I've an important meeting, next time" Ram gave her a smile and Sanjana nodded walking away to the building.

Ram looked at priya and cupped her face before saying "Jaan, you were so happy last night that's why I couldn't tell you anything then"

She looked around his eyes "What happened? What is it?"

"We were kinda physical at times back then.." Ram bit his lip and priya felt her heart crushing somewhere with this news.

Her face fell and Ram instantly said "Hey, it was all just casual and I regret it now. I love you jaan and you know that right?"

Priya slowly nodded "I understand.."

Ram gave her a small smile and kissed her forehead deeply with "Take care and keep checking your phone every half an hour, I'll be missing you a lotttt"

Priya lightly chuckled at his craziness making him smile. He pecked her lips and bid her goodbye half heartedly.

Priya made her way to the studio and soon was introduced to everyone and then was allotted her work of the day.

By lunch, she got 10th text from ram with a missing you message and another message asking if she ate lunch.

Priya shook her head chuckling and typed back

- "Will have now. What about you big baby?"

- "Big baby? Want  some demo
on how big a baby I'm?🌚

- "Behave"

- "I want to pin you under me right now🥵"

- "Bye gtg"

- "Ouch! That's an insult to my love💔"

Priya felt heat rushing up her cheeks and she quickly put her phone down knowing well that her husband is crazy and shameless af!!!

Sanjana came up to her and smiled "So ram did tell that we were best buddies in college?"

Priya nodded with a small smile and Sanjana chuckled "Relax, it was just a one-two time thingy with ram. He was never ever serious about anyone until now... I see why he loves you very much"

The Possessive Husband😩♥️Where stories live. Discover now